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� 4�)� <br /> � � '���'� ���' ���'( ;C���% � �� <br /> , � _ �� _, �� �-. ���� ���� <br /> � ---- _ � _____ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __-----_---- - <br /> - - _ _ - ___- -- _ . __ -__ __ <br /> � _ - _- _--- __ -----_ . _- ------ _ _ ___- ---- _ _ - - - - -- - <br /> _ __ __ <br /> -:.�__.--- __ _-- --�---- -_____ ____-_ _ _ <br /> � ; REFEREES D��ED,�.. ; <br /> F�no�vv all ��ien by These Pressnts tliat- iqhe-reas� in an action of partition pend- <br /> ' ing in the ci�,strict court of Hall County, (Nu���r�er 3�0$}, :�rherein Claude T.Meseraull ancl Maurica <br /> �7 .i��pseraull Nere ��laintiffs� and Dela E.2vieseraull and otners �vere defendants for the nartition <br /> Uf th� �?rernises �iezein describecl, the undersi�n�d ref�rees, apnointad by said court to r��ake par�- <br /> ition of said I preniises rnade report trat nartition of saiu prernises could not ue made witr.out <br /> ; gre�.t rrejudice to ti:e a�vnexs t�_ereof, which report was examined and confirmed and thareu;�on <br /> s�icl cot�rt macle an orc�er clirectin� us to sell saicl premises for cash. <br /> ' And in nursuancs we caused a notice to be rublished in the Grand Island Inder.en_�ant, a news- <br /> ; �a??er printed an�i. in general circulation in said Courty, tnat we would offer said premises, with <br /> - others, for sale„ at tne front door of the courthouse in saici County, on the 20" day of June, 1912 <br /> at one o 'clock P.&1. of said ciay� and at the time and rlacs stated in said notice, �nci �fter it <br /> ' had be�n �u�ilish�ed more than- 30 days ��ve offered said premises� in Hall County, 1lebraska, to-4vit : <br /> � The East Twp-thirds of Lat ??ur�'�er Seven (7)� the Nest One-third. of Lot rlum'�er Eight (8) all <br /> , <br /> �,' in B1ock �ix (6)y in the Village of Doni�han� subject to the outstanding leases now on said <br /> preniises . fior sale at :public auction and sold the same to �Villiam A.;yloses for the sum of . <br />+ �3440.00, �e Uei�g the highest bidder therefor. And after�rards� on the lOth d�.y of July 1912, <br /> said couxt approved and confirmed said sale� and ordered us to execute to said 7Yilliam A.?,�oses <br /> ' a cieed cor.veying' said �remises to him in fae simple . <br /> No�r therefore'�, �ve, T.C.C .Harrison and Arthur C .AAayer refarees, in consideration of the prem- <br /> ises and of the �um of �3440.GG so bid and pai:d by said .�Pilliam A.Moses da by tlLese presents <br /> grant� sell and �convsy unto the saici JGilliam A.Adoses ana to hi heirs and assigns � tne real est- <br /> ate described ' f - �'�"'_ - <br /> asl ollows: The East T�ro thirds of Lot� Seven (7), the �Gest One thi�d of Lot <br /> Eight (8) all inlBlock Six (U), in the Villa�e of Doni�han, subject to the outstar_ding leases <br /> nox on saici �rer��ses, in the County of Hall� State of Nebraslsa. <br /> witr� all• appurtenancas ti:ereunto belonging, to have and to hold the same to nirt� the said <br /> Nilliam A.�doses� ' and his neirs and assigns forever. <br /> In �Vitnes� iVhereof v�e have hereunto set our hands this 12" day of July A.D.1912. <br /> . In presence of � T.0 .C.Harrison <br /> Claxa B1_ai�r Arthur C.Pviayer <br /> Referees. <br /> � St�te a�' Nebraskp� ( <br /> , :ss <br /> ' County of Hall ( On this 12th day of July A.D.191?� before me, a notary ;�ublie, in and <br /> ,; <br /> '� for said County� I'� rersonally came T.C.C.Harri�on and Art'rlur C.1,dayer to me �ersonally l�nown to be <br /> ' the iclentical ne�rsons �vhose names are affixed to tne �bove instrui.�ent �s �rantors� ar.d sev�rally <br /> ;;_cknowleugecl t:ie! execution of tne same to 'c;e t��eir valuntary act and daed for the �urpose tnere- <br /> in ex�ressed. ; <br /> ; In Nitness ��iiereof� I have hereunto subscribed rny name and affi$ed my official <br /> ' saal at �srand Is�and, on the ciay last above vrrit�en. <br /> (SEAL) Arthur r.Abbott . <br /> 1uy com;�ion ex�ires Nov 20. 1913 idotary P�ablic <br /> Filed for rec�rd' July 17� 1912 at ? o 'clock P.1�. , <br /> ��� <br /> • register of D eds � <br /> -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O«-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-O-0-fl-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- O-O-O-O-O- <br /> i <br /> , <br /> . II . . . . . ._.-_ <br />