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4�� � <br /> ,� . <br /> . , <br /> `�__�1�_`��J�\ �!(���i���_�� ' � ��'A> `���� <br /> -- -- - , <br /> ----- --- . _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ __ __ ------ _ __ _________ __ _._._. �._ _- -� <br /> _ _ _.. . T �. <br /> . <br />______ 54298-state Journal Company, Blauk Book blakers. Stationeis and Piintera� LincolniNeb .. _... _ _.�� ____ _ _ _ __ <br />_ -- _ ___ _ _�...._ __._---___ ---- <br /> CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED�� <br /> This Indenture r�ade thi� 13th day o�' August in the year of our I,ord, Or�e Thousand Nine Hundred <br /> and Twe1v�, between Tidball Lumber Company a corporation organized and existing under and by <br /> virtue of the l�,v�:� of the State of Nebraska p�.rty of the fir�t part, a,nd Minnie Schirkof�ky <br /> of th° county of Ha.11 ar�ci State of Nebr�.ska, x�arty oP the second part. <br /> �JITj�aTSSETH, that the said party of th� Pirst part for and in con�ideration of the �um of Five <br /> Hundred �:�nd no�100 DOZLA.I�S , in nand paid rec�ipt vrher�of is hereby acknowl�dg�d, has sold and by <br /> �. <br /> ?�hese pr�sents does gra,nt, convey, a.nd confirm tinto the said party of the second part , the <br /> follo*�ving described pr�mi�e�, situa.ted in the Co�.n�y of H��11 and Stat� of N�;bra���,, to-wi�: <br /> A�l of Zot Number Thirt�en (13 ) in Block Number S�ven (7 ) in Koehler .�lace in Gra,nd Isl�,nd, Nebraska, <br /> � a.s Surveyed, Platt�ci and Recorded, <br /> TO HAVE AND TO FiOLV th� premises a.bove d��cribed, togetrler with all the Tenement�, Heredi�aments <br /> and ��purtenances thereto belongir�g unto the s�,id Minnie Schirkof�ky <br /> And tile said Tidb�,ll Lumber Company for itaelf or its succesaors, does hereby covenant �o a.nd <br /> with the ��,id party of the seconci p�,rt a,nd h�r heirs and assi�ns, that at the time of the , <br /> execution and d�;livery oP tnese presents it is la,wfully seiz�ci o1' �aiel pr�mi�e� ; that it ha� <br /> good ri�ht and lawful autiiority to conv�y the same; th�.t triey are fre� from eacumbranee and <br /> � doea hereby cov�n�.nt to ti�rarrant and defend the sa,id premises a.gainst the l�.v�tful claim� of �,11 <br /> persons whomso�ver. <br /> II� '�1ITi�'ESS WHIial�I+�OF, the s�,id Tidba.l.l Lumber Compar�y has hereunto caused its corpora.te �eal to <br /> be affixed and the�e presents to be signed by its Pr�sident, & aSecretary & Treasurer the day and <br /> year first above written, <br /> Tiaball Lurnb�r Corn�anV <br /> Signed, Sea,1�d and Delivered in pre�ence of(CORP ) <br /> (SEAL ) ___,_B,r_ John Z.Tidball <br /> }3.I�2.V�lilliam� __� PresideMt <br /> � R� BY C .�.Tidb�ll <br /> �ecy - Trea,s �'� <br /> STATE OF Calorado ) <br /> )ss. <br /> Vt'e 1 d C 0U?�TTY ) <br /> On this Sixteenth day of August A.D.1912 before me, the undersi�ned, <br /> a Notary Public in and �or said County, personally appeared John Z.Tidball and C.F.Tidba.11 � <br /> of the Tidb�,ll I,umber Compar�y to me per�onally known to be the officers respectively and the <br /> identieal per�ons whose n�mes �,re affixed to the abov� deed, and acknowledg�d the e�ec�.tion <br /> thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as sucn officers and the voluntary act and d�ed oP . <br /> , . . . . , <br /> the �aid John L.Tidball a.nd C.� .Tidb�,ll and oP the sa,id Tidb�,ll Lumber Compar�y. <br /> WITTSFSS rr�y h�.nd a,nd Notarial Seal at Greeley Colo, in said county �the day a.nd year last above <br /> urritt;en. <br /> r�,y commission expires the Fifteenth c�a.y of January 1915 <br /> I�i (SEAL ) ,!_ J.r�.Curr�.__.___�_ <br /> Notary Publie <br /> Filed f or record or� the 23rd c�ay of Au�;ust i912 at �+:10 0�clock P.�. <br /> ' � <br /> Regist�r oP Deed <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-4-C-U-O-O-fl-0-O-0-0-0-0- �-n-0-0-0- <br /> � <br />