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41_ � <br /> � <br /> �� � � �-�l - - <br /> 1 <br /> �LIJI��!�� 1___�,�,-�!J'��J�c����� �-���A> � ;�0` <br /> - � <br /> _.. _ __ __ _- _ _._ __ __��__ _ __ __ -- — -- -- - <br /> .. . _ Blavk Book a\Takers . ._ _.._.._ _ ._.... .., ..�_ �� ._. .=_ .�_ ,---:..�: -_ . _ _�_..� <br /> ��� <br /> ,__, 5429$-State Tournal ComDanY, . Statlonais aud Printar�_,Lincol�D�?.b�.___..____ � - __— �-- <br /> ' STATF OF NEBRASKA. ) � <br /> )ss. <br /> Howard County ) On this f irst day of July A.D.1912, b�fore me the unci�r�igned, a Notary <br /> Public, tivithin and for said County, per�onally came George F.Rollins to me per�onally known, to <br /> be the identical person whose n�,me is affixed to the above instrument as Grantor, and has <br /> sever�,lly acknowledged the sa,me to be his volunt�,ry act and deed for the purpose therein expre�s�d. <br /> IN WITT�SS V�REOF, I riave hereunto subscribed my n•wrne and affixed my oPficia.l s�al at St Paul <br /> Nebr. on the dat� la�t �,bove written. <br /> F.R.Ha�a.rt <br /> (SFAL ) Notary Public <br /> R�y Commission Expires Octob�r 10, 1916. <br /> State of Utah ) <br /> )ss. <br /> Count.y of Salt Zake ) On this 22nd day of June A.D, 1912 per�onally a�ppea,red Maud E.Rhodes and <br /> Setri C.Rhode�, her husband, two of tr�e si�;ners of the foregoing instrument �vho duly acknowl°d�ed <br /> , <br /> to me that they executed the same. <br /> (SEAL ) Thomas M.wheeler <br /> Notary Public <br /> I�,y commission expirea Dec. 23rd 1913 <br /> STATE OF IU�A I <br /> ) <br /> )ss <br /> �'ontgomery Count3T ) On thi� 27tri day of June A.D. 1�12, bef'ore m�, O.T.Gillet, a Notary Public <br /> in a,nd for �aid County, personal],y appeared 3�rs. Nina J.McT+",lvain, and C.D.McElvain, her husb�.nd, <br /> to m� known to be th� identical persons named in �,nd tivho executed the foregoing in�trument, and <br /> t�Y�.o�� na,mes are �.t'f ixed thereto as grantors, ancl acknowledged that they executed the same a� their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> �ade under my ha,nd �,nd seal of office tri� day and year last above written. <br /> (SEA� ) O.T.Gillet <br /> Notary Public in and f or said <br /> County <br /> R�y Commis�ion expir�s July 4, 1912. <br /> Stat� oP Nebraska, ) <br /> )ss. <br /> County of Douglas, ) On thi� 2nci ciay oP July, 1912 , before me, Ellery R.H�me, a Nota,ry Publi� <br /> in and for �aid County, person�.11y a.ppeaxed �[rs. Edith �i.Rollins, knovTn to me to be the identical <br /> person whose is affixed to trie foregoing instrurnent as grantor an.d acknowledged the executinn <br /> and signing thereoP to be her volunta,ry act and deed. <br /> Witne�s rr�y ha,nd ax�.d s�al the day and year above writt�n. <br /> E11erV R.HUme <br /> (SF,A.I, ) Not�,ry Public , <br /> Comm. expire� July 2g, 1917 <br /> STATE OF' I��RASKA ) <br /> )�s. _ <br /> Hall County ) On this 5th day of July A.D. 1912 , b�fore me the under�igned, a Notary <br /> Public, within and for �aic� County, person�.11y came Charles A.Rollins and Marcella E.Rollins hi� ', <br /> wife to me peraon�.11y knovTn, ta be the identic�,l p�r�ons whose n�es a,re aPPixed to the above <br /> instrument as Grantors , �.nd they severally acknowledged the s��ne to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed for th� purpose therein expressed. <br /> I21 t�ITNES� 'W�REOF, I ha,ve hereunto subscribed my n�ne and �.fPixed my oPficial seal at Grand <br /> I�la,nd Nebr on the d��.te last above written. <br /> J.E. 11 <br /> 1 <br /> (SEAL � Notary Public <br /> R�,v Commis�ion Fxpires July 16th 1913 <br /> Filed for record on the 5th day oP August 1912 at 4:55 o 'clock P.�3. <br /> . <br /> �. <br /> I� Re i�ter of ds <br /> � D <br />� <br /> � <br />