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4��� �-w ' <br /> � ` <br /> . � � �''� �J�D' �S��J��j � `�� �' ����� � ��`o <br /> � <br /> _��_.�--J —ti/---��J��� --� � � __.� _J J <br /> . - . _ _ _ _ _ - <- - -- -- _ _.. —_ � ___ �.__ <br /> _. _ .� <br /> -- -- <br /> __.__..... �'L2Q�-9tate Journal Conipu4Yz L'luuk Book 111akers� 8tationen and Printes� Lincolg_�Q�__:-- -- -_-- --- , — _ .__ _._ _ _. _..__ _._ ,.__ _. ._._ <br /> WA�Z�NTY DE�D:- <br /> Know All Men By The�e Pre�ents : <br /> THAT Daniel G.`Va.�ner and Myrtle E.wagner Hu�ba.nd ancl wif� of the County of Hall, and State oP <br /> Nebraska Gr�.ntors in consideration of the sum of Sixty four Hundred DOLI�ARS, in hand paid do <br /> hereby �rant, bar��,in, �ell and convey unto EdvTarci Joslin of the County of Hall, and State of <br /> ' Nebra�ka, Grantee, the follov�ing described premi.�s, situated in trie county of Hall, and State <br /> oP Nebr�,ska, to-�rit : The north one half (� ) of the east one h�,lf (E�) of the north east quarter <br /> (rT.E.�) of S�ction two (2 ) Township �lev�n (11 ) North rdnge nine (9 ) west of the sixth (6th) <br /> - <br /> P.TR. <br /> Together with �,11 the tenements, hereditaments a.nd a,ppurtenances thereunto belonging, and a,ll <br /> the E�tate Ri ht Titl� Intere�t Dower, Curte�y, and dema,nd what�;oever of the said <br /> � <br /> � > > > <br /> Grantors and of e ith�r of them, of, in, or to tYie ��ne, or any p�,rt thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantea <br /> and to his heirs and assigns forever. And we hereby c�venant with the said Grantee that we hold <br /> sa�id premises by good a,nd pErf'ect '6itle ; that we have good right and la��'tgl authority to sell , <br /> and convey the saane; that th�y are free and clear of all iiens �,nd incwnbrances whatsoever. <br /> And vde covena.nt to warr��nt a,nd defend the sa,id premise� against the lawl'ul claims of �.11 <br /> persons whomsoever. <br /> D�ted the 5th day of July A.D. 1912 <br /> Daniel G.Wa�ner <br /> �JITNI±,SS : <br /> �rtle E.Wa�ner <br /> O.C.Bundy �,s to Daniel G.Wagner <br /> B.F.Austin <br /> , STA`T� OI+' NEBI3ASKA ) <br /> )ss. <br /> Hall County ) On tYiis .5th d�,y of July A.D. 1912 , bePore me the under�igned, a Notary <br /> Public, witnin �,nd �'or said County, personally ca,me D�.niel G.Wagn�r to me personally known, <br /> to be the identic�.l person �vhose n�,me is affixed to the above instrument as Gr�.ntor, and he <br /> sev�r�,lly ackrowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed Por the purpo�e �herein • <br /> expressed. <br />�i <br /> IP1 WImNESS WHEKEOF, I have hereunto �ubscribed ir�y na,me �,nd affixed my official sea,l at Grand <br /> Island on the date last above �vritten. <br /> O.C.BundY <br /> (SEAI, ) NOTARY PU13L I C , <br /> � .. commi�sion Ex ires Ja.n. 29 1915 " <br /> � <br /> P � <br /> i . <br />� STATE Q�' NEBRASKl� ) � <br /> )ss. <br /> L�.nca�ter County ) On tTiis �th day oF July A.D.1912 , before m� tYie undersigned, � a Natary <br /> Public , within and for �aic� County, p�rsonally cam� i�yrtle E.��dagner to me personally known, <br /> to be the icientic�,l persons whose names affixed to the above instrument as Gra,ntor, and <br /> �everally acknowledged the same to be ri�r voluntary �,ct and• deec� �'or the purpose �h�rein exprc:��ed. <br /> IN VJITNESS V�tHEYFOF, I ha,ve hereunto sub�cribed my name and a,ffixed rr�y official seal a.t <br /> �3eth�.ny Neb. on tY�e date last �,bove written. <br /> � B.�'.Austin <br /> (SI+'.•AL ) NO�ARY PU}3LIC <br /> My Commission Expires April 9, 1913 <br /> Filed for recorcl on the lOth d�,y of July 1g12 at 9:JO A,��t. <br /> Register of Dee s <br /> � �,, <br /> � � � �; � <br />