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��/P� <br /> ' 4 <br /> i ''�\!������,' ����'�����; �_.���� �--����� <br /> __--__-._:.-__ � - _---_--------=-^--__--.-------- ___ . <br /> _ ___ ___ __ __ - ---- <br /> .�,UIT CLAIM DEED. � — __-----_--- <br /> �his Indentura, 2�iade this 21st day of Arril in the year One Thousand I3ine Hundred <br /> ; ard Ten BET�fEEN Anc�rew Bosler & Johanna Bosler ( husband & wife } of the first part, and reorge <br /> Ii.Thwnruel. of the second rart . �PITT�SSETH� that ' the said parties of the first part, in consi�- <br /> eration. of the sum of Sixty Five & no1100 Dollars to us duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby <br /> ''' acknowledged, have remisedy released anc� r,uit-claimed and by these presents do for our selves <br />, our r�eirs, executors and ac�minist-r�tors� remise, release and forever c?uit-claim and convey unto <br /> , <br /> : the said party of the secana part and to his heirs and assigns fvrever� all our right, title� <br />' interest, estate, claim and demand both at law and in equity, of, in, and to all lots nur.�ber Six <br /> • ' (6} and Seven (7} &�sterly half of the Northerly half of lot numuer Eight, (8) all in Block <br /> number Sixteer� (16) in Bonnie Brae Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted ° & <br /> xecorded. Together with all �nd singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. to Andrew <br /> fiosler & Johanna �osler� To Have and To Hold the above described prernises unto the said <br /> reorgs Ii.T2-iummel his heirs and assigns: so that neitner of tne said �arties of the fi-rst r�art <br /> or any nereon in our na�ne and 'behalf� shaZl or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title <br /> , to the said premises or� any part �hereof 'aut they and every ore of them shall by these presente <br /> ' be excluded and foraver �>>arrecl. <br /> In �itness yailereof� T:1e said parties of the first part have hereunto set Qur:hands anci seal <br /> the day and year lust above ��rritten. <br /> Signed, Sealeci and delivereci in nresenee of Andrew Bosler <br /> , <br /> S.C .H��ston � Johanna Boslsr <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> . <br /> Hall County ( On this �1 day of April A.D.1910, 'oefore me the undersigned� S.C.Huston <br /> a :Zotar,y Public� duly cor��<:-�issior_ecl and nualified for and residing in saicl Cour_ty, rersonally carae <br /> '� - <br /> :', Ancirew Bo�ler & Johanna Bosler ( husband & wife ) to me known to ue the identical persons �,rhose <br /> i names are �.ffixed to the foreg�in� conve�rance as g-rantora, and ackno�leciged the sa,r.le to be their <br /> , voiurtary act and deed ior the nurroses ther�in set forth. <br /> �iitnas� my hand anci TSotarial Seal the date above 4vritten. <br /> �. <br /> �� L S .C .Huston <br /> , �Ay commissicn exnires July 25, l�, � ;y� i3otary Public <br /> Filecl for record July 1�, 1912 at 9.30 0' clock� � <br /> Register f Deeds ' <br /> ' -o-o- -o-f,-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-�-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-- <br /> `;'`,, REFEREES DEED. <br /> ; ,. <br /> Know all �ien by These Presentg that- �fhereas� in an action of partition pending in the Dis- <br /> I <br /> : trict Cour� of Hall County, ( Number 3608 ), wherein Claude T.�isseraull and 1�iaurice J.bieseraul]. <br /> w�re plaintiffs; and Dela E.Meseraull and others were defendants for the nartition of the �rem3se <br /> rier�in described, the unczersigned refere�es, apnointed by saicl court to make l�artition of said <br /> ' rremises r�iade report that �artition of said rremises c�uld not be made without great prejudice <br /> t� the owners �horeof� i�rhich report �vas exarr:inea and confirmed and thereuron said court made an <br /> ord�r di-recting us to sell s�icl r_,remises for cash. <br /> . <br /> , . <br /> And in �ursuance :,e caused a r_otice to �e pubiishecl in tr�e �rand Island In�isper�dant, a newa- <br /> - <br /> �aper printed ar.d in general circulation in said Eounty , that we �vould offer saici rrer.:ises� vrith <br /> others, fo-r sale at the front door of the courthouse in �aid 6ounty, on the 20th day of June, <br /> 1°12, at one o � clock P.�. of saici ciay� and at the time and rl�ce �tatsd in said notice� and after <br /> ! it 7iad been puulisheci more than ;:0 days ���re offered said premises, to-;�it :- <br /> Comznencing at a point on the ��orth line of �ection l�Turr!ber Eight (8), in Townshir Nurnber Nine <br /> �G)� North of Range Nine (9)� �6est of the 6" P.Rd., �vhich noint is Four Hunclrecl thir�y seven and <br /> one half (4�� � ) fest East of th° noint of intersection of the East line of right of way of t:�e R� <br /> ,, S J � T c . <br /> .t . ose�h and .�rand Island RailNay Com_r.any, with the Zvorth line of said �,ectlon, running thence <br />