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41(� <br /> `� �������.� �' J',AJ�����.l��_�J� ��J,��Cs� �"'�� _ � <br /> , , ', � <br /> , _ � ) _� ._ _ � ;o ��� <br /> _ --- -- .:— _ � -__ -__ -- _._ __._ � <br />'—"-'�-'�� �� ��S'4�L88-State Journal Company, Blunk Book Makers, �Stationeis aud Printers LinCOln �Qb_. � � - � - - ^_ - - --- -� -_ <br /> .._.. __.._.�_. . .-.- � . �--�: .. - -.-� .-- -= - _.._., —. �_ --- - <br /> ,...-'-� �,.'-.-- _:.._..� �,_._ ...c. :�� . . . . .. ..... . ... .. . . . .__. . .. . � - . . <br />-- ��UIT CLAI�. DEED: ' <br /> Knotiv ail ��i8n by ThssQ Pre�ents: That I, Jens Ols°n of Granct Island, �'ebraska <br /> in consideration of T��o Tii�us�nd Dollar� and other consid^rations in hand paic�, do hereby Grant, <br /> Sell, Rer�ise, Release, and forever Quit-C?aim unto Chris�ina Olsen ti:e fallowing descri'�ed Real <br /> Est�_tQ, situate in the County of H��1 unci State �f Ve�:raska ta-wit:- <br /> Lots �,uni'aer 3� 4, ar.d 5 in Block 44 in the 4riginal Town naw C-±ty of �rancl Island, i7e'�ras�a <br /> in accoruance tivith survey�ecl and recoruecl plat tnareof . <br /> TO�ETHER with all the ter�e:�er.ts, hereditaments ancl a��purtenan�ns� to the same belonging� and all <br /> the estate, right, title, interest, dower, clain� or asmand yvhatsosver� of the said Jens Olson of, <br /> ir� ana to the same or any nart thereof. TG HAVE ATv� TO HOLD the above asscri'ped pren�ises ` <br /> witn tne a�purtenancas� unto the said Christina Glsen and to her heirs and assigns forever�. <br /> Signed this 28tp� day of December A.D.One Thousand �'ine Hundr�erl and Eleven. <br /> , <br /> In Presence of Jens Olsen <br /> H.A.Ed�rarcis <br /> Th� State of ide'�xaska ( <br /> : ss <br /> ;-iall County ( On this 28th day of �ecember A.P.1911 before me a No�ary Public in � <br /> anci for said County, �ersonally c�sne t��e �.��ave named Jens Olsen, rrantor, Evho is nersonall�� �na�vn ' <br /> ' to ��e tol'ae the identical nerson c�nc�se name is affixed to the above deed a� grantor, and who ackn- <br /> o�vledged the inst-run�ent to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> :�ITNLSS r�y hancl and seal tr�e date aforesaid. � <br /> ��EAI,) h.A.Edwards <br /> ��y comrnission exiaires Dec 1°t�y 1�13. Tvotary Public <br /> Filed f'or record July 2�, 1�1F at 8.�5 o' clock A.i�i. <br /> . � <br /> Register o� eds <br /> -O-O-�-O-O-O-�J-O�Q,-O-J-Q-O-O-0-0-0-4-0-0^U-O-U-U-^-O-O-�-0-0-0-O-O-J-O-O-0-4-4-0-0-�-0- -O-O-O-!� <br /> WaxrantY De�d: �` � � � <br /> Know A17. Men by These Presents: <br /> T�IAT Leslie C.Harvey a,nd Rebecca Harvey H3s Wife of Hall County, State of Nebra�ka, in eon- <br /> �ideration of the �um of One Dollar a.nd other valuable Consideration DOI,LARS in hand paid by . <br /> William R.�alters of Hall �ounty, State of NebrasKa, do hereby sell and convey unto the �aid � <br /> Willia.m R.t�lalters the follovving described premi�es, situated in the county of Hall State oP <br /> Nebr to-vrit : Lot Numbered One (1 ) and Fractional Lots Two (2 ) and Three (3 ) in Block Ninet�en <br /> (19) in 13onnie Brae addit,ion to Grand Tsland Nebr. <br />���� <br /> r <br /> William R.Walters assum�s the T�qort�age now against the Place for �700,00 held by the Security , <br /> Savings a,nd Loan Associ�.tion of Lincoln Nebr. together with all appurtenances thereunto <br /> belonging, and Leslie C.Harvey hereby covEn�.n.t triat the said premises are free and clea,r Prom <br /> i <br /> all liens and encumbrances Except as above stated and we coven�.nt to warrant and dePend the <br /> �aid premise� a�ainst ar�y� acts of said parties of the first part. And the said Rebecca Harvey <br /> hexeby relinquishes all Her right of Dower in and to the above described premises, <br /> Si�ned the 17th day of July 1912. � <br /> In presence of �,eslie C.Harve� <br /> W..E.Samp�on Rebecca Harve� <br /> State of Nebra.sKa ) <br /> )ss. . � <br /> H�.11 County ) On this 17 day of 1912, before me, Geo D.Hetzel a Notary Public <br /> duly commiusioned a.nd qualified for and residing in said County, per�ona,lly came Zeslie C. <br /> Harvey and Rebecca Ha.rvey to me known to be the identical person deseribed in and who e�€ecuted <br />. tY?e f ore�oing; instrument a� grantors and they acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> V7itness �y hanc3 and Not�,rial seal a.t Grand Island in said County, trie day and year last above <br /> written. <br /> (SI+'.AL) Geo D.Hetz el , <br /> r,r�r Commission �xpires trie 2� d�,y of October 1915 N tary Pub�, c _ <br /> Filed for record on the 23rd d�,y of July lgl2 at 10 :30 o 'clock A.M. <br /> Re�;ister o2' eeds ', <br />_ : � , � _ � <br />