:�. _ r,_ ..r�.._.. , . , -
<br /> . :. F°,�� ;�.;-�:;;_��.°.
<br /> 27.COLLECTtOH C��3.To tlte e�nt p8rtnitted by law,Qrnntor cyrotn to pa�r l�ndsPa caa:onsbla taes and ccsb,inetudlnp.but nat Itmited to, ,. ; . � .. ;
<br /> fe�s and ca�4m of attomays tnd oti��sr a�ents p�atud�g tvflhaut limitatton psrafega.s.c:arke and cor�wS4ants),wt�tflsr or nm such attamsy aragant is , �'��• �
<br /> est emptey0o o!L�tttlltt,w'11Cfi ete fRNmd�y Lanot"�t In callectiny any amaunt dua ar entoro(n8 eny dqM or rom�y undtr thtt de�d of-'frust, •
<br /> wh�lfu or r�t wlt ts brou�ht.tnc!udlrtg,Cut rtot IlmltQd te,all tMS and coata IncurPed on¢pg�af,in dankreeytcy.�na�or pa�t�udgatent oollsctton• ` •, t� ��;;.--
<br /> .
<br /> - ectiosts. --
<br /> (��, PA3311l3,REl�ASE. Undir may nt�aaa IU I�sreat in��arttor of th�Pro�terty by��ucu4tng end rat�o:dln�oao or mo»Rartl�l Oied o1 , . ` ;;� �
<br /> qippnv�yanq witAo�t aitscttn0 Ib Intsr�ft tn the r�m�infnp porttan of the Proporty No11Cn9 Alntn ehtll b�deamW to a01i9ats Lertdsr to rateas� . • ,
<br /> . �any of fb Irtesroct In th�Fko �f� �d to re4�asoury p�¢o!�AS Propa�fy N Qranto► , _�
<br /> perfy(exapt�u rpquln6 undor FarapraAh 3S),nor sha. LenCer b�ob8 '-
<br /> Y�ts in dsturit undmr tfila Qrad of Tru�L Th�Uen�nd aecud interost ccaatad by Ma Daed�t TNSt romaln in eNeet wi1h rospec!to that portton ot the
<br /> �P�A�nY•a��ned In the DdaO of Trust,thx!!a not Ste aub�ect of thls or any PartW DMd of R�comhyana. . . -
<br /> v,��, Mpp���QH q2i�D WAfUEA. Tha madMiutlon m wa[vtr of any a1 arantar's Obupatieas or Lender's�t�hts under tlals OMd o!Trust mutt bs . .
<br />` �comatns�in a wrtttn dpnM e L�n6er. Lsnd�r maypsrfom�any of Borto,nnror'e or f3�antorb Obt{p�ons,dalay or t�i to�YSrcho�ny a!Ib d9hts ar ,'�..
<br /> a�cept pmyments from Qaarnor or anyane a1hlr thsn Qrurtor wHAaut eauslnp a wai�rer of thoa�Obiigatlon�ot d Auratv:.r on an�eexs�lon ihil
<br /> �t�t const{tute a waiver or►any ottur eeatiae�. Orurmr's ODllp�ttone under thia Qe�d ot Lus4 ahefl rtot b�e:fo d tt t�nd�r Cmands,eompram[aw, : . :-
<br /> � e x c h a n ya s,taita to ex�rcisa,im p�lra or re?�ss�s�ny cf ths ObIiSaUona 6alcr�9lnp to atry(irantcr,Borc�w�r or Lhlyd p a rt v ar any of It��iphts aaain9t
<br />- �any(iranmr.Bortower or thtsd party or anyr o!ffi�P r opet4y. L e n d e t'e f e l lu r r t o i n s i c t u p o n s M c t p e d o rt n e n�o f e n y o 4 3 h o O D l i g a t t o n s e h a i l n o t b a •.""� �`
<br />- (�8eemed a vratver end Lender slfell havs ths dpht at any itme thareafter to insist upon s tr lct parformance. - �� `•- "_
<br /> � �.. ,.
<br /> gp. 8tl8g7i7iste yr�1i37EE. �case oi tna G a�.tn a L i t i t y.r t i�!t o�o:a b•°•e n e o o t t�e T r u a t e e f ro m t h e a t a t e w h e r e t h s r e a l p r o p e�ty i s l o c a t e d �_ _ _ --
<br /> �7
<br /> qt in case the hotder of ttte OtrfiQaLons aAail desire forarty c�eason to remow the Trustee or arry eubstitute trustee as trus�ee herounder as►d to ayFcint ,_--�°
<br /> ••a new trustee In his piate an�atead.tha hotdar ot the 17D11Dt4ons is heteby gcar�tad fullpo wer to appolrtt in wriUnp a suEStltute trustee for satd .Y` �... . _�
<br /> Tn�stsa,and ttte subsHtute trustes shali,when sppointed EeCOms successor to al l f l�hb o f 7 r u s t e e heroun�e r a n d t h e s a m e a h s A b e c o m e v o s t od(n {�;_,.-4-.�`----_- `-'�-,.r—
<br /> :�, him for tAe purposes and ob}�ats of 1hls DNd of T r ust with al!ths powsr,duties and a bligattons htnin eoMsrrod on the Truate�. •' ���-��=_ - _
<br /> 31. SU�OEiB AHD ASSttiN9. This Dead of Trust et��tl be binding on and tnura ta tke bsrtsfit o}t�raMOr and Lender and their tespactk+e � _
<br /> � succsssoce,esstpns.Uusneea,raceivers.adminisvators,Petsanal reprose�legatee9 and deviser+a �'� ,-.. r �t;�'•
<br /> Uu er
<br /> 3y ltOTit.EE9. 6ecept as otherwise reqWrad by law.eny noUce or othor eommunicaUon to 6e provtded urater thia Deed of Trust shsll be in wrtttng ` ---•.s -
<br /> 3.
<br /> and s�rtt ta 1he paNss at the address�s destrlbed In thta�ed of Trust or such ott�sr iddress as ths partt�s may deatpnat�in writiny fram Ums to °��•�;���: =
<br /> ttme. My auc�natics sop1ven end ssnt by Hrst ctasa mail,postage prepaid,ehall6e deemed given trie earfier of thros(3)days affu such nottcs ia -,�.,.�,. -„�:..�. •-
<br /> sent or when receivad by tfi�person to whom such notice is being given. �Y�y�'��°T — �
<br /> � 9a, gE1iEi3A81U1Y. YYh�nnrer possibte,each proviston of this Deetl ot Trust shal!be tnHrpcstsd so ea to be ef[ective and valid untlar nppiteabie �
<br /> atata Isw. H any provisfon of tfils Deed of Trust vtolates tha law or is unortJorceabte,tl�e rest ot tfiis D!ed ot Trust shall canUnue to be valtd and -_s`���._:__`,
<br /> enfarceable. �-`„�.µ�
<br /> 3�. APAliCABLE LAW. This Oeed of Trus2 shail be gouamed by ths Iaws o}the state where the reai proprrty la IoeaUd Urtlesaap plicabio Isw _L-_
<br /> prov(dea otharvviss,ti�antor consectt9 to the jurlsQietlon and venue o!arry eourt Se►eeted Ey Lirnde�,in ita sale dise:aHon,IaeaMd in fhat atats.
<br /> 35, IIA{gCELLAHEOUS. QraMOrandLendarapraathattlmelaoftheasaence.(irantorwatvesprssentmen�demandtorpaymsnt,nottceofdiahonor `�:.� : ,,._� _
<br /> and protest except as requlred bv law. All+atercncaa to f3remor in thta Daed of Truat eh�l tncJude all peraons aigning betow. H thsro la mon 4han one �;�;,.,;�:;;:
<br /> Qaantor,thatr ObligaUona sha116e joirtt end nev�ral. Thts Oeed ot Trust roprosents tAe compteta irtteya4ad undoratanding botween(irantor ar,d _
<br /> lnnder pertaU►iny m the terma anA conditlnna heroof. •.x� -+�•��•'_
<br /> 36. NO ZHl6tD PASi7Y R[ttHTB.No Penon is or ehatl bs a third parry beirofleiary of ury pravi�lon of this Dsed ot Tn,st Att rovlsicns at thia Dwd ot • ��••. -�`�, -�
<br /> Trust tn favar of Lander ars Inlended sofery tat ths�enefit of lender,and no thlyd pariy shalt be emrifed to assurtro or s�tAat Lender wiA vra:va ar -'� ""'
<br /> conssr►4 to the modifteaflan ot tury prwlsion of thts Deed of Trust,in lender's so►e discre8on. _ ��
<br /> 37, pREBERVATtOH OF LIAB(UTY AliD PRIORilY. WitFwutaffscNn�the Uability of Barrow�er,(irar►tor,or eny guuantor of th�Oblipulons,or any � r _
<br /> otfier perean(sxedpt a�eieon exprosaty�eleased tn wriNnp for the paymeM and{setfortnance of the Obliastlons,and withaut aH�ctln U�e[Iphts ot
<br /> Ctl pU
<br /> Lander wNh re s p e ct to a n y t Property not exp�sssty rete�in wAUng,and without impalriny inarry way the pdodty of thta Oesd of Troat over th� . .� �
<br /> - irnerest of anyperaon�ulred or ftrst�n c o d by recor d i n p s u b s e q u e n t t o t h e r e c o M i n g o f t h i s D a e d o f T m s t,L e n d s r m iy,e ff h e r b e f o ro o r a ft er �•!�;":;. _�
<br /> ths mawrfty oi the Obfigattons,and wNhout noUce or oonsant release arry peraon Ilabls tor payment or partormanc�of e11 or any part of the .
<br /> 0
<br /> � ODtisations;maks any a9g reement altedn9 the terms ot payment or pertormance of all or eny part of the Obfigatlona; exercias or retratn from �4�� ..:.
<br /> exsrcisinp or waive any rlpht or remedy that Lender may have under thta Qeed of Tnist;accept additlon�!eaaurfAl ot eny Idnd tor any of ttte ��'
<br /> ObiigaUon�or rcaass or othe�vYise deal w(th arry real or pareonal propeAy secudn�the ODIIyaUans. My peraon acqutftna or rocotding evtGence ot ��;'�`;�.
<br /> any fntnrast of ��turo in the Piroperiy shall he deemed,by acquldng auch irtternstor recording any evldence thereot,to have canseMatf to a11 er � - s�
<br /> eny auctt aC���lender. —
<br /> 'l'Z1_. U n the a ent andpe�r.nance in fi,lt of a11 of the 06it��ana,Lender wtN exea�te ar.�l Csxthror to Grentor thoae Qacurr.�sr,� '�`� °--
<br /> 3 8. O E F F I�S.�'L P a P� 7 P •
<br /> tt�may be roq:ir�d ta retease a Dsed of rust o f recar d. G r a rt t ar s h a l l tr e re s p o n s i b i e t o s y a n y c o a t a o f r e c e'a t i o n. ;`.� �'
<br /> • �. �OHSTRUCTIOH LQAH. � This Oeed of Trust is a wns:ructlon moRg�qe under the UNfortn Commercial Coda,to e�o an oDii�an �.�
<br /> �.�ed for th�constr�ctlan of an improvemant an land,in c t u d i.� L he acqu l s�tlon co s l n o t t a n d. T h t s O e e d ot Trust eacuros a ccr�.�aUon loa�,and ;��'�. __
<br /> n„Q,�7 p�aupj�ct to th�arms at a conauuctton roas��greement�n(irantor and Lendor. Any maUriata,equiPmsr►t ar nup�fl�a uaW or IntrnQ�d ;�.�
<br /> f o r u n s i n t h a c o n a V U C t i o n,d e v e l a p m e n t,o r o p e r a,.�n o f t h e P�v p e rt y,w n e t h e r s t o r e d o n o r a H t he Pro p e r t y,shall also be a jeat 4o ths lien ot�la g;�j-� ���
<br /> Desd ot TrusL .;•,�, • „ �j'"'
<br /> 10. WAD,IEA OF NOAIESTEAD AND OTH�R Ef(�AP4tONS. (irantor hereby watves alt homeatead and other exempUons In tha Property to v►hich ��.�� __-��
<br /> Onntor woutd athe�wlse bs endtled under any applicable tav�. ` '� ^ c�—
<br /> ''�(, 41. dU3iY TRld11.W A I V F A. L�N D E W A t�D�F t A I�T O R M E R E B Y Y'J A 1 9 l E M 6 V R t Q f 6 Y T O 4 P�I A L D Y J t 1 E i Y I N A N Y C i Y I L A C T I O N M t S l H d O U T O F� � - `'. -���_:.
<br />'� '.i� OABASEDUPON.'INISCEE�OFTRUSf. �""�T`�r._'.-_
<br /> ,.�y,;•, •
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<br /> �n�xact copy et eame.
<br /> � �nra�V1{1��ca ''
<br /> . ' Qatocf thts 13fi.d� day at ��bruas�. 1997 , `
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