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__ _ <br />�� <br /> 4�1 �-� <br /> � � �G� � l�� � _ ((� �[d��� �� � � '��' <br /> , I�'�j�L1J��tl',�' �I���i�L�'�J) _`'J,���t� ���� <br /> I And in pursuance of said order ?�e caused a notica to be pubi.islied in the �rancl Islar.d Independent <br /> � netivspar�er rublishad and in generml circulation in said County, t7:at �re woulcl ofier said land <br /> for sale at the frant door of the court houae in said cour.ty on the 1?tY: ua-,T of June, 191?� at <br /> ore o ' clock L.rJi. of said day and at the time and �lace s�ated in said notice �nd after said notice <br /> rLac� been published for more than thirty cla.ys we offered s�.id lanct at puUlic auction and sold the <br /> same to reor�e A.Scatt for the sum of t�;13, 3u0.00, hs uein� the hig��est 'bidder th?refor and after- <br /> tFfarcis �nci on the ci�y of June, 1912, said court a�nroved ard confirmed $21"u' sale ancl by an <br /> ' order clirected us as referees to execute to said reorge A.Scott a cieed conveying said land to him <br /> � <br /> ' in fee simple, <br /> �1C� THEREFOnE, rre ;� .H.Thompson ar�d A.�,.A'r�'pott, in consicie-ration of tli� premises <br /> ! ancl of �he sum of �13, 320 .00 so 'pid and paid 'c�y said George A.Scott and 'by vi rtue of the pouvers <br /> vested in us by law, do Uy ti�esa presents �rant, 'bargain, sell ancl convey unto said �eor�e A. <br /> Scott and to his heirs ancl assi�ns forever the follo�ring described real estate situate in said <br /> , Hall County, ta-:�it :- <br /> The North �ialf und the South East �Zuarter of �he North East Quarter of <br /> , ' `�ection qr.e (1) in Township Ten (10) Id�rtn of Range Elevan (11)� �fest of the 6th Principal a�Zer- <br /> idian� _ with all a?�purtenances ti�ereto belon;ing to have ana to hold the same to him tY:e said <br /> �eorge A.Scott and ta his heirs and assigns forever . <br /> Signed this 8" day of July A.D.1912. <br /> iJ .H. Thomnson <br /> ��� ��"�i t ne s s . � <br /> O.A.A'�bott Jr . A.r.Abbott <br /> Referees: . <br /> ' State of Nebraska ( _ ._ , <br /> :ss <br /> T-'all County. � On this �'th da� of July 1912, before me, O.A.Ab'�ott�ra' I�lotary Public <br /> ' ��vithin ar_cl for s�id Cour.ty� personally ca.nle �V .i�.Thorl��on ancl A..�.Abpott to :�:e personally �-nor�n <br /> to �e t?ie icientical �!e-rsons �,nrhose names as referaes a-re affixed to th2 above inst:cum.ent a.s gran- <br /> toxs and severally ackno��vledgad the execution of the same to �e their voluntary act and cleed as <br /> such referees for the ��urposes, ti:erein expressed. <br /> In �Jitness :,rhexeof, I Izave hereunto su'�sc-ri'pecl my r.arne and affixed my official seal at <br /> ' �3rand Isl�nd in said county on {,r.e �ate last above ���rritten. <br /> (S�'AL} C.A.Abbott Jr .� <br /> ifiy coz,�m,issian expires Dec . lst, 1�15 . Notary Public . <br /> Filed for record �7uiy 30, 1912 at 10 0 ' clock A.:�i. , � <br /> , register Deeds � <br /> -O-O-O-O-U-O-C)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-C7-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-fl-O-O-O -O-O-O-O-O-Oa <br /> �. <br />� �` �EFERE�'� TE�D, �` `�.. � <br /> �' Know all men �y these presents� that- <br /> �fhereas, in an action of partition �end <br /> '' ?ng in trie District Court of Aa11 County, Nebraska� wherein Fred �f.AsY�ton and Garrie R.Ashton wer <br /> rlaintiffs and .?ohn Bocknann, �Julia .�ockhahn� if,ollie Bockhahn anci Alfred Bockhahn and Fred Voss <br /> ruarciian �f Jvl�.� Boc�hahn, ?�fiollie .�oc�hahn and Alfred Bockhahn were defendants,� for the partitio <br /> � <br /> '',�', of the premises n�reinafter uescribed, the�unuersigned referee� appointeci by said Court to r�ake <br /> '; �artition of said real estate� made report in ��rriting duly signec'� setting forth that partition <br /> ! of saia land� could not be rnade witnout great prejkud�ce to the owners thereof �rhich report v�as <br /> duly examinec� by saicl court anci said coL�rt being satisi'ied there��;ith confirried the same and there <br /> ; upon niade an oraer and caused tne same to be entered directing me , as said referee to sell said <br /> �rernises on the following terms, to-�rit : for cash. ' <br /> And in plarsuance of said orcler I caused a notice to be �u'�lished in The Free Fress a r.ewspax�er <br /> ' �-rinted and in general circulation in Hall Cour�ty, Nebrask� tnat T t�voula offer said landa for <br /> ' sale at tY�le front door of the Court House in said County on the 9" �.ay of July 1912� at 2 o �clock <br /> �; P.�i.of said day� and at the tima and place stated in saicl notice and �fter said notice had been <br /> , ' �ublisred for more than tY_irty days, I offered said lands� to-wit :- <br /> �: <br /> � <br /> i� ___ �� <br />