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��� '�, <br /> I <br /> �'_D.)������� 1'°��_�'_'���J���!r�� �_���,oJ�� �--'a .Q;'� "� <br /> u._� _____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.� __ ___ — _ _ _ _ _ � ___ _. _ __ __ <br /> _ _ <br /> 5,4296-5tate_Sournal ComDany, I31uuk Book .�LuL-ere, Stationeis and,Printeret TancolniNeb._._ __ _ _ _ _ <br />--"_ __.:..._� , , _.,�. -- ----�—_ .— <br /> .�outh at -ri _ht an les �vltri said �'ec;tion � ine and rarallel w� th --� --^-� <br /> c ` � g _ said rig'rlt of way T��vo �Iunc�rEd i <br /> anci �'ifty �hree (�5�) feet, �hence �'�.st at ri�ht angZes arrl narallel �vith said section li�e <br /> Sixty five fe�t (G5}, thence i?or�h at rigr.t angles Tavo Huncired Fifty th�ee (253) feet to said <br /> s�ction line thencE JPest at ri�ht angles Sixty Five (65) feet to the place of beginning. <br /> Subject to a right of �vay Five feet in �vidth off the Eas� side of saici premises for the use only � <br /> I af Esther � E.iYieseraull, hQx heirs ana assigns, in connection witri the use of tYle preniises lyinJ <br /> adjacent to ar�d �ast of �he �ramises above describ�d, also in connection yvith �he L�.se of the <br /> tract of lancz lying South� of and ajacent to saia nremises . <br /> for s�.ls at �u'r�lic auction and sold the s�me to C.C .TTnderurood f�r the sum of �225 .00, he being <br /> t��e hi�hest bidder therefor, Anci aft�r�rard8, on the lUth day of July� 1912, said court ap�rovQC� <br /> anci confirmed saicl sale; ordered us to exaeute to said C .0 .LTnderwood a deed conveying s�.id _ <br /> pren:ises to iiim in fea simrle . <br /> 2Sow t�lerefore� �ve, T.C-.C .Harrison and Arthur C .I�4ayer, referees� <br /> in consi��r�tion of ti7e rrer.iises uncl of the aum of �?25 .00 so bid and vaid by said C .C .Unclerwaod <br /> do k;y �hese �resents g�ar.t, sell convey unto t�:e said C .C .ttnd.=erwood ancl to his heirs and <br /> assigns, the real estate described as follows: , <br /> Co�zunencing at a ?�oint on the ilorth 7.ine of Section N�ra�er Eigh� (8), in Town�hip Nvm'�er T3ine . <br /> �9)� Nortr. of Fange ?°�ine (°), �e�t of fihe �" ?.ni.� �rliich roint is Four nundred Thirty Seven and <br /> or.� half (437 L) feet En��� of the point af in�ersection of the East line of the xi�ht of way of � <br /> tne St . Joseph arr� �rarci Island �ailv,ray Com�any, with the North line of said c>ection7 runr:ing . <br /> thence Sauth at right t�rith �aid Sectian line and paralle� with said ri�ht of way T�ro Hun- : <br /> I `� _3 <br /> ured Fifty three (�53} feet thence East �t ri�ht an�les and �arallel with said section line �ix-' - <br /> ty five (^o5)feet, thence at ri,�ht angles T�vo hunc�red anu fi�'ty three (253} feet to said section <br /> line thance �Vest Gt rig'r�t angles Sixty Five (65) feAt to tj�e placa of beginning. Su�jact to <br /> a ri�ht of yvay Five fe�t in wicith nff the East side of s?ic� �rer.lises for the uge only of E�t�ier <br /> E .T�eseraull and her heirs ana assigna, in connection with the use of t11e rremi�es lyir.g ad�ac- <br /> ent to �.nd East of the nrer.�ises ?uove c�escri'aed, also in connection ��rith ti�e use of the tract � <br /> of land lying South of ar�c� adjacent to said premises . dvitri all a�anurtenances tl�ereunto belon�in� , <br /> to have and �o nolcl : lie same to him, the saia C..C .Underv�rood, ana liis �eirs and assigns forever. <br /> In �litness ��li�ereof �vve h�ave ner�unto set our hands this 12" day of Jul,y A.D.1Q1� . <br /> In rresence of T.t�.C .Harrison � <br /> Clar� B1air Arthur C.IvZayer , , <br />, <br /> Referaes . <br /> St ate of Nebraska ( � <br /> :ss <br /> C�un��y of Hall ( On this 1^th day of July, A.D.19I2, '�ef'ore me a Notary Puulic in r�nd fo� <br /> said C�unt;�, ?^ersonally came T.0.C .riarrison and Ar�hur C .';"aver to me rersonally known to be the <br /> � <br /> iaentical persons :vhose nar.les are af�'ixecl to the abave �nstrvmQnt as grantors� and severally <br /> ackr.c���rleciged the exacu��ion �f the sa.�e to 'ne their vol?_an�ary act and de�d for tlze ?�urpose therei� <br /> expressed. <br />� In �7itness Nhereof, I have hereunto sul�scribed r:�y na.r.?e and aff'ixec� my �fficial s°�1 <br /> at �rand Islar_a, on the day last �.bove ���rritten. � <br /> (SEAL} Arthvr �' .Abpott <br /> �y con7r��i�sion exri�es Nov 20, 19�3 T�aatary Pu'�lic <br /> Filea far record July 1 r, 191� at 11 0' clock A,T,�. , /�" <br /> �� �.M.__ <br /> Register of D eds <br /> -a-a-�:-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o_�_�_�_�,_�_o-o-�-o-f�-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-�- -o-o-e- <br /> , � � �� <br /> , ' <br /> I <br /> ' <br />_ , i, I <br />