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41 ? <br /> : � , <br /> � 1� r <br /> , I��j���� ��,��Jl,�i����J fSIJ V��4�) -_� U.i J <br /> __ <. _ __ _.__. _._ � _� _ __. _._.�_-___� <br /> - - ---_ _ .._ ___ � _._ _ ��___�___ --- <br /> . . 5�2$.�-State Sourual Company, Blunk Boak Aiakers, Stationers and Priutern, Lincol�.Neb___._ � �.;, _ .. . . .. __-.—— .-.-�-- - -- _ ..-.-- _.__.�. . <br />�__...,_ .. . . . . . ._. ._. . . <br /> And .Je covenant to war-rant defenci trle said ��remises a�;�ir::;t t'rie laWfLll. cluims of all rercons i <br /> ,��rhor.iso�ver . D�ted the �7th u�y of I�ay A.D.1912. <br /> '�`�itT�ess: us to i�.r.Partridne <br /> Be r-',ha ��-..H�rri�on <br /> J.�r .I,iiller Jr., L.Joser?hine Partridge <br /> � .C .Huston n.L.Fiarrison <br /> Fertha T�i.Harrison . <br /> St^te of Io�a ( <br /> :ss <br /> Dennisen C���.n�y ( Qn .^9 da� of Tv4ay A.D.7.91? befc>xe me, the t�ndersign�d� a P?otary <br /> Fuaiic �ri�'_in �.r.c� for sLVid County, �er�onally came Fer�;ha �:: .�arrisQn, �vife of R.L.Harrison to <br /> rne personally �Tno��rr to be the iclentical nerson °:arose name is affixed to the above instrumant �s <br /> rrantor, and she sevu-rally �.cknatvledged tize same �o be her vol�:�n�ary act and deed for the ?�??rnose <br /> �ilzreir exr�ressecl. <br /> In �Vitr:ess '11her� of, I rave l�ereun-to subscribed my name and affixed �y affici�l seal at <br /> Der_nison, Iow�. an t'r�e u.ate last a�.�ove .�rritt�n. <br /> (�`EAL) J.�P.�iiller Jr. <br /> ;r�7iy comi;�ission expi-rzs Juiy 4-th 1J12. Notary Pu'�lic , <br /> State of Nei�r�.ska � . <br /> :ss <br /> hail C�unt;� ( on tliis :�ti1 day of .7une A.D.1912, before me tne unclersigned, a �?otary <br /> Pualic� �vithin aru for said County� �ersvr.=�lly c�me JP .�.�artridge and wife E.Jose�hine r-artriu�e <br /> R.I,.F�arrison to r;.e rerso�aally �nowr to be t���e identical �?er�ons t:uhoce naries are affixecl to <br /> �h° at:;ove in�trurnent r��s Grantors� and tizey severally acirr_owledged tl�e same to be t�leir volur:taiy <br /> �ct and deed ror tr�e r�i��o�e t�ierein �xnres�:eci. <br /> In �r itness rJhereof� I have hereur:�o suUscxibeu r.�y r_ar_�e �nc� afiixed my official seal at rrand <br /> Islar_c� idebr�ska an �,he uate l�st �_��ove ,r-ritten. <br /> (S�AL) S.C .Huston <br /> '�•iy commiasior. exnires �7'u:�.y 25, l�lti �v'ot�ry Pu�;lic <br /> F�l�u ior record Ju7_y �?i .l�'1` at �.�0 0'clock F.';, , <br /> i e�is�Er o Dee �"� <br /> -o-o-c-c-c-o-o-c-c-c-o-o-e-c-a-e-e-o-o-�-e-o-e-o-U-o-o-c-o-a-o-�-c:-o-�-o-o-e-o-o-a e-�-e-e-a-�-ea' <br /> �_... <br />, RrFER�ES � DE�::D..�; <br /> r.N(?�d ALL 'r.�EN BY THESE P�rEI�iTS, That wnereas, in an action �enciing in the District ' <br /> Court _�f Hall Cc�unty, Pd2urask�, ( Case No . 3�17) in which i�lartha A.Whit2 and Port�r JVnite were <br /> plaintiffs and �liza A.Scot�t, ��eor�e A.�catt, Nora T�u.Sco�t, Reva Daan �ncl �Vayne �'J .Dean were defen- " <br /> c�ants, it �tas among oti��-r things, found, orderecl, adjua�ed and deereed as followe:- <br /> that 'r�illiam Scatt c�iod intestata in the Cour_ty of �Lall and State of Nebraska on the 30t.z day of <br /> January� 1�11 ssized in fee sim}�le of t�,:e follo;�vin� d�scribed real estate Qituate in said Hall , <br /> Caunty, to-�rit :- T7�e :�lorth nalf and the South East �.�uarter of the ?Jorth East Quarter of Sect�ion <br /> �%se (1) in Tovrnship Ten (lU) �orth of i�ange �"leven (11) �Vest of tne oth Pxincipal Tleridiar� that , <br /> saici ,`Jilliam .,cott left surviving him as heirs at law and only heils at la� Jsar�e A.Scott, a <br /> san; '.ta-rtha A.Nhite, a da„�hter ; Rava Dean and �P�.��ne A .Dean� minor grana children; and Eliza A. <br /> Scatt, his ���idovr; tri�t said ciefendants 'zav� b�en duly notifiQCl of the filing and r�°ndency of saic� <br /> suit 'c�y re-rsc?na1 se�v'ce of sumrnons �ccarding to law� triat a guardian ad litem w�s duiy �n?aointec� <br /> for said minor defendants, R�va Dean anu +'�ayns iJ.Dean, and ans�rared for thern� ti�a� the �liares ancl <br /> ir.ter�sts of the �"uove n3mad heirs �ve-rs ciuiy confirmecl in tiza real estate above descri�ec� and the <br /> unclarsigneu �d . ::.Thoi��_�son and A.s.Ab'r�ott were duly aprointacl referees to make rarti+ion of said <br /> premisas; And whereas said referees �::a�ia report in writin� cluly signed, setting forth that <br /> �artition a� saiu land could not i�e �iau.e �vithout �reat �rejudice to �ha o���ners thereof, �rhic:n <br /> report T�vas duly exa::�in^d by :�aid court �nd the court eein� satisfied ti.erewith� confirnied the sarrie <br /> anu �:�ereupon m xde an order �nci caused the sa.rne to be entered c3.irecting us to sell said lancl as <br /> ' u�on execu'�ion -�c, �i�� hi�7ies� r�iclder for cash in manner nroviciea by 1aw. , <br /> V <br /> i <br />._ �. .. ,,._ . _ . _ . � ;� ". . <br />