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417 <br /> � <br /> 1 ����I�'�JJ��' ���'V�J��1_�� �� ��J� �_5;��� <br />--__-__ __ ...:... _.�-.�--=------- _ _ _ ._ _ __ _ _ _ ____- _ <br /> �s-------=-------- -__--_- — - <br /> __ -- -—- -- ---- — - <br /> ;7dARRANTY DEED. a `� <br /> Know all ���en 'ay These Presants: m�at Seymour Franklin, a single man of '�all <br /> County, Stata of Tdebrask� in consideration of the sum of Three �Iuncired and no OO�lOG � (300 .00) <br /> Dollars in hand naid by Charley P.Binkley of Hall County, State of Nebraska do here'�y sell and <br /> 'convey unto the said Charley P.Binkley tne following descri'�ed premises, situated in the County <br /> 'of Hall State of Tdebr, to-e��it : , <br /> , Lots Nunl'�ared Thirty-eight (38) and Thirty-nine �39) of Frank <br /> �.B�rks Third Sub Division being a part of '�118 .�`ast half of the Tdorth Last ^uarter (Ec nlE�) of <br /> ,Sec�ion Ten �10) in Township Eleven (11} North of Range Nine (9) �est of the oth P.M. <br /> together with all ar��urtenances th�reunto belonging� and Seymour Franklin hereby covenant that <br /> !the said �rernises are free ar�d clear from aIl liens and encwiibrances� and I cavanant to warrant <br /> ' ana defena tj�:e s3id pr�mises against a.ny acts of said parties of the first part . And the said <br /> . � hereby relin�uishes all in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signea the Fifth day of August 191�, <br /> In �resence of Seymour Franklin <br /> � ;'V .E.Sampson. - • <br /> � State of Tdeoraska ( <br /> : sa <br /> :Hall Covnty ( On this 5" day of August 1912 before me, J.L,Cls�.ry a Notary Public <br /> I . c�uly camtnissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Seymoux Franklin <br /> ' a single mar� to me known to be the identical nerson ciescribed in and who executed the foregoing <br /> �! instrw;.ent as grantor, and he acknowledged said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> 7nitr�ss my hand and Notarial Seal at rrand Islanc� in said County, the day and y°ar la�t <br /> apave written. <br /> ' (S�A,I,) J .L.Cleary <br /> M y commission expire� �iie l�" d�y of April 1917 TTOtary Public , <br /> - Filec� for record AL�gL?st 5� 1512 at 3, o ' clock P.1��. . <br /> Register o eds� <br /> -o-o-e-�-o-a-e-c-e-o-o-o-a-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-e-e-o-o-�. <br /> WARRANTY DEED:- <br /> Know All Men By These Pre�enta : Tha.t We; Charles�A,Rollins and wife rJlarcella E.Rollins of Hall <br /> County Nebrask�,; George F.Rollins and wife Edith ld.Rollins of Howard Co. Nebr. Maud E.Rhodes and <br /> and hus3�and Seth C.Rhode� of Salt Lake City Utah,. Nina J.McElvain and husband C.D.McElvain ofl <br /> Red Oak, Iowa. Grantors, in conside-ration of trie sum of Eleven Hundred a,nd noI100 DOLI.A,RS, in hand <br /> , paid do hereby grant, b argain, sell and convey unto Winifred Henry of the County of Hall, and <br /> State oP Nebraska, Grantee, the following described premises, situated in the county o1' Hall, and <br /> State of Nebraska, to-t�vit : Zot Nurnber Ten (10 ) in Block Number �'ifteen (15) of Rollin8 Addition"� <br /> '� to Gra�d Island, Nebraska, as Surveyed, Platted and Recorded. <br /> ' To�ether with all the tenements, hereditam�nt� and appurtenanceg thereunto belonging, and all the <br /> ' Esta,te, RigY�t, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtegy, Claim and demand whatsoever of the said Grantors <br /> , <br /> and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ��.r�y part thereoP. � <br /> • � TO HA.VE AND TO HOZD t�e above d�;scribed premises , with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee <br /> ' and to her heix� and a�signs f orever. And we hereby covenant with the said Grantee that we hold <br /> i <br /> � said premises by good and perfect title; that we have good right and lawf'u� authority to eell <br /> � <br /> � and convey the �aane; that they are free and clear of all liens a.nd incuribrance� whatsoev�r. <br /> ; And we coven�nt to �raxrant and dePend the premi�es against the lawPul claims of all persons <br /> i. <br /> ' whomsoever. <br /> j Dated the 19th day of June A.D.1912. <br /> i �aud E.Rh�des Seth C.Rhodes <br /> � WITT�;SS : Mrs Nina J.�dcElvain <br /> ; Thos. M.Wheel�r as to Maud E & Seth C.Rhode� C.D. cElvain <br /> E. I.Andrew� as to G�or�e F.Rollins ,� Geor�e F.Rollins Edi�h M.Rollins <br /> � E.R.Hume as to Edith 2d.Rollins Charl�� A.Rollins �,rcella E.Rolli <br /> � James E.Dill as to Charles A.Rollins <br /> ; <br /> and P�axceila E.Rollins <br /> i <br />, i <br />