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__ 419 <br />� <br /> � �%�;����_�;� )���'��� 1���� �� a � �' <br /> � - <br /> QUIT CLAI�i DEED.;`~-, <br /> iiiis Ir_clenture� 3�1ade on the 24th ciay of April A.D .Qne Thousand Nine Hundred <br /> Five� �;y anci between iJi�:y rilchrist, :-ridow of D�vid rilchrist of the City of St .Louis and State <br /> af Ivlis�ouri ?-�arty of the First Part, and Robert C .Gilchrist of tha County of Hall and State of <br /> ilebraska ��rty of tiio Second Part, �JITNE�'SETH� That tha said party of tne First Part, in <br /> consiueration of the sum of Cne �iunu.rad T��venty Five (��1�5 . )�0 Dollars, to her paid '�y the said <br /> ' pa.rty of the Secon' Pas�, the recei�� of �vhich is here'oy ackno�vledged do by these Pzesents, <br /> Remise, Release and forever Quit-Claim unto the said narty of the recond Part, the following <br /> uaperi'bed Lots� Tracts or Parcels of Land, lying� being and situate in the County of Hall and <br /> :tate of P�e'pr�ska, to-wit:- All my dower interest in Nest half of South-west quarter Secti <br /> Ons, Town. Ter� Range Eleven, Situated as stateci in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> T4 RAV� AidD TO ;�OLD t;he �ame, with all th2 rights, immuniti�s, nrivileges and aPnurtenances <br /> thereto belon�ing unto the said rarty of the Second Part, and his hezrs and assigns forever; so <br /> , that neither �;he said �arty of the First Fa-rt, nor her heirs� nor any other peraon or persons <br /> �or hex or in her name or behalf� shall or �vill hereafter claim or demand any right or title to <br /> , �: - <br /> �lie aforesaid ;�remises, or any rart thereof� but they ar�cl ever�r one of them shall by these <br /> rresents, �;e excluded ancl forever i�ar-reu. <br /> IN tVITN��S �PHEREOF� the said �arty of the First Part has hereunto set her hand and seal the <br /> day anct �ear .fi-rst above ��rritten. <br /> Signea, seal2d and cielivered in presenca of us _j,iar Gilchrist ( SEAL} <br /> Stata of ��iissouri ( <br /> : ss . <br /> City of St .Louis ( On this 24th aay of April 1905� Y�efore me r�ersonallY�appQared ;�iary <br /> Gilchrist, T�ri�low of David Gilchrist to me known to be the pereon clescribed in and who axecuted <br /> ' tiie foregoing instrur.�ent, and ackr,o�vledged that she executed the sama as her free act ancl i�eed. <br /> Ancl the said l�uary silehrist further cieelares herself to be single ancl unrnarried. <br /> In Testirr.ony ;�hereof, I have nereunto sot my �iand and affixed my official seal, at <br /> ', my office in City of St .Louis, the clay ancl year first above tivritten. <br /> (r�AL} John L.Serafini . <br /> " ��`y term ex�ires :��arch 10, 190o N�tary Public . <br /> i; �Filed for racord August �, 1912 at 11 0 'clock A.:.4. . � <br /> , � Register o D eds <br /> ' -o-�-o-o-o-o-��-o-�-c,-�-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-a <br /> 'i �VARRANTY DEED;� , <br /> Know all �ien �y These Presents . That we� Theodore P.Boehm ana �valyn Boehrr� <br /> ' husband and wife of the County of Hall� anci �tate of T�e'araska� Grantors in consideratian of the <br /> sum of C�ne iiL,nclred Thirty-five & t�o/100 Tollars, in hand paid uo riereby grant, oargain, sell and <br /> !; convey unto John R.Ryan of the County of Hall� and State of Nebraska Grantes, the folloTNing <br /> ! ciese-ribed premises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of IJebraska, to-wit:- <br /> Lot �'iva (5), of B1ocY Two (2}� in Boggs & Hill�s Adciition to the City of nrand Islandy i?ebraska <br /> i, as platted and reco�dad. <br /> 'Togetner with all the tenements, hereditax.�ents and ap?�urtenances thereunto belongin�� and <br /> G11 the Estate� Right, Title� Interest, Dower� Curtesy, Claim and uemand vrhatsaever of tha said <br /> rrantors an�. of eithsr of thert� of� in, or to the same, or any rart thereof. <br /> '! To ��ave and to Hold the above describeci nre�nises� with the a�?rurtenances� unto the said <br /> Gxantae and to his heirs and assigr_s forevsr . Ar_d «ve he-re'py covsnant with the said rrantee <br /> ' that ws hold saici premises by good and r�erfect title; we have good right and lawful auth- <br /> ority to se11 ancl convey the sarne; triat they are free and clear of all liens and incum'�ra3�ces <br /> , �� �vhatsoever exre*�t one mo-rtga�e �or �800.G0 in favor of tha itebraska State Building & Loan Assoc- <br /> � iatlan of Fremont, idebra.ska. Said T���ortgage be i,ng made �y the srantes herein. <br /> � <br /> ; . <br /> ' ; <br />