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� ��;� <br /> � <br /> y� �� � <br /> ����',�D ? � ° �J, '� °�'I�� �� ��� ��`0 <br /> �—J—._� �.,--�J�J ��_� _� ��.J _._, �__�.� , <br /> -----—_.^_—_------- --�� = _ _ --- -��_--- -- -- - <br />�_—_ _ __, ___ _ _ _---- _ <br /> Ev+��$$-State Jonrnal Company, T33�ink'�TOOk Slalcers, Stationer5 aud Pcintera, LinebIn, fteb. ' - ���-�-`� �- �---- ��W� �_ �_� <br /> _ y j __ _�_ _ _�. _ __ . <br /> Subscxibed in m �resence and s�rorn to before me this 20t ~v ` <br />� h c�ay of Sept, A.D. 1912 . <br /> (SE AL} C.�d.Quac ke nbush <br /> 1�iy commission e��ires Feb, 4� 1917. � Notary Public . <br /> Publieation Fea . . . . .�:3.00 <br /> To Anna Fi.sele, and to the owner of Lat num�ber four (4} in Block number One (1} in Harrison' s <br /> su�c�ivision in th:; City of �rand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> You are hereby notified that on the 6�h day of January, A,D.1911, I purchaseci at private <br /> tax sale of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Net�raska, the following described real estate, <br /> far the unpaid and delinr�uent taxes on said preuiises, for the years 19U0, 1901, 1902, 1903� 1904� � <br /> 1905, T306, 1�07, 1�u8, 19t�9, to-z�rit : Lot number four (4) in Block number Cne (1) in Harri�on' s sub- <br /> division of the South �Pest quarter (S.7V .�) of the South East quarter (S.E.�) of �ection number <br /> eioh� (8) in township num�er °leven (11)Nor�h of Range nine (9) �est of the 6th P.I�.in the City <br /> of �rand .'Island, Hall County, Ne'oraska, tha� I have naid the delinquent taxes accrued=. un said <br /> rreznises and that the tim_e for redem�+tion from said t�x sale expires with the 6th day of January � <br /> A.D.1913, tnat said �nrer.�ises v�ere assessed in the name of Anna Eisele, and that after the exnir- <br /> ation of tizree monti�s of the service of this notice a tax deed ta said r�reraises will be anr�lied � <br /> f or. Thi s 5th day of c.ept emk�er A.D.1912 . <br /> Ctf . '7627 . F.O.Peterson <br /> County Treasurer' s Certific�te of Tax Sale . <br /> �0.7� ��, <br /> The State of �Tepraska ( <br /> : �s <br /> hall County. ( I� Theo P.Boehm Treasurer of the Gounty of Hall� in the State of <br /> ideuraska, clo nereby certify that the following described R�al Estate in said County and Sta�e, <br /> to-;�it : Lot four (4) in block or.e (1) in Harrison' s subdivision af S;ir �µ of SF y-�, of section eight <br /> (8) twp. eleven (11) Dtorth of range nine (9) �rest of the 6th P.M. was on the 6th day of January <br /> A.D.1911 duly sold by me in th� manner provided by law, at Private Sale at th� County Treasurer ' s <br /> office in ��rand Island, rIebraska, •=�uch real estate having baen previously offered at pupl3c sale <br /> but no� sold for :�vant o�' 'pidders, for the delinquent taxes the years 19t�0 to 1909 inclusive . <br /> , <br /> upon the 3bove desCZ'ibed prc�perty amounting to Two and 72/lOC Do11_ars, including interest and <br /> penalty t�.ereon, and the co�ts allowed by law to F.C.Peterson for the sum of Five and 84�100 • . <br /> Dollars, he being the hig'r�est and best biduer for the same . And i furtner certify� that unless <br /> reuemntion is r,�ade of said Real Estate in the manr_er ?�rovided k�y law, the said F.O.Peterson, his <br /> i�eirs_ or assigns will be enti�led to a deed therefore on and after the 7th day of JanL�ary A.D. � <br />! 1913 on surrender of this certificate, provided the law as made in sueh cases ha� been complieci y <br /> �vith. In Aitness �Vizereof, I have hereunto set �iy hand trlis 6th day of January A.D.1911 <br /> (SEAL) Theo P.Boehm . <br /> �5 .84 Treasurer of Hall County� State of Nebraska. <br /> By R.L.Harrison • <br /> Deputy. <br /> TREA�T?R;^R'S TAX nr�D. <br /> Know all Men by These Presents: That �fhereas, at a Private sale of <br /> real estate for the non-�a;�rnent of taxes, macie in the county of �iall on the 6th day of JanL?ary� <br /> �1.D., l�ll� tne follo�ving described real estate situate in said county, to-wit: <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Cne (l� in Harrison' s subclivision of th� sou�h west qua.rter of the ' <br /> south east quarter of �ection sight (8) in to;�nship eleven (11) N�rth of range nine (�) west of <br /> ti�e vth P.ivi. �vas sold to F.E3.Peterson for the delin�uent taxes of the year 1900 to 1909 inclusive <br /> and �lhereas, the same not been r�deemed from such sales and it apnearing that the holder . <br /> of the certificates of purchase of s3id real estate h�s complied with the laws of the State of � <br /> Nebraska necessary to entitle F.C.Peterson to a deed of said real estate: Now, ti�erefore, I� <br /> county txeasurer of said county of Hall, in consideration of the premises and fifty cents and by <br /> virtu of h , <br /> e t e statutes Uf th� State of P�e�raska in such cases made ar_d provided, do hereby grant , <br /> � L . :y <br />