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, �� � <br /> y�:�. <br /> t> <br /> ., = <br /> � �1�J��'���� ����'���_�;� �_����� ��� , <br /> _ � - - __ -=_ _ _ <br /> _ -- - -- - ----__ _ __ <br /> - --- - - ---- --- <br /> _. _ _ _ -- <br /> ----__-___--- -_-_---=-_--_ ------ -- _-_-_- -- <br /> __:- ._ ::_ _ -- ---_---_-� <br /> ; y�ARRAN�Y DEE D �t�'`' <br />� <br /> �do. 97 Doniphan Cemetery Aasociation. <br /> Know all Aden by These Presents : That A.B.Smith, J.ri.wuigle and J.H.Scudder- Trustees_ of the <br /> Doniphan Cemetery� Association of Doniphan, i�;ebraska, in consideration of Ten (;�10 .00) DCLLARS, <br /> in hand paic�, c�o hereby �rant, 'r�argair� sell and convey �nd confirm unto Al'aert �tard the foll- <br /> owin� c�escribed �eal sstate situate in the county of �a11, and state of TTebrask_� <br /> I,ot Num'r�er 21� in E1ocx Nuin'oer 55 in the Doniphan Cemetery� situate on the ��orth East uuarter <br /> of the T�orth-ea�� Quarter ���f Section Five (5) in Townsrlip Nine (9) Plorth of �ange Nine (9) Nest <br /> of the Sixth Frincipal bieridi�n, as the sanie is laid down and described on the plat of �aid <br /> ' ' CEMETERY now vn file in the County Clerk' s office of �aid Hall County, Nebraska. Together with <br /> all the tenen�ent�, Herd.itaments and Appurtenances to the same '�elongin� and wll tne Estate, <br /> � Right, Title� in�erest, Dowex, Claim or Demand �vriatsoever of the said �rantors, or either of them <br /> of, in, or to th� sar�e, or any part triereof, to have and to hold the above described premi�es� <br /> with the appurte�ances� unto the said rrantee, and to his heirs and a�signs foreve�. <br /> And we do r��ereby covenant Yvith the said rrantee and his heirs and as�igns, that we are law- <br /> , fL�lly seizec3 of �aid rrer�ise�; that they are free from encurri�-rance; that we have goad right and <br /> l���rf��l au�hort�y to sell the same ; and �ve ao hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said pre- <br /> rnises again�t th� Iawfui claims of all �ersons whomsoev�r . <br /> Signed tl�is 27th ci�y of .Tu1y A.D.189°. . <br /> A.13.Smi th <br /> In Pres�nce of <br /> J.H.�uigle <br /> C.F.Rayrrler <br /> ' J.H.Scuclder <br /> '�he State of i�Iewr�ska ( <br /> :ss <br /> �:all Count�. ( On this 2r�n aay of July A.D.1899 �efore me� a Notary Public in and <br /> for said County, nersonally came the above;ied A.B.Smith� J .H.Scudder and J.H.�uigle, Trustees <br /> urn.o are rersonal:ly known to me to be �he iden�ical nersons T�hose r.amee are affixec3 to the above <br /> ', Deed as Grantors,' and they severally acirnowledged the execution of the same to be their volun- <br /> ; t�ry act and deed for tne nurroses t�-:erein stated. <br /> iNitness my harsd und Notarial Seal at Doninhan, on t;Iie aate uforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) C.F.Ray�er <br />- ��otary Public, Ha�:i Courlty, Ne�raska <br /> Filed for record July �7r 1912 at 1.15 0 � cl�ck P.I�i. , � � <br /> , Register of D ds <br /> -o-o-e-�-e-c>-c-o�o-o-c-c-c-u-o-o-o-�-,�-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-�-�-o-o- o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-e- <br /> � �� �ARRA23TY D�ED.`�'`•. <br /> F�now all �ien by Ti:ese Presents: That +V.r.Partridge and �tife E.Joseph�.ne <br /> and R.L.Harrisor� and tivife Be�tha i��. of the Cour�ty af kall, and State of ZTebrask� rrantors� in <br /> ec�nsicier�tion of the sum of Three hundred fifty and no/104 DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby <br /> grant, bargain, sell and convey unto reorge 2:.Reuting of the Cour.ty of riall� and Stats of Neb- <br /> ra�ka, rrantee� the folloe�ving cieseribed x�remises, situ�tecl in the Courlty of Hall, ar_d State of <br /> i3eurasl��, to-wit:- Fractional lot nurlber two (�,) in fractional block ore hundred thirty <br /> two (13�) of TJnion Pacific Railway Companyt s second �c�aition to rrand island, Nebraska, and <br /> fractional lot nwn'r�or two (2) in block num'aer eight (8} in �ussel 7�i�_aeier� adc�itir.n <br /> to �r�nd Is�and, A,'e'� surveyec'� platted anc� recorded. <br /> Togetlier with all the tenements� hereditaments and ar.pur�er_ar_cea tl-.ereunto belonging� and alI <br /> t��e Lstate, Right, Title, Inte-rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and dsmancl ��rhalsoever of the said <br /> �'rantors and of eithe-r of then� of� in, or to the �arne, or any rart thereof. <br /> To ��.�ve and To Holcl th� above aescri��ed �rerr.ises� with the ap�urtenances� unto tne said <br /> Grantee ar_cl to nis heirs anci as°igns forevez. vre here'uy eovenant with tl�e said Gr�ntee <br /> t���at we hold s�id �remises b;� �ooci and �erfect title; that v�fe have �ood ri�rit and laE�ful 2�uthor- <br /> � ity to sell anci conve ti.e san:e • t'rlat the are free ar.0 clear af all lier.s and inet�rr�:�r nc <br /> Y , Y a es <br /> J vfhatsoever. <br /> � I! _ _ ' _ <br />