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414 � <br /> � <br /> � .� <br /> �,� 1 � � <br /> ZJJ�1!JJ' ! � �JI�U� � �l5��i ���a� �,UJ�O` <br /> �_.J--�-J -�-_��.. ��...�-- _� �� --� �-= � , <br /> _-;- . _ _ _.__ _.. - __ �.�_- _ - _-_ —_.�— -— <br /> 54288—State 7uurnal Com9any, Blauk Book �4akers, Stationers sud Printera= Lincoln�Neb � �_._�` __� _ __ � _ _ _ <br /> __----- .---- -- —_,:-.._.. —_... __-..�__�_� _ —�� <br /> � ,.�_._�.., _ .___� <br /> _ _ , - - <br /> Trie Nest one-half of t:e Southeast quartar ('�.1�2 of the S.E.1/�} of Section Thirty-t�ro (32) <br /> in To.rnsi��ip T�velve (12) i�orth af Range Eleven (11) in F-Iall County, Ne'orask2y. for sale at pu'plic <br /> ' �uction ar.d solc� the same �o Henry redfoxd for th� sum of �"r500.00. he being the highes�L bidcler ' <br /> i��_erefor . <br /> Ar,ci af�ery�aras, on tYle 10" day of July, 191?� s�.id Cvu�t arproved and confiri;�ed said <br /> ��le ar.a by an orae� direc�Le�: me a����feree to execute to s�.ic� Henry �ec�ford a deec� conveying <br /> said land to nim in fee sirnple . <br /> i�o;°r, therefore, I J .I,.Cleary, referee, in cansicieration of tl:e nrer.iises and the stun of <br /> �7�OG .00 . so bid �na r��id by �ie�:-ry r�eciford �nd by virtue of tne novvers v�sted in me by law do <br /> �y t:riese ?�reser.ts grant, sell convey unto tne saicl Fienry �eclford anci to his heirs and assigns <br /> �i:e real estate u.escri'c�eci As follo��rs: <br /> The �Vest one-h«lf of the S�uthQast quaxter (�1 lI? of thQ <br /> ��,' E i/4) of Secti�n Thirty-ttiRro (32 j in Townshi�� ��.relve (l�} �Torth of Ran�e Eleven (11} '�est of the <br /> oth P.I��i. �ritii all tlie arpu.rtenan:-:es ti.ereunto belon�,;�irg to have and to hold tne sartie to nim the <br /> said tIeniy Fecifard �nd his rieirs ar��i �ssigns forever. <br /> In iditness 7ut=ereof I rave hereur�to set my hand this 1" d�s� of August 1922. � <br /> In rrPsence of .7.L.Cleary <br /> J,H.'Noalley. � Refer9e <br /> State of T�;et�raska ( <br /> : ss <br /> Ha1.1 C��unty { On tY'iis 1" cz�y of ALlgust , 1912, 1�efore the� a notary nublic <br /> in and ior said coun�y� r�ersonaily apneared, J .L.Ciea-ry, Rafe-ree, to r.�e ber�anally '�nown to be <br /> the icientical ;ersan :--hose name is subscribed to the foregaing deed as grantor and acknowleciged <br /> tlie exec:ztion t'r�ereof t� �e his volunt�ry act and deed as said referee for trie purposes therein <br /> exrressed. <br /> iVitr.ess rr�y i�and ar.d seal the ci.ay and year apove �xrritten. <br /> (SEAL) J .H.Yooiley <br /> luy commission expires i�iay 2°th, 191� . Notary Public . �` <br /> Filed for i ecord �ugust 1, 1°12 ut 1 .15 0'cic�ck P.�d. . /� <br /> C.��:��� <br /> tteg��ter of De s <br /> -o-e-c�-e-c�-�-o-o-o-�-o-e-c�-o-e-e- G-o-e-c�-o-o-o-o-e-o-e-e-e-e-o-e-e-o-o-o-�-e-o-o-o-a-o-o-e-o-o-�. <br /> NARRANTY DEED. �;� <br /> Kn�-u :�11 :�ien �,y Ti�ese Presents: That , I, �viinnie Shar�va� sin�le, of the Cour.�y <br /> of ;.�oodbUry� and State of Io,va7 for ancl in consideration of tiie sum of Gne Doilar and other val�?�- <br /> 0 <br /> uable consiczeratians�' DCLL.�.�S, in paic� do llereby J:�A�dT, BA�E=,�.�AIN� SELL� CONVEY Alv'D CCivFIR�i ' <br /> unto Johr. J .Mt iffler of th:: CUUnty of Noodbury anu ��tate of Io�va trie follorring cle sc ribect Real , <br /> � � <br /> Estate, situateci in"�Hall Coun�y, and �tate of �?ebraska, to-wit : <br /> � <br /> L�t �2`i) T�vent3� "ever., z�alrrt�_.�rne Fl�.ce, loca�ed on Part of the �yorthwest (N.�Y .1/4} ��uarter <br /> / <br /> �f �ection (22} T;�renty-two� To�-�ns'r�ip �11) Elever� �v'orth, R3nge (�) T1ine� Nest of the oth P.2�. ` <br /> And I do izerevri�h covenant vvith tiie �aid John J .Stiifler and �-lia heirs and assigr�s, that I, am <br /> l��riti�.11y s�izeci of s�.�ici 7�rernises� -�riat they are rreE from incu1,_urance, That I have good right <br /> e <br /> and la:Arful autiiority to sell �r�e, �nu do �_e-reuy cover.unt ta �arrar.t arci uefer.d �:ie title <br /> to said r�rerr�ises �wgainst th� la�rful clair,�� of �.11 r�er�ans ;�rhornsoever . <br /> Si�,nru tilis �Ot'ri day of July, 19G2 <br /> � In Pre�:enc� of iyiinnie Shawvan � <br /> �.G.T�iess .. <br /> Ft.F.".ir.�s <br /> The St �te of Io�va ( <br /> : �s <br /> ldooa�;ury Cour�i;y, ( (�r this 30th day of Ju�y A.D.1912, 'r�efore r.�e �o`r�rd F.Sims a Notary <br /> Public in ana for said County, rersonally car::e P.iinnie Sha:vvar, single to me �^ersonally;vn �o <br /> s�e tiie ical ��erson :vhase r_ama is afiixecl to the above instrvx:ient as gr�ntor and severally <br /> acxrov�leugEd t'r�e� execv.tion of tr�e s;�me to ��e i�er volur_tary act ancl c�eed far the rur-noses the�e-- <br /> in ex1res^ed. <br /> In i'�itress �J'r�°-reof, I iiave nereun-�a su�scriuec: r.�ly r_ar�� ancl �ffixed my afficial �eal <br /> �t Siovx �ity, Io�va �r. lhe c�a�� last a.:;ov� :rritten. <br /> (SEAL} ,-�o�vara F .Sims. T3otary Public , <br /> ��iy cortir:�issior. exni-res Juiy �, 1°15. <br /> Fiieu for recc�-rcl Au���st �, 1�`l^ at 8 .30 o' clock ?..�Ja. , , /"-j� <br /> �� <br /> ne�ister o Deeds� � <br /> ' -�-o-o-o-o-c�-�,�-�-o-c;�-c;- -o-o-o-o-�-o-o-c�-o_�-c�-c,-�-c-r�-o-�-C�-O -C�-c- o---o-t.-�-o-a-C-o-o-o-o-o-a � <br /> ; _ <br />