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4��� <br /> � <br /> �E -- <br /> �� ����� � ° �������_�� � ,��� �Q;o, <br /> __�_ � � _� � � _, __ J � <br /> ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> . � 5429�-State 7ournal Company, Bluvk Buok �Takers. Ststinneis.and Printer� r; ��n Ne7�._ . . ...— ."" ....-�` .--. - — �---_ ._._.�...� .-- . .r.- — _.._— <br />_____ _.__.. - __- - _ _ _ .g^ �___. - ___-___.� --y - ` o------ <br /> And Yre cover�ant ta wa-rrant ancl defend the said �rainises a ainst tlle l�.wful ci aims of all ��rsons ' � � <br /> �rhomsaever exce�t �s a'pove stated . <br /> D�.ted tAle 71�n day of August A.D.1912 . <br /> +JITNLSS: <br /> David .P.ckerman, as to Tlieodore P.k�Qehm Theodore P.Boehm <br /> P.�.Easterday, as to Eval,yn Boen.�.�. i valyn Boehm <br /> St at e of Ne�rasKa ( <br /> :ss <br /> �Lall Coun�ty ( On this "rth ci�.y of August A.D.1912� before me the undarsignea� a Notary <br /> Pui�iic, �vi�nin ana for saia County, r�er�onally came T'rieodore P.Boehm, one of the grantors to me <br /> personally xnavrr� to be the ic�entieal. �?erson :�rhose name is affixeci to the �bove instrurnent as <br /> srantor, anci he ackno;rrledged the same �o be 'r�is volunta-ry act and deed for the �ur�ose therein <br /> �x��-re�seu. , <br /> � <br /> In �Ji�nass i�riereof� I have herounto subsc-riY�ed my name and affixed my official seal at Grand <br /> Island, o� �he date last �Love Jrritt�n. <br /> (S�AL} P,avid Ackerman <br /> i;�y comr�issic�n expires Fe1� lg- 1Q16. i�lotary Pu�lic <br /> �t�_t2 of �?ebrask� ( � <br /> F_� <br /> •�S <br /> r � <br /> Lancaster C�unt�� (, Cn `his 9 day of �ugust, A.D. 1912, 'aefore me tha undersigned � a <br /> l�o�ary PublicJ vrithin ancl fo� saia County� persor_ally came Evalyn Boehm� one of the grantors to ° <br /> r��e ,-ersonally kno�rr� to be the icientical nerson vahose na�7ie is afiixed to the above instrl,ment <br /> �s �rantor, and she ackno�vl°dged the same to be her voluntary act and deed for the pur�ose <br /> t l;erein axpressecl. <br /> IT1 ?JIT?�?ES; NHERF'OF, I nave he�eunto sucscribed my name and affixed it�y official seal at <br /> Lincaln on tiie date 1�st ��ove ��rritten. <br /> �SEAL) r.R.East°rt�3y <br /> P�iy cc�r�r�_ission exA-�i-rss .�ih 4 1915 �;otary tublic . <br /> FileS for record August 10, 191^ at ^ .20 o 'cl�ck �.1�. . //� � <br /> �� <br /> egister of eds <br /> -O-O-U-O-J-O-O-O-t)-p-O-�-O-O-U-�?-rJ-O-O-U-O-O-:i--��-O-O-U-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-O-0-Q-O-O-O- 0-0-0-O-O-ci <br /> ' tdAt��A1�TY DEED;.. <br /> T�:is Indantvsa, r.�ade on the lOth day of July A.D. Cne Thousand Nine nuncirecl <br /> , and T�Frelve, by and bett�veen L�rdia 2��.Re�ugh and .7ohn H.R��L1�71� husb�nd and wife of Savann�h Miss- <br /> ouri parties of the first part, ana Ral�h A.Buraick of tl�_e County of Hall in the State of Nebr- <br /> ; <br /> ask� r,axty of the secc�nd nart, NITT�IFSNETH� That the sai� ra��ties of the first �art, in <br /> { ' � <br />, consideration of tn� sur.� of Twenty Two Hunc:ured ana Fifty i86- DO]�LARS, to thern paid by the said <br /> ?�arty of the secand rart, th� receirt of ��rhicY�is here'ay ackrowledged� do by these nresents ' <br /> � � <br /> rRA�TT, r AF�?.I°� A�� SULL, CCl'V.�:Y AND CONFIR,4� unto the said �arty of the seconci his heirs <br /> ar�d assigns, tlie follorring c�escribed lots, tracts or parcels of land, lying, being and situate ; <br /> in the County of Hall and A tate Nebraska� to-�:rit :- <br /> All Lot 2Tur�ber 9 in rzlock ��;uti1'�er 64 in �Nheeler and Bennett ' s Addition to the City of .��rand <br /> Islanc,� TZei�raska as survQy�d� nlat�ed anu. recoxded. <br /> lU HAVE AND TO �-iOLD the �reraises aforesaid� with all and th� rights, �rivileges, <br /> } <br /> ap��urtenar�ces anci immunities ti�eroto 'aelonging ar in anywise appe-rtaining� unto the said narty ; <br /> of th2 secona r2�st, and unto riis l:eirs �nci �ssigns forever; the said Lydia P�i.Reaugh ar.d John n, <br /> F°augh �:ereby covsnanting t�.at they are iadrfully seizeci of an inde�easi'ple estate �.�i fee in the <br /> prer,�ises nerein convayeci; that th�y have good ri�h� to convey trio same; tnat the said nremises � <br /> are free anci c�ear of any inc?�?.�r�rnnces done or s��ffered by thern or those under �thom they claim <br /> ancl that they �.,rill "Narr�nt anu. Defenu the title to the said prer.:isss unto the said party of the <br /> :�acond �axt, ancl unto his 71ei-rs an�:� assigns, forever, �,g�inst t�:=�la�vful claims anci ciemands of <br /> all nersons :��rhomsoever . <br /> � In �itness 7di�.e�eof, Tiie said parties of the f irst �art have hereunto � ; <br /> , <br /> set their hanus �nd saals, tns day ana year first above .-aritten. ' <br /> �� <br />