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�7�� <br /> ' � . V ' ..�•�`�•II��I ���li % � �i� . ll . � Lrj 'li V O . <br /> ��J� � ���� __� �� � �_�J <br /> __ _. - — --- -- - - --- <br /> __�_ ---- — -__. __ . _ --- —_.—.-- <br /> �_ _. - -_— _. _ __ � _ _— __ <br />` . .__ 5$�S�$tate 7ournal ComDanY. �1nu& Beok �faksrs, Starionors and.PrintervLLincolu�Neb._,_, __ ___--_–.—. ------------ - -- — <br /> State of Kentucky ) <br /> )ss. - <br /> Campbell County ) On this 16 day of .May A.D.1�12 b�fore me the und�rsigned David Davies -i ' <br /> a Notary Public , duly commi��ione� and qu�,lified for and r�siding in said county, personally <br /> ca.�rne A�7rs Agnes Ze Fevre to me known to be tYie id�ntical person whose naxne is a,Pfixed to the . <br /> Pore�oing conveyance as grantor and ackno�vled�ed the same to be her voluntary act� and deed for the <br /> purposes therein set forth, <br /> Witness my hand a.nd Notarial Seal this 16 day oP 2day lgl2 . <br /> �,9y commission e�gires the 11�� da,y of Jar:uary 1916 <br /> . David Davies <br /> (SF,aZ) Notary Public <br /> File� for recor�i or the 21 da� of 1�.�ay 1912 at 11 o 'clock A.�. <br /> Regi�ter of eeda ; <br /> -o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o=o-o-o-o-o-o- ; , <br /> ,. <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED AVD RELE ASE nF 1�CRT�ArE� _ <br /> THIS INDENTTJR�- made this 20th day of �day, 1912 bg and , <br /> betwean the Con�re,ational Church Building Sociaty, a corporation duly arganiz�d and in exis-� <br /> tence under the laws of the State of New York� narty of the fir�t �aart, and the Fiist Cong��- � � <br /> b <br /> gational Church of Doni�han, Hall County, Ne'c�raska� a corporation duly organized under the� laa�j� <br /> of the State of Nebraska, party of th� seconc� part . <br /> . �THEREAS in a certain warranty- deed fro� : <br /> �P .J.Aurger and avife J�artha A. to the First Congregationa3 Church of Doninhan, t�ebraska, dated ! <br /> Octo. ?8th, 1884� far a cnnsideration of Seventy five dallars and recorded ifl _Book �d at page -�� '�"` <br /> 380 of the �ecords of Re�;ister af Deeds offies of Hall Caunty, Nebraska eaidrdeed reciting <br /> amon� other thin�s " The�e Fresents are upon the following conciition viz: that when the afore-� <br /> , � <br /> said Church bec�mes disbanded or �xtinct, then the above described nremifies ancl the aPnurten- <br /> ances thereunto belonging shall and are by tnese presents transferred to the American Congre-� <br /> �at ional Union af �dew York Cit y. " <br /> ANU �HEREAS tiie said First Congregational Church of Doni- , + <br /> phan, Nebrask� did by its ;�raper officers give a moxtga�;e to the saici American Con�regational, � <br /> Union af i�ew York City, u��on tlze pro�erty c�nveyect to them bf the deed hereinabove referred <br /> to and recited in part, �rhic;h pro�erty was lots one (1) and two (2� of Block one (1}� Burger' s� <br /> Addition to the Tovrn of Doni?�han, Hall County, Nebraska, tivhich mortgage was filed Dec 1, 1F384 <br /> j in Book ".^", at �age 219, in the official records of the Re�is�er of Deeds office in Hall <br /> Gounty� iVe�raska. t; <br /> �, <br /> r of he first �art hereb covenante and warrants <br /> A�tD N HERr.AS t he pa t y t y . <br /> that: tna said Am�rican Con�regational Union hereinabove raferred to has since the date of <br /> tale �,bove instrument peen autliorizecl to change its name and to assume the name of the Congr�- <br /> gational Church Building Society, being the �arty of the first x�art hereto �hich authority <br /> it set$ out as foilow�, to-�it : � <br /> AT A SPECIAL TER�t �F TFiE SUPREME COt7RT �f the State of New York, held at the Court <br /> iiouse, in the City of New York, on the 9th day af May � 1892� Pres�nt Hon. �eorge Z.Ingraham, <br /> Justice . In the mRtter of the apnlication of the Ame�rican Cangre�ational iJnion for an orcler <br /> ' authorizin� it t� assume the name of the Congregational Church Auilding Society. <br /> ''J�on rea�cling a�d filing the petition of the American Congregational TJnion, dated g,�arch 8t1-� � <br /> 1892, nrayin� that it may qe authorized to as�ume another cnr?�osa�e name, anci nroof of p�tbli- � <br /> cation of notice of this applicatiar� and it a�Pearin� to the satisfaction of this; Court that . -� <br /> such notic� has been ciuly rnzblished accordin� to law, that this application is made in nursu- <br /> ance of a rasolution of the trusteas �f said petitioner and that there is no rea�onabie objec-► <br /> tion tLzeret�, ut�pn motion of rearge i�ilcax, attorr,ey f�r said petitioner, no one appearing in <br /> Upposition t nerato, it is t?rc�erec� th�.t the ;�rayer of saici petition b� and hereby is granted <br /> - Ti r �, <br /> and the said Aruerican Can�regati�nal .nion is hereby autho ized fr�m and after the 15th clay <br />' ; <br /> i u. <br />