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4O�� <br /> � � � � �D � �� '�i��� � �- ,�--, 5 ; � � ,/ � � � �` <br /> � �� ���,��� ������� -��� �C�� <br /> _ ___ __ _ -__ _ __ ___ _ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ <br /> _ __ _ <br /> � _ _ _____- _ _ __ _ . _ _._ __ ____ <br />___:_, _ __:-.��_ __ � �__ . - _ <br /> __________ _ ________ ___ ___ ____ �--_____v. . _ ___ _-,_________________ <br /> _ _ _ ______ ___ __ <br /> R�FERE�S DEED,'' � _ - -- <br /> Knnw all Ivien by These Presents that - TJhereas, in an �ction o�' �nartition i��he <br /> - a <br /> district court of Hall County� ( TdLUn�;�er 3608), ;rherein Claude T .Meserauil and ;viaurice J.Mesar- <br /> �ull �rero plaintiffs, ancl Dela L .�=°eseraul.l �.nd others were defendants for t�ie ?�artition of the <br /> , premises herein described� the unde-rsigned referees, a�aoin�ed by said caurt to maYe ?�artition <br /> of saici prerriises mude rerort t;�at ?��rtition of said �remises could not be made withaut �reat <br /> ' �rejudice to tr�e owners thereof, �vhich rer�rt was examined ancl confirmed and thereupon �said <br />, coust n?�ade an order directing us to sell saici premises for cash. <br /> And in pursuance ZNe caused a <br /> notice to be ru'�lished in the Grand Islanci Independant� a r.ewspaper �rinted and ir. general cir- <br /> culation in said Cour.ty, that e�re �rould offer saic� r�rerr�ises� :vith others, for sale at the fr�nt <br /> � _ uuor of the courthouse in said County� on the 20" day of June� 1912 at one o' ciock P.i�.� of <br /> � said c�ay, and at the tir�e and �lace stated in saicl notice, and ?fter it had been publishect more <br /> than 30 days �ve offe-red s�.ia rrernises, to-wit :- <br /> � the <br /> ComnLenc ing at n noint af intersection of tha East line of the St . Joseph ar.c' rranci Island Rail- <br /> , way Company� s xight of way, �rvith the Tdorth line of Sectian ntu��er Ei�ht (8), �ownship nu�'per nine <br /> � • (9), IvTorth of nar:ge Nine (�), �lest of the c" P.�,� rur:ning tnence South along the East line of <br /> said ri�ht of way two hundreti fifty �;hree feet (�53), thence E�st at right angles anc� �?arallel <br /> '' with the idorth line of said �action one hundred fifty (150) feet to a divi�ion fence there sta- <br /> _ �'; nding� trlence North at rignt angles along said division fence two hunci-red fifty three (253) feet <br /> - ' to tha North line of said Sectior� thence Nest at right an�)_es on the saici North line of said <br /> - ;; <br />` �`�-� . �; section to the place of beginning. for sale at public auction and sold the same to i�illiam B. <br /> ' Cox for the sum of �5�5 .00� he being the highest bidder therefor. And afterT�ards, on the lOth <br /> da y of July� 1912 suid court a�proved 3nd ^onfirmed sa�d sale, and ordered us to execute to said <br /> �I <br /> ? �)m.B.Cox a deed convsying saia ?�ramises to him in fee simrle. <br /> Novr �norefore� vve , T.O.C.i�arrison and Arthur C.R�layer, referees, in consicieration of the rrem- <br /> . ises and of ths surn of �'5u� .00 so 'pid and �aid by said �lilliam �.Cox do and by these rresanta <br /> �rant, sell and com�ey unto the said 'JVilliam B.Cox anci to his heirs and assigns� the real eUtate <br /> � aescribed a.s follows: Commencing at th� �oint of intersection of the East line of the St. <br /> :' Josenh anct �r�nd Islanc� I�ailway Cam�aany�s rir�ht of �ray, with the Tdorth line of Section numbar <br /> , <br /> i Eight (8), Township number nine (9)� North of Range nine (9)� 3�est of the 6" P.�i., running thence <br /> , i South alang �he East line of said right of way two hunared fifty three feet (253)� thence East <br /> , <br /> ; at right angles and narallel �vith the IJarth line o� said section one hundred fifty (150) feet to <br /> ; <br /> a division fance there stanuing, thenca Tdbrth at -right angles along sAicl division fence two hun- <br /> �'' dred fifty thrse (253) feet to the North line of said Section, thence Nest at right angles on <br /> the said North line of section to the place of beginning, with all a�apurtenancas there- <br /> '! unto belonging� to have and to hold tl�e same to him, the said Nilliar� B.Cox, ancl his heirs and <br /> assigns forever. , <br /> ' In �►itn�ss �hereof �ve huve hereunto s�t our hands this 12" day of .?uly A.D. <br /> ' 1912. � T.C.C .Harrison <br /> In presence of <br /> Axthur C.2��Iayer <br /> Clara I31air. Referees . � <br /> State of Nel;raska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Cour.ty of Hall ( On this 12th day of July A.D.191?� bef�re me, a Ptotary Public in and <br /> for said County, pe-rsonally came T.t�.C.Harrison and Arthur C.;�ayer to r�_e personally known to be <br /> ';; �he identical nersons -:irhose names are affixed �o tne a'r�ove instrurnent Gs grantors, and severally <br /> . <br /> , �.ckno�vledgeci the execL�tion of the s;�rne to be their voluntary �ct and deed for the purpose there- <br /> in ex�ressed. Ir Ai�ne�s 7Vhe reof I nave hereunto subscribe3 my na::e anci affixed my <br /> official se3_1 at rr�.na Islanc� on �he dap last above :�rritten. . <br /> , AY't Y'lui' G . lsipbo t t <br /> � ,� <br /> � <br /> � d E L lotar Pu�l c <br /> �� co is i n �ir Nov 2 1913 S A <br /> mm s o ex aa 0 t Y <br /> . Y � ) <br /> Fileci for record JuTy 17 i912 at 11 otclock A.Prs. v <br /> � Register of eeds ' <br />