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l �s� <br /> , � � �.� _ ��"__. <br /> r ����������� ,�����J,� 5��� ���� � ��� <br />- � ����� WARI�ANTY DEED:- r`�`"=�t <br /> Know All �Ien by These Pre�ents : <br /> TH,�T Charley E.Glick and Ros� Glick His �vife of Hall County, State of Nebraska in consideration <br /> of the �um of On� Hundred and f if ty �(150�-�0 ) DOLLARS in hand paid by I�aac T.Gano and Cora <br /> Gano of Ha.11 County, State oP Nebraska do hereby sell and convey unto the said I�aac T.G�no and <br /> Cora Gano th� follo�rring described premises, situated in the county of Hal1 Sta,te oP Nebr. to-wit : <br /> Lot Number�d Sixteen (16 ) in Block No. Four (�+) in Bogg� and Hill's Addition to trie City of <br /> Grand Island Nebr. to�ether with all a,ppurtena,nc�s thereunto belonging, and we Charley E.G1ieK <br /> �nd Ro�e Glick hereby covenant that the said premise� are free and clear f'rom all liens and <br /> �ncumbrances and we coven�.nt to warrant and defend the said premises a,gain�t any acts of said <br /> partiea o� the first part. And the said Rose G1icK riereby relinquishes all Her right of Dower <br /> in and to the above described premises. <br /> ;' Si�ned the Thirty first day of July 1912 <br /> In presence oP CharleY E.Glick <br /> , Fred W.A�hton Rose G11cK <br /> ! State of Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. <br /> Hall County ) On this 31st day of July 1912 , bePore me, a Not�,ry Public duly cormnissio <br /> ' ed anci qualified for and re�iding in said County, personally came Cha,rley E.Glick and Ro�e Glick, I <br /> husba.nd and wife to me known to be the identical persons described in and who executed the <br /> � foregoing instrument ag grantors and they �cknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary a.ct <br /> ' and c�eed. <br /> Witness rr�y hand and Notari�.l seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year last above <br /> written. (SEAL) , <br /> Fred �N.Ashton <br /> ' Notary Public <br /> ;; <br /> D� Commis�ion expires the 16�� da,y of Oct. lgl2 <br /> ' Filed Por record on the 24th day of August 1912 at 3 :30 o 'clock P.M. <br />� '��' � <br /> Re�i ter of Deede <br /> �-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-c-o-o-o o-o-o-o-�-o <br /> I� JVARRANTY DLED.� <br />, <br /> Know all :�ien by These Presents: That Fraker ( a widc�w) Pobert L. <br /> � Fraker ( a single man} Ma'pel 2�aac�ay ( forrc-ierly I�a'pel Fraker ) and husb�nd Robert J .Idacl�ay, Bertha <br /> '„ H.Ellis � formerly Bertha h.Fraker ) and husband Charles ?-' .Ellis, F?azel Fra?��er, a single woman, <br /> , � <br /> µll now resiclents of the State of 2deqraskay Grantors in consiczeration of the sum of Thirty five <br /> ''' Iiundred Doll�x s, in hand paid ua Plereby grant, bar�ain, sell and convey unto Thomas Hostler of <br /> �i the Cnunty of Hall and State of 2Je�;raska, rrantee� the follotivin� described premises, situated <br /> '' in the County of Hall� ard State of itebra�ka� to-wit: <br /> Lot �1�ar�'�er Two (2) in Block A'um�.�er Sixty Nine (69) in the Originzl town, r.ow City, of irand <br /> '' Island, P�e�raska. <br /> To;eti�er v�rith all the terements, hereditarr!ents and appurter...ances theretinto belonging, and all the <br /> i' Estate� Ri�;ht, Title� Interest, Dower� Curtesy, Claim and demand .rhatsoever of the said �rantors ' <br /> ' ard of ei ther of them, of, in, or to the s�me, or any x��art thereof. � <br /> � <br /> i� To Have And To Hold the a'�ove described �remises, �:°rith the apnurtenances, unto the said Grante ' <br /> and to his heirs and assigns forever. And we hereby covenant with the said Gr�ntee that �ve � <br /> I'' hold said ��remises by gooci anri �nerfect title;that we have good right and lacvful autlzority tc� sell <br /> ' and convey tne same; that triey are free and clear of all liens and incw�ibrances �vhatsoever. <br /> �xcept taxes for 1912 & su'osequent . Anci we covenant to warrar.t ar.d defend the said premises <br /> �gainst trie lawftal claims of all �ersons ti�vhomsoever Except as above . ancl also that we the said <br /> Jennie F�aker� Ro,�ert L .Fraker� P.iabel 1��tac�ay, �ertha H.Ellis and Hazel Fraker above mentioned <br />� , are , q . <br /> the helrs ana the only Yieirs of A�asa B.Fraker� deceas.,d. <br /> , <br /> �� . <br />