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���� <br /> � � � <br /> �LJJ��II��JJ� I����J�,���� � _I�,V���la� ��SJ? ,`:JJO <br /> 1 <br /> _ ___ ., _ - -- — — _- -- -� _ .. - - <br /> ,�_ __._ ___ _._ . _ � <br />__... <br /> :_� _ <br /> 54296 .State Journal ComDanY� Blulll: B�ok ➢Iakers� Stationeis and PrinYese,__Lincola�Ne�. __,_ _. _. _ _,_:., , __—�� _�_ __.__�_._` ..__.~— ._ _ __--�-� -- —._�I <br /> . i <br /> RLFLi,i,LS DEED.� <br /> Know all. 'tiien 'r�y Thase Presents t��at- �hereas� in an action of partitian <br /> ,.-enaind in ti�e district caurt of ri�.11 Coun�y, ( Nuiil'oer 3008)� S�Vhe�'8ir1 Claude T.Adeseraull anci <br /> .,iaurice J.i�le�eraull �vere nlwintiffs� anci Dela �.2�leseraull ancl others cvere uefendants for the <br /> �artition of tne ?�remises h�rein ciescri'��d! the undersi�ned refereea, a�pointed by said court to <br /> rnake �artiti�n �f saia �remisss made re;�ort ti�at partition of said premises cou.Id not ba r�ade <br /> �ritllout �r•eat prejudice to tne ourners ;nereof� �vhich ren�rt was examined and confirmed and thers- <br /> upon saicz court rn?de un order clirecting us to sell s�id �nreniises for ca�h. <br /> And in nur�uance v1e caused a notice to be �ublishect in the �rand Island Independant, a newspaper <br /> - - <br /> �rinted and in genaral circulation in said county, that _we �.vould affe-r saicl vremises, avith others <br /> _ <br /> f�r s�.le �.t t:�� front door of the courth �use in said �aunty, on the 20TM day of June, 1912� at one <br /> o ' clock r.�Vi. of said ciay, and at the tir<e and pl�ce stated in said notice1 and after it had be�n <br /> nublisr�ed uiore t��an 30 days �Rr� offared said premises, to-wit: <br /> Cot�itner.cing at a r�oint on the �ast line of the S� . �Jnseph and �rand Island Railwa�T Comrany' s <br /> right of vvay '�wa t3undred fifty th-rae (253) feet South of the point of intersection af eaid East � <br /> iine of said ri�Y�t of way �,vith the �Ic�rth line of section Nurri�er Eight (8), in Township TJumi�er Nine <br /> (9)� NOrth of r�ange T1ine ��}� �Pest of the �" P.,�S. af �ia11 County� Neuraska� running t7ience South <br /> along said East line of said right of w�y Tavo hundred 3i�htythree ancl one fourth (?83 1�4} feet <br /> �hance East at -rigr,t an�les and na-rallel �vi�h I3arth line of saici section �hirty five (:�5) rods, <br /> running tY-iQnc� i�o-rth �t rignt argles �nd r�rallel to tY�ie :�aid right of way T::ro hundred ei.;�:hty <br /> ti�xee and one fourth (^83 1'�'r) feet, runnin� thence �'dest �.t ri�ht angles thirty five (v5) rocls tn <br /> tne rlace of '�e�i:��ing. for sale at nub?ic auction �.nd sold �71e same to Esther �' .?.'es�raull <br /> �or ��ia swn of �500 .OG, s�ie beil�g the highes� 'pidder �i7er�for . �.nd aftertivarc�s, on the lOth day of <br /> July, 1912� saiu caurt anprovecl and confix.ned said sale� and ardered us to execute to saici Esth�r <br />'� <br /> ��: .�leseraull a desd conv�ying s�id �remises to her in fee simple . � <br /> Now ���refore� �yve, T.C.C .H�rrison ancl Art�zur C .liayer� refarees� in consideration of rhe rrem- <br /> ises a�ct of tl{e sum of ��00 .00 so bid and naid by said Estizer, L .2��_esoraull do by these �resents <br /> grant, sell ar;u. conv�y unto the saic� �'sthDr ''' .ivdGSOl'dttl.l and to her hei?'s ar.d aesigns, tl�e real <br /> estate describ�cl as 1�11oNS: <br /> Comm°ncing at a point on tip East lir.e of tne St . Joseph ar�d �rand <br /> Island Railtivay C�mY,�ny' s ri�'rit of �ray Two Hunurer� fifty three (253) feet South of the roint of <br />�I V <br /> inters2ctic�n af saicl ��.st line of saicl ri,i�t of Nay ,Fritn the I�orth line of seetion Nunlber Eight , <br /> I� (8), in To�Jvnshi� Z1uw u�r ivinQ (�), i;o-rth of Range Nine (9), �Vest of ths o" P.M. of Ha11 County, ' <br />� <br /> Neuraska, runnin� tnence Soutiz a1on� said East lir_e of said rigrit of way Two Hundr�d eighty t?�reei <br /> ana one fi'�urth (28:s 1/4} feet tl:ence East at ri�ht angles and p�rallel �vith '�Torth line otf said / <br />',� . <br />� :ection t��ixty five (�5) rods, running thence 1lorth at rign.t angles ancl y�arallel to the said <br /> rigizt of way T:�vo hundrec� eiU��ty tizree ancl one fourth (283 1�4) feet, running thenee 7�est at right <br /> angles t�iirty five (�5} rocis to the �iace of r�e�inning. �v�th aIl ap�urtenances thereunto belo- <br /> nging, to 'ri�.ve �.n<i to hold tl�c to her, the said Est.i�x �`'.Mesoraull� anc� her heirs and assig�is � <br /> �'oreve-r. In �itness Nhereof we have ilereunto set our hands this 1E" clay of July A.D.191a, <br /> In nresence of Z'.O.C .H.�.-rrison , <br /> Glara Blair Arthur C .J,dayer <br /> Refer�ses. <br /> State of A;ebraska ( <br /> : ss <br /> Cat�r.ty o� �iall. ( On this 12tii d�.y of .Tuly A,D.1�?l2 '�efore rne, a not�ry r�ublic in and <br /> „ - <br /> for said Govnty, �ersonallyc�rne T.(�.C.Harrison and Arthur C .Z�ayer to me ��erson�.11y known to Y�e tlle <br /> ic:izntical ?^ersons uv�iose r.�es are :ffixecl to t�ie �'�ova inst;rt�rlert as gr�ntors, �rd sAv�rally . <br /> ackno�rl-�ciged tnz exec�.�tion of the same to be their volun�ary act and deed for the �ur�ose tFierein <br /> exi ressad. <br /> In '�litr,ess �V:7e-reof, I have �.ereunto su;usc-riued my narne and affixsd my official se�l at , i <br /> �rand Islancl on tlie c�a y last above .�rritten. (S�A L) A r t hu r �.A'�bo t t <br /> 2.�y comr;i�sion ex��ires Nov 20 1913 tary Public <br /> Filed fo-r recorci July 17, 1912 at ?I. o 'cl��ck A.�� � , i' <br /> Register o e s ; <br />.- � ---_ . a; _ <br />