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i <br /> 4O� ' ' <br /> �� �� <br /> ` � , � 11 _� �=��'+ `� `+ �_I-� � � <br /> ������% ����J�%� '� , ��� � � ,_,�o <br /> _ __ __� �__� -_ _ __ <br />=��__ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __.__ _ --- <br />— _54296-State Journal Cow9any, Biqiik BooL• 1lakere, Stationers and Printere� Lincoln�Neb - ------ - - - _� - <br /> � REFE���S �iE�D; � � �� <br /> ' Know all ��ien by These P�°esents tiza� — �hareas� in an action of �artition ��endir�g <br /> in the clistrict �:ourt c�f I�iall County, ( Nunr'��r ��0£�)� -.rherein Claude T.P�eseraull ar.d ��lauri�e .7. <br /> i��esaraull ;�er� �alaintiffs, anci L�ela r .S�eseraull and others t�rere czefenaants f�r the partition of <br /> the prer�ises iierein dascripacl, the undexsi�n�d referees, aproint�d by said court to maKe ?�artitiC►n <br /> ' of �aicl rremises"'re�ort that p�rtition of said �?remises coulc� not be made rvithout great nrejudic� <br /> � <br /> to tlie o�vn�rs �hereof� �rhicii report tivas exa.mined anu confirmed and thereuron said court n�acie an <br /> . <br /> o-rder uirecting us to sell said �remises fcr cash. . <br /> - <br /> And in �ursuance �ve caused a notice to ��e �ub— <br /> ?isneu in the irand I�land Inclenendant, a newa�a°?er printed anc� in generai eireulation in said. <br /> Count:�, tha.t : ��e ;;rould offer saicl nremises, uvith oth�xs, for sale at th� front door of the court— � <br /> house in saici Caun�y, on the `?Oth a2�y of June, 1912� at c�ne o 'clock P.i�, of said day� and at the <br /> tirne and nlace st�tecl in said �otice, and 3fter it had been published more than 30 days ,ve offer�d <br /> saici rrer�ises, to—��rit:— Commencing at a noint T�o hunured forty (24G) feet Last of the �oint � <br /> o� inters�ction of the Last line of the St . Joseph and rrand Island Railway Co:�pany�s ri�ht of wa�y <br /> with tiie Narth line of Section Eight (8), To�Nnship Nine (9)� North of Ran�e Nine (9)� �est of th�s � <br /> �" F.�i., runr�ing tlienca South ar_d �arallel Nith the said right of :1ay along a division fence no�r � <br /> there stanuing T�.vo hurCiz'ed fifty three (�5u) feet, thence �ast at right angles and narallel �r�th <br /> saiu North line Gne i7unured t�hirty t�vo and one half (13r 1/2) feet, runnin� thence North at ri�;ht <br /> . . <br /> - <br /> angles and �arallel witn said ri�nt of way T�ra hunured f�.fty three (�53) feet to the said North <br /> line� tizence �'Vest trlereon One hunu-reci ��iirty::�wo ��.nd one half (132 1/�) feet to the place of <br /> '�eginnin�. for sale at _r.uulic auction and sold the same to Cnarles J.Beers for the suirl of <br />, <br /> �:1575 .00 , he being �h� highest �ic�d�r '�herefor. And �.ftar��rards� on the lOth clay of July� l�l^, <br /> , � <br /> �"!' <br /> saiu court arprovea anci confirm�d said sale� and c�...�ered us to execute to a�id Charles J.�eers <br /> . <br /> a aeed conv�yin� saicl ?�r�rnises to him ir_ fee �im�le . Not�v therefore T�re� T.G.C.Harrison ancl <br /> - <br /> , Arti�ur C .�iayer, referees, in consiueration of �he rremises a::cl of the sum of �,1575 .00 �so 'r�ic� <br /> anci -�7aid by said Char?e� J.F�eers do and by tlzese pres�nts grant, sell and convey unto ±he said <br /> Charles J.�3eers arld to his heirs and ^ssigns� the real estate clescri'qed as follows:— . <br /> Comniencing at a noint Tcfo riur_c�reci forty (�40) feet Fast af the noint of intersaction of the <br /> East lir� of the St . Joseph �ncl srand Island Rail;va�t Comnany' s rig,ht of way ;�vith the ''orth line <br /> of S�ction Ei��'rlt t8)� Tc�bvnshi?� TTine (9)� Plorth of �angQ �:ine (9)� JPest of the o" P.�i. .rur.ning <br /> � <br /> I thar.ce South ancl �arallel •�vith the said right of way alon� a division fence now there �tanding � <br /> T�vo huncireci fifty -`nr�e (�'53) feet, tnence Last at right angles anc� �arallel with saici North line <br /> one hunared tllirty two and ore half (132 1/�) feet, rur.ning thence North at right angles and <br /> � <br /> f ;��ar�llel �rit'r� said ri�'r�t of �vay Two hun�red fifty three �2.53) feet to the said North line, thence <br /> ; i`dest thereon Or:e hunureci thi-rty t:va and one half (13� 1/��) feet to the place of beginning. <br /> with all appurtez�ances tiier�unto belc�n,;ing, to have and to ho1c1 the same to him , the said Cha-rle� <br /> �� .i�eers, �nu his r:eirs ancl assigns forever. <br /> In i9itness Nhereof ;ti�e have liereunto set our ]zandst�iis l�" aay of .7uly A.D.l�l�. <br /> In �resenca of <br /> T .c:,.C.Harrison <br /> Cl�sa �lair . Artl�ur C .,�aver <br /> � r;eferees . <br /> St�.te of Ne uraska � <br />� :s,� <br /> �vur:�y of Hall � On tiiis 12th day �f �Tuly A.P.l�l?; 'aefore ms� a not^ry nublic in ancl for <br /> said County, pe��sonally carr,e T.G.C .�a-�rison and Arthur C,R�ayer to me �ers��nally �no:vn to be .the <br /> iuentical neic�ns vvhose r.atnes �re �.ffixec: to tne ak�ove in�tr�rnent as drantors� �nd severally ack- <br /> noYviacl�ed the execution of the s�me to �e their valUn�Lary �.ct and deed for tr�e }-�ur�ose therein <br /> axt�-re:�seci. <br />• In TJitnas� i9:.ereaf, I r�ave r�e-reunt� �ub,�cri�er� my naine ancl �ffixsd n1y offieial seal <br /> �.t �rand Islanu, on tne uay 1�_st a�ove :�rritten. ', <br /> �u�'AL} Arthur �s.Abbott <br /> i�iy coi,i:::issior. ex��ires TJov ?0, 1�?1? P?otar,y Public <br /> Fi ie� for r�,cord .Jul,y 17, 1912 at 1.30 0 'c,1ock P .3�� ^� - � <br /> Register o Deeds � <br /> -O-�-J-�-C3-O-O-�-O-O-O-�)-O-O-fl-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-O-O-C?-O-O -O-0-0-0-0-O-O-J-O-d-Q-O O-O-�-O-O-O-J-fa-O <br /> E� <br /> i <br />. � ,. � <br />