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' ' ��� <br /> �� <br /> ?� <br /> C <br /> � �%� �j����) �����'���% �`��� ��\� <br /> - #--�-_ - --_-__ ---- --- <br /> _ . _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ . __ _ __ .___. . __. ___ _ . __ __ --- -- - ---- <br /> .___ �--. _ __ ____. _ __ _ __ ___�__ _. __ ___.�.__ <br /> ___ . _ __ --_._ -- - -_ --- __ <br />�-_--------= __ -- - <br /> r�le 0.A.Abbott, a i�otary Pu'alic, pPrsonally ap��earecl Ellen i�n.Snielman to ms personally knovrn to <br /> i�s the ic.lentical pe�son named in ancl vrho exec�ztecl t7z� �i�ove and fore�oing instrument as grantox <br /> �n�l srie ack?:owle�l�ed the same to be her voluntary act and dsed. <br /> In tastimony :vhereof I ha�re hareunto set rny hand and �eal the aate last �QOVe :vritten. <br /> ', (S�AL) �. .A.9bbott <br /> ' J�y commissiar; ex?aires Dec 1" 1916 ���Not y Public. <br /> Fil�cl for recarcl 2�arch 2, 1912, at 2.15 0' c:l�ck P.M. i <br /> i <br /> Register o e g <br /> , -0-0-0-O-O-p-U-O-t�-O-O-O-U-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-�-U--O-O-�-0-0-O-n-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- -O-O-- <br />, i <br />� '� Treasurer' s Tax Deed.��`°�- Know all �4en �y �hese Presents: That ±�hereas a+ a rublic sale of <br /> - <br /> real estate for the non- ?ay:nent of taxes, inacie in tne County of Hall an the lst day of 2dover�l�er <br /> A.A..1909 t::e following aescriUecl real estate sit�aate in s�id Cour.ty, to-vrit:- <br /> Lots �'hirteen �13) ar�d fifteen (15) of Block Thirteen (13) of College Addition to �Pest <br /> Lafm in Gr�nd Iglancl, was sold t o .Tames Rentf row, deceused for the delinql�ent taxes of the year <br /> ' 1908 ar.d� Ahereas� tne same not having 'aeen re�leer:iecl from �uch sale, anci it a�pearin� that the ( <br /> � holdea� af the cert if icate of ;�urchase of said real estate has comnliecl ;vitn the la�vs of tne <br /> ; :tate of Ne�r�sk� necessary to entitle Jamea Rentfxo� his heirs or assigns to a deed of said <br /> ; real estata; IJo�►, therefore, I, coun�y treasurer of sa d Coun+y of hall, in con�ideration of <br /> ��ze �remises ar.d the l�ayment of fifty cents and by virtue of the statutes of the St�te of Nebra-- <br /> ska in �uc1z cases made and provided, do hereb�r grar_� and convey unto �lary L.Rentfrow, widow, and <br /> Eaith A.Poole� Alonzo A.i�entfrow, Kenne;h ��d.Ren?;frow, Vern� I .Aaade� Jas��er N.Rentfrow� Vera.E . <br /> ' �3entley� tYi�.r,:ie L.Ls3aer and �race `T.Rentfrow bein� his heirs f�rever, the s�id real estate <br /> �iereinl:�efnre �lescri�ed su'r�ject �o�vever, to any rec�etnrtion provicied by law . <br /> Giv°n uncler my 7�unc1 una officisl seal this 15th day of Deca�ber ^..D. l�ll. . <br /> iYTTidr�SS; <br /> �3aya-rd H.Paine . �SEAT�) Theo F.Boehm <br /> , - County Treasurex . <br /> S tat e of rde'raraska ( � <br /> :ss <br /> !,i �iall County ( On +his 15th day of Decernber A.D.1911, before me a ?3otary Public� <br /> , in ana for s�id Co,�nty, rerson�lly aPneared the �bove named Theo P.Boehm, treasurer of said <br /> ' Countys personally k_nown to me to be the treasurer of saici Cour.ty, a+ the da+e of tl�e execution <br /> Uf the fc�regoin� conveyance ard to be the identical ?��r�on ��rhose name i� affixed to� and vvho <br /> executed s�ic�. convgyance as tr�asurer of saicl County, ana acknow�ed�ed the executian of the same <br /> �, to be his voluntary �ct and dead as treasurer of said Colznty, for the �urposea therein expressed <br /> �ditness ray hanci and official seaZ the c��y �nd year last al�ove written. <br /> (SrAL) Rayard H.Pains <br /> ' I�y comr;ii�sion ex»ires Nov 10� 1916. �lotary Public . <br /> i',� State of Neura�ka ( � <br /> :. AF'FIPAVIT CF �iEIRS. <br /> ' �olinty of Hal l ( <br /> 1�xry L.Rentfrow, ��eing fir�t auly sworn, denoses � sa�,�s that she is the <br /> : �r�idow of .T�mes Rer±frow anc� t��at he died at his residence in Rall Cour_�y, Nebraska, u;�on +he <br /> ' 2�th ciay of Novsr.ib�r 1311. <br /> That ±his affiant is �he sole ancl only �idow of the said .Tame� <br /> ,'; Rantfrow� h e having no �,vife� by prior marria�e survivin�; at thg date of his death� that each <br /> , ana all of the children born af said marria�es are Iiving �t ±his date� save tl�ree that c�ied in <br /> infE�ncy and that tiie following are the chilc�ren and heirs at law and all of +'rle heirs at law <br /> �f Jaraes �entfrow c�eceasec� to-�rit;- Edith A.l�oc�le, Alonzo A.Rsntfrow, Kenn�th i�.Rentfro�v, �Tern <br /> I .F3�acle, �Tasner �t.Rentfrow, Vera ,�, .Bentley, �dar.►ie L.Le�ser, rrace �T.Rentfrow, �r_c� that there are <br /> r.o othsr r�pixs_ �f the said .Tameg I�enti row, save and ex�.^ept thi� affiant who is his widoa�. <br /> r This affi�nt re��nectfully �sks that Theodore P.Eoehm, County Treasurer of Hall Countq, : <br /> � + � <br /> ide�rask�, issua t� tliase heirs ti:e tax deed due to JaMes Rentfrc�;�� decea�ed u�on Lota 13 anci 15 i <br /> , ' • <br /> i of Alock 13 Colle�e Adc�it ion to �est La�rn, to rrand Is1�ncl, Nebr. � <br /> - d <br /> ;', <br />