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� �.- w - — � <br /> ��� �_ <br /> � "��t <br /> � � � � 1��� ����! )� ���' � ��� �� o � o <br />�� � � ��__ ������.� � ��� ��� <br /> ,_ __ - __ __ <br /> : __ � -- ____ ___ _- <br /> _ � __ __ _ _ ___ <br />, �_ -__ .._ ____ _ _______ _________ ___ _______ ____ ____ __ _- ______ __ ! _ <br /> QUIT GLAIM DEED. v `h�. <br /> Know all Men by These Pre sent s: That Thorwald J.Hansen and P.ertha �1.Hansen � hi s <br />-• vrife, and John H.p�Hara and Fannie �i.O�Hara, his �rife, of the Coun�y of Hall and ctate of rTebra�kka <br /> for thc; consideration of T��vo Hundred and Ninety Dollars, hereby Quit-claim and convay unto H.H. <br /> Glaver af the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, all_ of our right, titls, and interest of <br /> whatsoever ratura, in ar�d to the folloti�ving ciescribed real estate, situa�ed in the County of Hall <br /> and State of Plebraska, to-�rit : Cc�mmencing at a noint where the Nest line of the County road <br /> running North ar,d South through the �outhwest quarter and the Southerlp partof the Ptorthwest <br /> 'quarter of Section Twenty One (G1}, in Township Eleven (11), 23:�rth of Range Nine (�), �est, inter- <br /> sects with the South line of Anna Street in the City of rrand Island, running thence, Southwest- <br /> erly� along the Southerly line af said Anna Street, about 208 �eet ta the center line of Logan <br /> Street�'�'�hence, Southerly parallel �vith the centex line of Lo�an Street, about 450 feet to a <br /> noint �rhere said line ir.tersects with ±he �est line of said County road thence, Nor+h� along the <br /> �Vest line of said County road, to the place of be�inning, the intention being to'convey that <br /> � <br /> , portion of the premises d°scribed above, convQyed to said Thorwald <J.Hansen by William F.Rooney <br /> � ' and wife b deed recoxded in Esook 4'7 at Pa e 519 of the Records of Hall Count Iv'ebraska said <br /> � Y , � � 3r> > <br /> - , premises bein� and lying �Pest of said County road. <br /> In �Jitness Nnereof, :ve riave i,.ereunto set ouf hands this 31st day of December 1912 . <br /> Tharwald J.Fiansen <br /> `- �ITNESS: <br /> Bertha �f.Hansen <br /> . F.J.Cleary <br /> John H.O�Hara <br /> Chas. G.Ryan. ' <br /> Fannie �.O�Hara <br />^ i St at e of Alebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ! Hall County. ( On this 31" day, of Decem'oer A.D.1912 before me, ths undersigr.ed, a <br /> i <br /> - '; Notary Public in and far said County, personally came, Thorwald J .Hansen and Bertha N.Hansen, <br /> hi� wife, and JOhn H.O�Hara and Fannie bi.0'Fiara, his wife, �rho are personally kno�n to me to be <br /> !� the identical per.�ons wriose names are affixed to the above instru�:ent as grantora, and they sev- <br /> li <br /> ' erally acknawledged the �aid instrumer_t to be their �Toluntary act and deed. <br /> ��. <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial �eal, the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) Chas. r.Ryan. <br /> - ' �iy cam�nission ex�ires F�by 1" 1Q13 Notary Public . <br /> , ;' Filed for record Jar.Llary 2$� 1913 at 2 .45 o 'clock P.�i. <br /> ii <br /> ' Register of D ds <br /> �; -o-o-o-c-a-c�-o-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-o-o-c-o-c-a-o-�-c-o-o-o-�-c-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-�-c�-o-o-n-o- o_�_c,_,-_�_ <br /> , '' �UIT CLAIM DEED.`� <br /> Knoav all �en by �hese Presenta: TY�at I Nicholas �,�.Deraue ( widower) of the <br /> County of Hall and State of Ne�raska for tne consideration of Gne Dollar and natural love and <br /> ' affection, iiereby �uit Claim and canvsy unto �Pilliam E.Depue, of the County of xall and :tate of <br /> - ' Nebraska, all of our right, title and interest of �vhatsoever nature, in and to the following <br /> descri'�ed Real Lstate, situated in the County of Ha11 and State of T�?ebraska, to-urit : <br /> ' Fractional Lots Six and Seven ( 6 and 7 ) in T`ractional Block -Three (3) in Kernohan anci • <br /> -, Dec ker � s Addit i on t o the C ity of rr and I sland, idebraska. <br /> In Nitness �Pnereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 6" day of August 1912 . <br /> , NIT�.TESS: Nicholas 1�.Depue <br /> T .G.C.Harrisor_ <br /> ' State o� Ne'pras.K� { <br /> : ss <br /> ��all County ( On this 6" day �4uoust A.D.1912 before me, the undersigr.ed, a Notary Public <br /> ' in and for said C�unty, �ersonally carre rdicholas tvi.Depue who is �ersonally �nown to me to be t:�e <br /> � <br /> Ir, - 1 <br />