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�)� <br /> ... <br /> � <br /> ,� � � <br /> � <br /> � , , <br /> ��`'��__��__'!�' ��,��lu;��� __, �,�'A> �_, o�0 <br /> ___ __ _^_ -_ __ __ __ — __ __ _ -- - - — - <br />—� - _ _ _ ._____ ._ _ _ <br /> 54298 State Journal ComDany, Bluuk Book Makers, Stationers and Yrinteret_Lincoln�Neb. __� � � � _ _ <br /> Dataci the Faurteen�i: uay of August A.D.1912 , <br /> �VI'�A;i�SS: Jennie Fraker � : <br /> r..0 .HUS�on as to Fertha H.E113s <br /> J.E.Dill as to Charles �.E11is Chzsles E.�llis <br /> .T.IJ .Vieregg 1s to ;d�abel ���2CI�ay anci Robert J .%iacl�y Haz=1 Fralrer <br /> :��a��e 1 1d ac '�ay � � <br /> F.obert J.?.iacK�y <br /> S.C .Huston as to RQbert L.Fraker ' <br /> Nt�te c�f ��Te�;ra�:ka � <br /> :ss <br /> Ha_1 CoL�nty � Cn tliis clay of �!u�ust A.D.la12� �e�ore me t'��e unclersignerl, a <br /> T�'otary �ublic� srithin and for saicl County, personally caxne Jer�ni^ Fraker ( the wido� of Amasa B . <br /> Frc�k:Pl� <'ec��sed} �er�ha H.z llis � forr.le?'ly r�.ertha r-�.Fr�ker} ard Hazel Fraker (� a single worz-ian) <br />� ta r:ie �ersonall_y :r:nown to be the identical rersons �hose n�mes are af�'ixe� to the above instrvxrent' <br />� <br /> �.s rrantora, and they seve-rally acknowlecl�ed the s�.r.�e to be tl:eir voluntary act and deed for the <br /> pur��osz tlierein ex�ressed. . <br /> In �'�itness �Uhereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixe� my ; <br /> official seal at �rar.d Island, ATebraska� an trie date last aLove written. <br /> (SFAL) �.C.Huston <br /> i.�y co:�l;i31$S�or� exr�i-res July 25th 1918. No`ary Public � <br /> Stats of Neuraska � <br /> � � � <br /> : s� <br /> Hall County� ( On thia loth day of August A.D. 1912 i�efore me tr.e undersigned, a Zdotary , <br /> Pub3ic� witnin anci for said Courty, �er5or:ally carr�e Charles E .Ellis � htzsband of Bertha ��.Elli�} <br /> 'to rne y-�ersonally knowr� to be t�ie ic:er.tical nerson �yvhose r_ame is affixed to the ��.bove instrL�rnent <br /> as r-rantor ancl 'rie ackno�vledgecl t.�e san;e to ue his voluntary act and deec� for tl�e �urrose therein � <br /> exriresseu. In n�itr.e�s �Ji�ereof, I have Lereunta su�: scri��ed my name and affixed niy afficial <br /> seal at �l and Island, .�ebra�ka, on trie date last above written. <br /> (SEAL} J.�`.Dill <br /> ZY;y comr.�ission ex�ires July 16" 1913. tdotary Public <br /> State of 2��e�raska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ??all County, ( On thi� �4t�_� day of Au�ust A.D.191? before me the undersigned, a Plotary . <br /> Pu'c,lic, within ar.d fox said County, �ersonally came Robert L.Fraker ( a single man) to me rersonally <br /> xnawn, to be the ic�entical �erson c�,�riose rarle is affixed to the aUove instrv.�rent as rrantor and he <br /> ac�nowledged the sar:.e to be his voluntary act and deed for the �urT�ose trerein exnres�ea. <br /> In �litness dvheerof, I have hereunto suLscribed my narne and affixed my offici�l seal at r.�rand - <br /> Island� i�ebraska� on t'rle c�ate last �'�ove �,vritten. - <br /> (SEAL) �.0 .Huston <br /> �y commissian expires July 25 1�18. Notary Public <br /> State of T�Tebraska ( <br /> . <br /> : s� <br /> l�srrick County ( On this 1'�rtn day af August A.D.1912, pefore rrie the unaersi�ne�u, a Notary .. <br />� <br /> Fu�;lic� withi� �ru for said County, nersona.11y came �lab�l ��iacKay ( formerly i��a%�el F-raker ) ard <br /> 'rlusband RUuert J.�iac�ay to rne �ersonally �:nown to �e the iuentical rersons w'rlose names are afiixed <br /> - <br /> , . , , <br /> to he bo r r r ;:e �everall ackr_o�vle ed t�e same to ae their volur.tar <br /> t a ve in r �er. � an or a u t <br /> st Lm t 2�s r t a <br /> Y Y Y <br /> a <br /> � <br /> act and deed for the rur�ose tlierein exr�resse�.. � <br /> In �itness N'r:e-reof, I have 'r�ereunto suUscribed my rame and affixed n�y official seal at <br /> `Central City, iyebraska. on tY�ie uate iast a'r�ove written. <br /> (SEAL) J.�T.Vieregg <br /> i� <br /> IJy comn�is�ion exrires iJ,ch 5th� 1�14 . 1�Totary �'u'�lic . <br /> Filed for recorci Augus-� 26, 1�12 �t 4 0 ' clock F.'=':. � /� <br /> II'� _ �� <br /> agis er o a „ <br /> -o-�-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-c-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-Q-o- -o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-�a <br /> . , <br /> it <br />, i� . � <br />