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41 � <br /> - - <br /> : / <br /> ���� ���' � �>> ' ��� �Q�/o� � <br />� ' I ._���_� —�_ _'J�j��J I-1 � �J �_/ �/ <br /> i <br /> _,- _.__. ...__. ._.. ._ ... .. .... . . . . _... __ .._ _..._. . ..� .,.� . .. . ._ . - - - - <br /> , . ;_..___. .._��$�-State aournal con�any�, Bluuk Book�3SaL-ers, stutioneis,an.a rrtnter4,.Lln.col� NQ6. ._:-, __��.: ..,..�._,`.��. ... .. . ...__ ,_....- -- -. .,_.."_. :... — ._��.=.- ...� ___� .____..__ <br /> .., <br /> , WARF�ANTY DEED:��` <br /> KNOW ALL MEN nY THESE PRESENTS : That Bayard H.P�in� and Grac;e B.Pain� his wife and Ira T.Pain� <br /> �. �vido�v�r of the County of Hall �,nd St�,te of Nebr�:�k�, for and in consicieration of the sum of <br /> Thirteen hundred and fifty (�1350 � Doll�,rs in riand �aid, do her�Uy grant, bargain, sell, convey <br /> and conf irm unto Z�,�ary D.Mar�in of th� County of Hall anc� State of Nebra�k�, the following des- <br /> cribed rea�l est�,te situated in Grand Isl�,nd in Hall Coun�y, State of Nebra,ska, to-wit : Lot seven <br /> (7) of. the Count,y 5ubdivision oP lots 13 & 16 a.nd part of lot� �, �1, 12 & 1�, of the County sub- - - <br /> c�ivision of SE4 SW� sec. 16 - 11 - 9 and a portion of the easterly 39 ft. and �+ inches of fract- <br /> ional lot 7, in block g, of Arnold Place, in the, city of Grand Island, Neb. said tract herein <br /> conveyed, being more particul�,rly described as follows ; to-wit : �3eginning at a point 52 .� ft. <br /> c�est of the north �est corner of the intersection of ,Washin�ton 5t . and Divi�ion St, , said point being ' <br /> upon the lot line upon the north side oP �aid Division at. , and going thence 52.� in westerly - <br /> direction in a straight line alon� the nortn. side of s�id Divisic�ri St. , thence at right angles <br /> to �aid line, going 132 ft. in a nort'rlerly direction to tr�e alley line of �aid lot, thence in an <br /> ea.�terly direction �long the south line of said alley 39•�-, thence at right angle� with said a.11ey line' , <br /> in a south�rly directior. parallel with the we�terly boundary line of sa,id lot seven (7�) o�' th� <br /> County Subdivisi�n of ��,id lots 13 & 16 to the south bounciary line of �aic� lot �evEn (7 ) of I31ock <br /> eight (� ) of �.rnold Place, tYzence due east to a point where �aid line inter��cts with the east- <br /> erly bounda,ry line of said lot seven (7 ) of the subc�ivision of s�,id lots 13 & 16, thence �outh- <br /> erly �.long the eaaterly bounciary line of s�.id lot seven (7 ) of the County Subc�ivi�ion of said <br /> lots thirt�en (13 ) and Sixteen (lh ) l�l.s ft. to tne place of beginning. <br /> TO HA.VE AND TO HOLD the premises above de�cribed, together with all the tenement�, heredita,ment�, <br /> and appurtenances ther�unto belonging: unto the s�.id. Mary D.Martin and to h�r heirs and assign� <br /> : forever. And we do hereby covenant �vith the said T��.ry D.Martin and ti�vith h�r heirs and assign� � <br /> that ti^re are l�.wfully seized o2' premises : that they are free from encumbrance and that Ella <br /> M.Paine in whose said pr�mises notiv stands of record died October 21, 1911 and left �urviving <br />'i <br />� as her heirs and only heirs a,t law Ira T.Paine, husband and Baya.rd H.Paine her �on, the grantors <br />� ' herein, that t�ve have �ood right �.nd lawful authority to sell the sa�ne : and �ve do hereby covenant <br />; to w�,rrant and defe��d the titl� to the said premises against the la�rful claim� of all persons <br />� <br />� whom�oever. And the flaid Grace ]3.Paine hereby relinquishes all her ri�hts in and to the a,bove <br /> I <br /> de�cribed premises. : � � <br /> Signed this l�th day of June, A.D. 1912. � <br />�� Bavard H.Paine <br /> WITNESS : � <br /> Grace B.P�,ine <br /> Ro�� �.Hansen . • <br />'� Ira T.Paine <br /> STA'.P'E OF NEI3RASY'�.4 ) <br /> )�s. <br /> n �his 24th da of June A.D. 1912 before me the undersi ned Ro�e E. <br /> H�I,� COUNTY. 0 y , g <br /> � <br /> I H�.n�en, a Notary Public, duly commiasioned and qualified f or and residing in s�,id county, per- <br /> il � � � :�. <br />', sonally came I3ayard H.Paine, Grace B.Pa,ine and Ira T.Pain� to me knotivn to be the identical <br /> per�ons whose names are afPix�d to the foregoing conveyance as grantors, and acknowl�d�;ed said <br /> instrument to be their voluntary �,ct and deed f or the purpose� set forth. <br /> Witness my hand anc� Notarial seal this 24th cia of June, 1912. <br /> Rose E.Han�en <br /> Commission e�pires T��ay 20, 1916 � Nota.ry Public <br /> Filed Por record on the 5th day oP August 1912 at � :30 o 'clock A.M. <br /> ��%�� �/ � <br /> ��i <br /> Regi�t�r of ,Dee s 4 <br /> f <br /> , , <br /> i <br />