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<br /> - � tfnioa Baak �Snd--Tru t �oepany � � � N = .� � . ,�T. ..
<br /> -- aa�aad! ia3an� �saach i y �. _._-_.
<br /> 2008 Ftebb Road - -�¢�:"
<br /> t�saad Iolaud. NS 688d3 . '� '=
<br /> . , ��-":�a�.
<br /> DEED 0�TRUST -l��sr��`�— .
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<br /> � GI�ANYOR ---� ��, —=-----
<br /> " 80RftOWF.A Bruce 1C Ruhl. hnsband aud wife � \C '" '�"`
<br /> � Sruce R Ruhl IT�p M Ruhl, husbaad and wife ,�_'�"", :
<br /> Ta�ap N Xuhl I :�-�`�'��'-"' .
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<br /> � 191Z H shssana Bivd a��d Ysland, H8 fi8803 r"``.. .� >�:` �
<br /> a���, RE f 8803 _
<br /> �@I1G1G17IONH0. 1FtJEDf10ltEN0. tCENLiACa►7IONlt� •�,'�.•!'.-�::_ --
<br /> (308) 384-5178 508-96-1173 (308) 384-S178 508-96-1�T3
<br /> . ntust��ioa Haak And Trust CopPaa% .. �..-:.�,.- ;;4,
<br /> - Z008 Horth t4ebb Road, C�Baad Islaud, NS 68803 .`•.,,r,,, '":;
<br /> in consideraHon of the loan or other credit accommodation hereinafter specified and eny iuture advances or tuture ObiiSations,as defined herein. '_ �„ . .
<br /> whid�may hereatter be edvanced oi incurred and the tru�d hereinatter menUoned and ather good and valuabte wnsidetaUa ng����� � ,��_,. .; ,, :
<br /> suffiGency of which are herobl►a IIa�n9°d$�t°r�here�r st C�.os1Pn�Y�t3sa S�Islaad�Brw�nah- 8008 �ibb Road. . "'"r"�'
<br /> � sucoessors and asslgns.In Vust.tor � �:. '
<br /> Islaad NE 68802 �lender►. the -!r�-.; .._
<br /> araan '���:'.�. :
<br /> beneftGcry undar thts Oeed of Tnist.v d t h Power o f s a i e a n d d y fi i o f e n tr y a n d p o s s e s s l o n a l l o f G r a n t o r's preseM and tuture eslate�69ht,1hla end
<br /> intetest In and to the rea!proportY desar��in Schedule AwhSch is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated horein by this roference.toge t her
<br /> . wlth NI present end future improvemnn�rind fudures:e i l tang l6�ga P°or here�te�focated on or�used(n con ectton withiths ajp omF�y bu�d�ing h+_ • �� ;;
<br /> n
<br /> matariafs,and 6codsof svery nature(n.,.�.�fing oonsumer goo ) 'J�•":�
<br /> or rtot aftixed tu t1►e iand:a11 pri+nlapes,hered'+mments.and appuRenances inetuding ell devetopment dghts assac1ated wttl�the rea1 p�°Pedy. •`_
<br /> - whether previously or subsequenUy►tmnsfemd to the real propeRy itom other real property or now or heroafter susce�b1e of transter trom this reaf "�
<br /> property to other roal ProPeRY.a l i leases,t lce n s e s a n d o U t e r a g r e e m e n t s:a l l ro n t a,i s_u e s a n d pro fl t�ali water.we�,d"stch.reservoit and minerai s;,r _-
<br /> . dghta end stocks pertatning to the reai proputly(cumutatively'Propertyri:w have and W hotd the Property end the ri�.`�hereby grante d tor t he usa `�f`, . F�.r_--
<br /> � and ben�t of Trusme,hts aucoeasors ead assl9ns,unti7 payment In full M aii ObligaHons secuced heroby. r�,
<br /> Nr.;�'"'_;`;�
<br /> Moreover.tn further considetaUan,Catantor does.tor Cirantor and C3raeter's heirs.[epresentaiives,suceessars.and assigrts,here�y expresslY l:�:. ,
<br /> wartar�t,opvenan�end egree wfth Lender end Trustee and their successors and assigns as fotlaws: -;?�d;���r:' -
<br /> ��� . 1. OBLOAT(OH9. fiis�aed o4 Trust shall secure the payment and peAocmance of ell present and tuture indebtedness,Itabilities,oLligaUon�and •�� .••,�
<br /> covensrrts p!Bo�rmKer or(irantor(cumulathrely'Obiipatians�to isnder pursuantto:
<br /> � � e �h{�peed of Trust end tfie toliawin mmisso notes and otAer a monts: -i��.��--.r��_
<br /> � ��4�1r::_'.-_.
<br /> �� CSEnRGfiiT AQAi'�tEfiTOA4H DA1'Q M� �•.,, ---
<br /> � ..� �a:�n si?,74e.3� 02�13/97 oz/ie/os 5oosas sa iaioao _
<br /> . : . � - �:
<br /> . ,
<br /> , - ��'
<br /> • � 4
<br /> �4�::.r..-�v.c^_�� ��... '.
<br /> (D a11 other prosent or tuniro,written agreomonta vrith Lender that reter speGfical to 1h�s Deed a!Trust ���10f �°r � .. • ,
<br /> • mthantp�poaaattun�tor�gWng): ,-.�. �.::., '
<br /> ' (c) arry guaranty of obligations o1 other partia;BH►en to Lender no�H ar hereatter executed that�efera to thta Oeed of Trusk
<br /> ' :.. ; �a� }�pi�advances,v/heit�er o0ugatory or opNonat.to tha same extent as H made contemporaneousry wttt►1he exocuUon af this Oeed at Tn�st, � ;��N�:;
<br /> � mads or extsndsd to oc on b�hnH of Grantor or Boaower. t3rnntor e9rees that if one o!the ObliDadona Is a One of aedit tha ilen of thia Deed of _._2t•
<br /> ' T�yst shall wrrtinue uMil payment in tutl of ell deDt due under the tine notwrihstandtng Uw fact that from Ume to Ume(bu1 betors termination of ,�.;,:�"�:;-:.. :.
<br /> ths tlne)no b�(ancs may bp o�rsinq� At no tlme afiali the Iien of thta Oaed o1 Trus�not induding sums advanood to protect the securiry of �z: _`: .� f
<br /> this O�sd of Tnist�exoeed 3 31,G��.DO __ —:and ,.
<br /> (e)al amendmerns,exten a lons,ran e v�a l s,m o diflcatlons,te placements ot substitutions to any o!the toregolag- :".ti"„�.'��'��r�,;` r
<br /> . A1 used in Ufls Pan�aph 1.th�terms ae+�tor and BoROwer sha11 Include and eiso rtsean any(iranwr or Bortowar it more than one. , i�,,;t'1",�s'`;F��N:r r
<br /> y pEppESFJtTA1tON9,WAAFIAliTIES AN�C011EMAHi9.Granmr roprea�nts.warranffi and covenents W Londer that: . � : ,
<br /> � (a) Grantor has fee slmpts marketabis UU�to the Property and ehdl mairtaln ths Property iree o1 at�liens,secuHty ir►tsnata oncumbrance9 end , .
<br /> etalms exespt tor 4hts Deed of Trust end tl�osa described in Sdsedule B,which la attached to ihis Deed of Tn,st and inoorporatod hereln by � _
<br /> � re'arena,which Cua►rtot agree9to pay and pettortn in e tlmaty mar.�er. �
<br /> (b} (3rentor ls in compilance in all respscts with all apPBcabte/sQaret,state and lasal laws and rogulatlona,InGuding,without limitntion,ttwa+� . .
<br /> rotating ti'Hszardoua Mateflats.' as d9flned kerein,and olher enviwnmernal mattero(the`Enviran�m�e�e �) ovemmenffiI,�udidal ot •
<br /> gowmmsnt nor aay other Qwemmental ot quasi gwammontal arttity has filod a lien on the Froperty. Y 9 �
<br /> edministrnthre a�ns wlth rospect to emrlronmental matturs pending,ar to the best of the(3rantor's knowted�.tAreatened,which Inwive the �
<br /> � prapeRy t�4aithm Gtantor nor.tothe best o1 Grenlnr's knowledge,any other party has used,generated,reteased.6�scharged.sWred,or disposed _ .
<br /> � o?any iivardous Maioriats as defl�ed horein,in conne�"3on with the PrapeRy or transported any Hazardous Msi:edels to or from tho PropoRy.
<br /> C,raMar eha11 not commit or pertnft such adions to be taken irt Ne tuturo. The term'Hmardous Metedais'shali meen eny substnnce.m�edal.or . __
<br /> waste which is or becomes rsgulated by any go�+emmeMal authority inctuding,but not limtted to.(i)petroteum:(ip triabl�or nonhlable aslbestns:
<br /> , pti)polyct�torinated blphenytx(h�)tt�os�subst�^c�s•mat�Hais a woutes designated as a'ha=ardous substanca'pursuant to SecUon 311 01 the
<br /> Ciean Water Act ot Osted pursuerot to fiecdon 3D7 of tho Gean Water ket or nny etmendments or replacements to these statutea: (v)those .
<br /> substances.mateflats ar weste�defined as a'hazardaus waste'pursuant to Sactlon 1004 af the Resource Consenratlon and fiecovery Act or any
<br /> emendmerts or reptaoements to Mat atatute:md(vi)those substances.rnaterlals or wastea deflned as a mszardous substance"pursvaM to • _
<br /> . . � Section 181 ai t,�s Camp.ariar�r�s:aroanss�!P�pnr!�.Cr�m�nsc�uon end Liability Act.or eny emendmonts or roplamments to that statute •
<br /> ' or any other slmilar stete ar tederal statuta,rute,regui�on or ordinanca now or herouftor in oftect Grantor shatl not leass or permii Ure&+�ble�
<br /> � • of tha Pioperry to a tonaM or subtenant vrhose operaUOns may resutt in Co�itaminaHon ot fh0 PropertY with Hazardou9 Mlatodals or toxic � � �
<br /> substences:
<br /> (e) Ai!applicabie laxrs and reg�Aailans.Including,wlthout limita�on,the Americans with Disabili8ea Act.42 U.S.C.SecUon 12101 et seq. (end ali ,
<br /> .• regutaUans promuigated thereunder)ar�d aU zoning nnd buitding lavrs and rogutaUons retaUng to the Properry by vlrtue o1 any tede�ai. slato or __
<br /> --- municipai au6lori.'y vu;fA ju�ss al°..s u•e Q'•'o�ertY•9`e�M�y Aro and shall bs ob�erved and complied with in ail matedal rospects.aed al� - ___ _ _
<br /> J� rigMs.Iicenses.psrtnib.and certificatea of occuPM�Y f nciuding but not limitsd to zoning varianoes.speciai exceptlone tor noncorrfiortnirig uses.
<br /> .� and final inspecUon apprwsis),whetner temparary or portnanon�vmich are materlal to tho use and occupancy of the Proporty.pro5entty aro ttnd .
<br /> shall be obtalned,pres�nred and.wl�ere nocossery.r6nev�ed: ����C/-- //jJ/G
<br /> awe t d'./ " // !—
<br /> - � 1 �oNC�7•e.c..rmNr.n Ts•ry�qpq�w. �,v�v�9�x1 fM�P oY�.v7a1 . f_
<br />- _ ' _ . .. • �, . '_ . . . . . . . � ; , �. . .
<br /> M �a.�}.ws�� � • .. � . _ ' . . . . .t . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . .,
<br /> . - .. " • _ - .. . � ,�. . • , . � . . . . . , J� . ,_,_
<br /> � . ..F�:!rs}�, . � . . . � . � .. . . .�sY ,i+.. . _ ...._> �a•_..� . . .� . . . ._ - , . . . , •�lt• ' .
<br />