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- - <br /> � 4�7 <br /> �� <br /> � J1������,_��;� ��'�c�J����� �_���� �C�� - <br /> � ___ -- _ _ __ ___ <br /> _ __ __:_—_—_.�.—______ —_ ___ _� _ <br /> _ _ __ ____ _. <br /> _________ <br /> __.�___ _ __ —_ — ___ _____ _-- -___ _ -- ______— ____ _____ <br /> REFERE�S D�'r�D. : � <br /> Knoav �11 Paien by These Fresents tliat- �hereas� in ar� action of ��rtition r.ending <br /> in the ciistrict �ourt of H�11 County� ( Number 3608), wherein Clauae T.�leseraull ard I�aurice .7. <br /> :�iesei aull e�e-re p'laintiffs, ar:a ,D.ela -�.�deseraull ancl others rvere ciefencl�r_ts for the �+�rtition of <br /> , the preruises Ylexein u.eseribed� t��e unclersignect referees, ap�?ointed i�y saici eaurt to r��ake rart- <br /> ition of said �ar�eLlises L�acla report tizat Y>artition of saicl nreri�ises could not be r�ade without <br /> „ graat �:�rejudice te +he oYvners �nereof, �rhich rerort ���s ex�mined and confirrue�i ar_d ti�e-reunon said <br /> cour� rtzaae an or�ler directing us to sell said ;�remises for cash. <br /> .Anu in nursuanc� we caused a notice to 'ae publisned in tha irand Island Independant, a news- <br /> l�a�ex ��rinted ancl in general circulation in said County, that :�re would offer said �re;.isea, with <br /> ' others, for sale at the front doar of the courthouse in said Eounty, on the 20" day of .7une, <br /> 1912, at one o ' cilock F.��i, of said day� and at the time and place stated in said notice, and after <br /> ' it had been publ'ished morQ than 30 days ;ve offered said rrer�ises, ta=:vit : <br /> - Comnlencing at a roint `on tne North line of Snction Ei�ht (8}� Township lv'ine (9)� of Range '�Iine <br /> (9} �est of the 6" P.�i. Three hundred Seventy two and one half (372 1/2) feet �`ast of the roint <br /> , of intersection of the �ast line of tne St .�Joseph ancl �rand Island Rail�ray Comnany' s right of <br /> '+vay with said l�o��rth line running ,thence South and �araiiel Nitr. said right of way T�ro huncirad <br /> fifty t�`�rse (?53} feat, thenee East at -right angles and parallel �ri�h saicl Nc�rth line Sixty five <br /> (�5) feet, thence ti'orth at rig2it angle� Tvva hunared fifty three (253) feet to the North line of <br /> ', said section, thence �Vest alon� said North line Sixty five �G5} faet to the nl�ce of 'oe�inring. <br /> ' for sale at pur�llic auction and sold the same to Charles Young for the sum of �350 .00 he peing <br /> �he hi�hest 'r�iddler therefor. And afterwards, on �he lOth clay of July� 1912, saici court a�Pro- <br /> ' ved anu confirme�c� said sale� and ord��red �us to execute to said Charles Young a deed conve�ing <br /> said nrernises to him in fee sirn�le. . <br /> N'ow therefore we, T.O.C.Harrison and Arthur C.Mwyer, <br /> referees, in co�nsideration of the �rerni�es .�.nd of th� sum of �350 .00, so bid and baid by said <br /> Charles Young dol, by these ?�resents grant, sell anc� conv¢y unto the said Charles Young and to his <br /> heirs and assigris, the real estate describecl as folloars: Commencing at a noint on the 2dorth <br /> line of section wight (8)� To��nship Nine (°), of Range Nine �°), 7�est of the 6" P.�I. Three hundre <br /> Seventy two and �one h�lf (372 1�2} feet �'ast of the �oint of intersection of the �'ast line of <br /> t�ie St . Joseph a�nd rrand Island Railway Compa�?y' s right of way �avith said North line running <br /> , <br /> ��,:ence South ana �arallel �vith said right of �vvay Two �.ur,arecl fifty three (253) feet, thence <br /> � � �� � � � <br /> Last at right an�gles and narallel �vith said �?orth line Sixty Five (65 ( feet� thence TTorth at ri- <br /> �ht �ngles T��o T-�unc�red fifty three {253) feet to the N'orth line of said sectior� thence i�est <br /> along said ?�Tortl�' line Sixty five (05) feet to the �lace of beginnin�. with all a�purtenances <br /> � <br />' ti:ereunto belonging� to have and to hold the same to riim� the sa�d Charles Young� ancl his heirs <br /> ar.c� assigns fore'v�r. <br /> In Nitness Ni�e-reof we na-re nereunto set our h�nds this 12" day of July <br /> A.D.1�12 . <br /> T.U.C.Harrison <br /> In presencel of <br /> � <br /> B' ' Ar hur C er <br />. C t .Ma <br /> r �r <br /> la a la <br /> Y <br /> � � Referees . <br /> ' `>tate of ivebrask;a ( <br /> :as <br /> , County of Hsll. ( Qn �his 1"th day of July, A.D.l°1?, before me� a not�ry r_ublic in and <br />, <br /> , o � • r , � '� <br /> �, , �' ,. r _,.nown be <br /> . for said Count� ..,r�onall car�le T.C.C .H,�rr1,..on and Arthur C.P�� r. r to r.!e _ ersonall to <br /> � ha i ' �� � y ' e he above inc rumen as r n ors yand severall <br /> t uen ic 1 _erson avhose n s fflg d o t t t a t <br /> t a s ame ar e a t Y <br /> � <br /> P � <br /> acknowledged �_��� execution of the same to be their voluntary act ancl deed for the purnose there- <br /> in expressecl. <br /> Tn 7Jitness �hereof, I have hereunto subscri'r�ed my name and affixed my official <br /> s�al at Granci island on the day last abov� written. <br /> ISEAL) Arthur r.Abbott � � <br /> ' �iy Comr�ission e�pires Nov 20, 1913 i�otary Public <br /> ' 191�' <br /> Filed for record� July 17�at 11 o 'clock A.1�. <br /> Re�ister o Deeds <br /> , -o-o-d-o-�-o-o-�-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-0-o-0-O-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> i� � <br />