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42 � <br /> �� � <br /> ���J�J�_�/% J����I�� � �G.Y�I��� JJ �ti� �iIJ�V+� <br /> , - - <br /> .. „_.. _--._ _-..___ . . ..__._--: .--�____--_._-.-_--_ -__ <br />- . _._-:�__'_ »'- _ '.__ ._. '_:'=--__ _.--.-. . --_'__-. _ .._.__. ___-_�__-�____.--__. _-_._.... _..___-_- <br /> Signea, Sealed and. Delivered in Presence of Lydia ��i.Reau�;h (SEAL} <br /> James I�i.F.ea �Toi.n H.Reaugh (SEAL} <br /> I� C * <br /> �..tate of miissouri, ( <br /> ' : ss , <br /> ! Ccunty of Andrew ( On this lOth day of �?uly 191�� before me appeared Lyaia 1.� . <br /> Reaugh and John H.Reaugh� her husband his :�rife, to me kno4vn to be the nersons aescribed in �nd <br /> ,,rho ax�eutecl ti.� for�going instru�ilont, anci acknowleaged ti�at they execute�. the same as their frse <br /> act �nd dead. In Testimony 7Vhereof� I have hereunto :��t my h?nd ana affixed my official <br /> sEal� at my office in Savannah the day and year fir�t above ��ritten. <br /> ���y term of office as a Notary Public �.vill exnire i��iay 6, I914. <br /> ISEAL ) J��es if.Re�.. <br /> Notary Public . <br /> Filec� for record Au�ust 12� 19I� at 4 0 ' cloc� F.M. <br /> � � <br /> Registe-r of Dee s <br /> -o-v-;s- . -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-� o-o-o-o-o- <br /> W�,rra.nt� Deed �- J'� <br /> Know a,ll T�en by These Presents: <br /> , ha e s . ano a d 1 � <br /> T t Z w i C G n 0 i v E.G a n o H u s b a n d a n d w i f e o f H a l l C o u n t y, an d s t a t e o f N e b r a s k a, i n <br /> consideration of the �um of Three Thousa.nd & n� oc,�100 (�3000�o DOI.I�ARS, in hand paid by William <br /> E.Sa.mpson of Hall County, and State of Nebraska do hereby sell and convey unto the said William <br /> iE.Sa,mpson and to Iiis heirs, executors, admiriistrator� and assign� the following deseribed pr�mi�es <br /> situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot No ��ifteen (15 ) in Block Numbere <br /> 'Four (�+) in Boggs and Hill� Addition to Grand I�land Nebraska. <br /> Tog�ther with all the tendements, hereditaxnent� and appurtenance�a thereto belonging. <br /> An� we hereby covenant with the said William E.Samgson that we hold said premisea by good and <br /> perfect title; that we have good ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same ; that they <br /> �.re free and clear of all lien� a,nd incumbrance� whatsoever� Except One �dort�age of �1300�� o0 <br /> which is held by the Nebrask�, State Building & Z�an Association & this property i� sub�ect to that <br /> mort��age. <br /> ____. <br />, <br /> �IAnd we covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lavrful claims of all persons <br /> I'tivhomsoever. <br />� !And the said Olive E.Gano of the sa,id Party oP the first Part �oin� in thi� deed for the purpose <br /> ,of conveying a,r�y and all homeste�.d rights, and all interests of every nature �,nd kind that now <br />' , ha.s or m�, hereafter have in said r�mises b virtue er ma,rria e e . <br /> y p y of H g r lation <br /> iIn wiLrLes� whereof v�e have hereunto subscribed our names this 27 day of July 1912. <br /> Si�ned, sea,l�d �,nd delivered in the presence o�' Le�vis C.Gano <br />� <br /> F. r <br /> . lea <br /> J 1 <br /> C 0 ive E.Gano <br />, Y <br /> �; THE STATE OF NE�3RASKA, ) <br /> )ss. <br /> �� Hall County, ) On this 27 .day of July A.D.1912 , before me F.J.Cleary a Nota,ry <br /> !Public in ar.d Por said County, per�onally came Lewis C.Gano and Olive E.Gano who are personally <br /> '!kno�vn. to me to be the identical per�ons whose names a,re affixed to the above instrument as grantor , <br /> and acknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITr]ESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed rqy nota,rial seal of Notary <br /> 'Publie in �aid County, on the day a.nd date in this certificate above written. <br /> ' (SEAI, ) F.J.ClearY <br /> Notar� Pub11e <br /> Commi�sion expires Oct 21, 1915 <br /> Filed f or record on the 23rd day of August 1912 at > o 'clock A.M. <br /> � <br /> Register of Heeds <br /> , <br />