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�'I � � � ��� <br /> j"�. <br /> ;� <br />� <br /> � �_o�'��'��!��'� )���,���J ���� ��� <br />�__ __. ___ _____ ____ -_ __ __ _ _______ _ ____`__ _____ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ <br /> . _ __ _ _ __ ______ <br />�_�_- -._..___.____-- __________--_____ ______—_--________ ___- _ <br /> __-_�- ____.--_ _________ <br /> r 9��'° <br /> QUIT CLAIM .DFED.µ <br /> This Incienture, 2�iade this �6th day of January� in the year One Thousand Nine <br /> , Hundred and Twelve, ��T�EEN Cutharine R.i�eihardt, a widow� of Seward County, �e'araska, of the <br /> first ;�art, and Peter Ru�endall, of Box Butte County, Alebraska, of the second nart �fITNESSETH, <br /> ' that trie said ��rty of the firat �art, in consideration of the sum of One DOLLh.FS to her duly <br /> � <br /> ' �naic� the receirt wr.ereof is hereby acknowled�ed has remised, released and quit-claimed and by � <br /> . <br /> triese presen-ts. doss � for herself her heirs, executors anct administratora� remise� release and <br /> - <br /> forever � uit-claim and conve unto the said _art of the second r,art and to his heirs and assi- <br /> � <br /> y r y <br /> � <br /> ns forever all her ri ht title interest estate eauit claim anci c�er�iand both at law and <br /> � Y <br /> � g > > > > - � <br /> _ �c+ � c <br /> in equ�.ty, of, ir� and to all The Last 4ne Half of the Sou�h 1►rest �uarter (E1�2 of u.�P. 1�4) <br /> of Section Sixteen (16) in io,�rnshir Tvvelve (12) Noicth of Range Ten (10) �Vest of the Sixth <br /> - i�ieridiar� the sarne being situa�e in tYle County of Hall� in the c+ate of T3ebrasla. <br />' Togetl�er ��vith all and singular the hereditaments �:�_ereunto belan�;ing. <br /> TO �iAVE AIv'D TO i�OLD the above described premises unto the said Peter Rubendall, his heirs <br /> and aesigns; so that r.either she the said Catharine R.Ideihardt or �ny rerson in her narrie and <br /> , <br /> behalf, shall or will here�fter claim or der��ar.d any right or title to the said rremises or any <br /> 1?art thereof but tY�ey anci every one of them shall �y these r..resents be excluded and forever <br /> �arred. <br /> IT� i9ITTd�SS tJHERFGF, The saic� party of the firs-t nart has riereunto set hand and seal <br /> the �ay and year last above tivritten. <br /> �'' Signec� sealed and delivered in presence of Catharine R.Neihardt. <br /> ; <br /> B.F.Norval. <br /> ;� <br />�� �I� State of P�e'�r�.ska ( <br /> � :ss <br /> '� Setivard County, ( On this 2�th day of January A.D.1912 before me the undersigned B.F. <br /> !� <br /> � <br /> '� Norval, a Notary Public� duly comr�issioned ancl �ualified fer ar.d residing in said County, ner- <br /> sonally came Catiierine R.Neiharat, a wido�,r, to me �noivn to i�e the identical person ��rhoss nartie <br /> ' i� affixad te the foregoing conveyance as grantor, anci ackno�vleclged the same to be her volun- <br /> tary act and deed for the purPoses therein set forth. <br /> '�itness my hand and ldotarial �eal triis 26th day of .Tam�.ary 1912. <br /> (SEAL) R.F.Norval <br /> 3. � G ,. <br /> I�� 1�. co mis � o .. 4 ��otar PuG�lic <br /> ,� m slon explres the �rd clay f Ja�tuary 1 1 . y <br /> Filed for record August 27, 1912 at 9.15 0 ' clock A.�I . . <br /> , <br /> ,�����r� � <br />, , egister o D ds <br />� -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-e-e-e-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br />�� � ��HERIFF' a D�'ED�. �"'`�� <br />' �notiv all �,i�n �;ST Tiiese Pres�r.ts: T�.ut �J�'_ereas, in an uction in t'r.e District Court <br /> �of tne Fleventh Jue�ic:;_�1 I'�is�rict of ?�T���raska, ;�ithin and for T�all Caur.ty, •�7herein Eu�ene Belar.d <br /> • Yvas Flaintiff� and Sol �'unzNu_oer �as Defendant, it ��ras by said Court at t'�.e .::arch Term Li�ereof, <br /> !A.P.. 191^� to-�;it, on +he ��th c�a� of �Ray A.D.1�12� consiclered, adiud�ec� a�d �?.ecreec� t.�•:at in <br />, 'default of �l.e ?;ayraer_t to the Clerk of the D_strict Court cf �:r.e costs of said actior� and to <br /> t'r.� ?;laintiff tiie sum of "140.5G ��o found due� �rith interest tI�°�eon at the :ate of 10� T�er 3nr_�n <br /> �;rz�Ylin t�ven�y clayti from �ne �ats af such j �.��:i�ment ar.c� c�ec�ee� that the equity of reue��T�tion of <br /> !e�ch ar.d all of sai+� �.��'er.c'^�ts in �a~�.d to the lands ar.d tene:�:�ents ',erei~.�fter ce�cribed be fore- <br /> !cicssd and forever �;arrec� ana t�_at tl.e ``heriff of said Hall County cause ���e lancis ar,d tener.�!e�r_t� <br /> hsrein�fier de�crit�ad to "�e a�,��r�isec� ��civertisec', and sol�'. accardir�� to la:i; ar.d :vherear Lhe said <br /> �defendar.t havir�g n:ade default thereiry �"ustav `iev�rs, as �'heriff of �aid Cour:ty, un�er and by <br /> virtue of the orc�er of said Court to him directeca, dic� on �iie 14th ;;a�* of Augu�t :?.P.1�1�, at <br /> the front door of �-ha Court House in the City of �rand Island, ir. :�aid Cour.ty of Hally ( ±'�e sar,�e <br /> �;eing ti�e rlace �.•rl��reir. ��he Diatrict reurt �.ra� last :elc� in said CGUrty ) ��aving fi�st rzL?Iy app- <br /> � rulseci �aicl l�.nc�� anc� tener,�ents ws �ec�uirec� by �aw� ar.d givin� ciue and le�al �^otiee of t,�e ti�e <br /> � an�. �lace of said sale� f�-r r.ot less t?�an thirt�,T ��ays rrior thereto, in tLe Free Press, a legal <br /> ; <br /> � �_ <br />