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4(� 1 <br /> � � <br /> � , <br /> �'�'�J�)-�! ���;C�����' ��`���� `�� <br /> � . � � <br /> � <br /> - -- -___ ___.__- --------- ----- -- __ _._ _ __--- --- ----- --- <br /> , �UIT CLAIM DEED. ,� <br /> Knoti�r all �ien �y These Presents: That I Clarence E.Gaylord and Ella rayiord his <br /> ', wife of the County of Mercer and State of Pennsylvania for the consideration of Une Dollars, <br /> hereby Quit Claim and convey unto �Pilliam E.Sampson of the Cour.ty of Hall ancl State of idebraska, <br /> all our right, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in and to the follo�ring described Real <br /> Estate, situatod in the County of Hall and State of Ne'araska, to-wit :- <br /> I�ots Six (6) Seven (7) Eight (8} Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Tnvelve (12} Packer and Barx'f� <br /> Addition to Grand Island, Neb. <br /> In �TitnesB �Viiereof we have hereunto set our hands this day of June 29th 1912. <br /> ' �tITN.�SS:` Clarence E.Gaylord <br /> Chas C.Nic kle <br /> � L.C .P�Iitchell Jlla Gaylord <br /> , State of Pennsylnania ( <br /> :ss <br /> ?.q�rcer County ( Un this 26th day June A.D. 1912 before r�e � the undersigned, a Notary <br /> � Public in and for said County, person�lly came Clasence E .raylord and Ella �aylord who are ner- <br /> ' sonally known to me to be the .iclen,-ica1 nersons �vhose names affixed to the above instrwnent as <br /> , ' � <br /> grantors and seve�•ally acxnowledged tne said instrument to Ue _hour volun�ary act ancl deed. <br /> +Vitness my hank and Notarial seal, the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) S.A.Robinson <br /> , �hy commission expires First �ionday of t�ay 1915 . Notary Public <br /> Filed for xecord July 9, 1°l2 at 8 o'clock • � <br /> Register of D eds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o- <br /> JG ARRANTY DEED.`���' <br /> This Indenture, Nade this 6th d�.y of July in the year of our Lord nineteen hundxed <br /> Twalve betwe�n �d.T.Barnes and Lena E .Barnes his avife, of Paola in the County of 2�iami and State <br /> of Kansas of the first ?�art, and T .E.�';uincy of the second nart : 7�itnesseth� That the said <br /> ��arties of the fi-rst part, in consideration of the �zum of Three Hundred (�300.OG) Dollars� to <br /> them dul� naid� the recei�at of :�hich is here�y acknowledged, have sold and by these x�resents do <br /> grant ana convey unto the said pa.rty of the second part, his heir� and assigns, all that tract or <br /> parcel of land situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, dzscri'oeci as follows, to-�vit: <br /> Lot Seven (7) of 7Pest End Sub-Division of Lot 3 of rarland Place a su�.�di vision �f the rrortli � <br /> one-half of South East one-fourth of Section 23 T�vp.11 Ranpe 10. 7Pest 6th P.�d, in the City of <br /> ' '' Grand Island, Nebraska - <br /> 7Pith all the a?�purtenarces� an1 a�1 the estate, title an�i interest of the said p�rties of the <br /> '.i first pa.rt thereir� And the said r�arties of the first �art do her�by covenant and agree <br /> �hat at the delivery n.ereof triey axe the lac�ful oavner of the premises above granted� and seized <br /> ' of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all incurarrances <br /> , and t�iat they ��rill i�ARRANT AidD DEFEr� the same in -`he nuiet and �eaceable possession of the said <br /> ! _-�art3� of the second ��arty nei•rs and assig�:s forsver, against all �ersons lawfully claiming the <br /> S�Sri 8 . <br /> I,n 7Pitness �Yi:ereof , The said �artias of the first nart :_ave hereunto set tiieir hand �nd <br /> seal t�:�e uay ancx year above writtan, <br /> �igned� •sealed and delivered in �resence of I�i.T.Rarnes (�EAL) <br /> Lena E.Barnes (SEAL) <br /> State of Kansas ( <br /> :sa <br /> T�iami County ( Be i t Rernember ed, That on thi s 6th day of July A.D.191Z bsf ore me, M.A.L�.n <br /> a Notary Public in ana for said County and State , came 2�.T.Barnes ancl Lena E Barnes his wife, to <br /> me rersanally known to '►�e the same ?�erson who executed the fore�oing instr���.ment of writing� and <br /> dulp acxnotivlodged the execution of the same. <br /> In Nitnsss �thereof, I have heraunto subscri'ped my r_ame and affixed my official seal on the day <br /> , ' and �ear last above ��vritten. � <br /> (�EAL) �l.A.Lane, Not ary Public <br /> � 1�iy commission expires Jan l�� 1915 . �{ <br /> Filecl for recora July j� 1912 at S .30 0' cloc?. A.�f. �-� <br /> " �eg s er o ee <br /> �;, � � � <br />