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_ , _ �; <br /> �;,�� <br /> � ;� -��—��� ' � � � � �' 0 ° �� � 0 � o � <br /> ����� ��.�J��� ���p� ��Jo � <br /> _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _^ � _ _ _ _. _ -_ �__ _ �_ _ _ __ <br /> 5$288—State 7ournal Company,@lank Book �iakers, StAtioners snd Printere, Lincoln, N0b _ _ __ _ _ _ Y __ __ <br /> �_ . .. .��___.. __.. . . . .. .. __ <br /> �.. <br /> -_— .--. _-_ ._- -__— . _— -------- - —=— <br />-- � -' -�pecial 7�arranty Deed.� - ! <br /> Know alI lY�er. by These Presents, That �illiar.� E.Sampson and Ella F.Sam;�son <br /> 'r�vsband anu v�ife of the Caunty of Hall� ar.d State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of , <br /> Cne Dollar and other Valuable Considerations DOLLARS in 'riand �aid by S.F.i�cCaffree of Scott� <br /> �luff County, State of Nebraska, do hereby sell and convey unto the s�id S.F .McCaffree the foll- <br /> awirg described premises, situatsd in hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> Comrnencing a� the South East Corner of the T?.� .4 of S.E .-,� of Section 10, Township 11. North <br /> Ftan�e 9. `�ifest and runnin� Straight iV'orth to a point TNhare this line would intersect the Southerly <br /> line of Fourth Street c�f the City of Grand Island if the said Fau�th St�eet tNas extended in an - <br /> Easterly c�irection to the said pc�int, thence in a Nesterly direction along the Southerly line of <br /> said Street if sa extendea at the same width to Con�dnn Avenue of Lamberts Addition tU the said <br /> Cit Thence in a South Easterl direction alon the Easterly line of the said Con don Avenue <br /> Y Y � � . <br /> � <br /> if Extended to a point ��rhare the said 5treet would intersect the li�ne seperating the North half ` <br /> of said quarter Section from the South half thait�. of Ther.ce �traight east to place of beginning . <br /> The intention nereby being to Convey vvhat was all of Fractional Black No.20 in Lamberts Addition <br /> tc� the City of G-rand Island as shativn by the record Plat thereof which Plat as to the Lands , <br /> he:�ein Convayad since such recorcling been vacated. ' _ <br /> to�ether with all a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and 7Uilliam F.Sam�son and Ella F.Sampsoln � <br /> herevy covenant trlat the said prezi�ises are free and clear fl•oM all liens anc� encumbrances excent <br /> Taxes anci we coverant to warrant and defend the saicz premises against any acta of said �parties <br /> of tne first part . <br /> Anci the said Ella F.Sa.m�?�on hereby relinquishes all her ri,ght of dower in and to the above <br /> described r?xemises. <br /> Si�ned this 2nd day of January� A..D.1�13 ' <br /> In Presence of �Villiam E.Sar�pson - <br /> _ <br /> J. T.Ste���ard. Ella F.Sar�P�on <br /> St�te of r4ebraska ( : <br />�'� : ss <br /> Hall County. ( Gn this 7 day of .7anuary A,D. 1913, bef ore me the tm dersigned J.T.Stewar�d � <br />; , <br /> a �totary Pt�blic, c�uly comrrkissioned and ryualified for ar�d residing in said County, �ersonally cam�e <br /> 7Gilliam E.S�.mPson and Ella F,Sarl�son, his wife to me known to be the identical persons �vhos� names <br /> are affixed to the foregoing conveyance as �rantor� and acknowl�clged the execution of the same --� <br />; to r�e thair valuntary act anci deed. <br /> r� � <br /> Nitness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Iast above �vritten. � <br /> �SEAL) �T .T.Stedvard <br /> I �y comr�ission expires the 22 day of April 191� . Notary Publie . , <br /> Fiieci f or racord January 25, 1913 at 1 0' clock P.;yi. � <br /> . <br /> Re�;ister of Deed <br /> , �,.,e <br /> —O—Q—U—._:—C;—O—U—O—O—O—C�—Q—O—G—O—O—O—Q—O—G—G—O—O—O—U—U—O—O—O—C—O—O—C—C—Q—O—O—Q—O—O—O—O— O—O—O—O <br /> ii <br />'� <br /> i <br />� <br />��� � <br /> , <br /> ' <br />. 1. _ __ _ „ <br />