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A�a� <br /> �. � <br /> �� � `��� ����-- ��-��� �� � �--� ; � � � �� �,�Q)� ���0 � � <br /> �L�l,��� ��.�������) _� � _ � � <br /> _ ��_��_ __ __-=-____� --�- __ �� __ ---- -- _ .._ � _ <br />�._ <br /> ___ _ <br /> -_ __ -- <br /> v_`__ ________ b4298_3tate dournal Combany, Bluuk Book �Lakers, Stationere and Prin l�eb._,__ � � �� ---- - -_ <br />�-�_.. ... __. _—__. - - - -. -,. _ �ter__—___�--_ -->._— � _ .._ _. _ ._�— _.__._ . _.._ ._ �__. ._ . _ <br /> iJ 4R�?Ai1T'� DEET." �no�.v �11 ,�ien by T��ese Pre=�ents : That Daniel L.JAhnson artd C3roline C . �' <br /> Johr_sc�n � :ntz�'aand and dvife, in consicle-rati�n of r leven ThUU�and Fiv� Hun�lre,d {�,11, 500.Ot7 ) Dollare'. <br /> in nand paid, do here�_y �arant, bar��in, sell, c�nvey ancl confirni unto Jac �b �3ranc�t, the follotivin�� <br /> � <br /> lescri'�ecl real sstate , sitilate in the County of Hall and St�te of I1e�ras�at� tv-wit:- <br /> All c�f Secti�n iline (9) Township T�v�Ive �12) �,'orth of Ran�e T�velve (1?) �est of the 6th �.M. > <br /> in Hall County, ilebra$ka, excen� t�.,.e right of way of t�ze Chica�o, Ru�lin�ton and Quincy Railro�.d i <br /> C�mpany� t�:��e`her �vi�h �11 the tene.ient� hereditaments and ar�ur±er.�nces to the same belon�ing i <br /> ancl all the estate title, do�er, ri;ht af homestead, claim or demand �vhat�oever of the �aid <br /> ' Daniel L.Johnson and Caroline C .Jonnsor� of, in, or tc� the same, �r any �aaxt thereof; <br /> TG FIAT� ANI) TC HGLD the above aescribed �remis�s , ��ith the aPpurten�nce� � unto the said J�cob ` <br /> Branat, anc'L �o his ��eirz� ana assi�ns iorever; and fre tne saicl Grantox� for our selves and our heiri� <br /> �xocutora ancl admini��trators, ;'io covenant �vith the said Jacob Branclt anci with his heirs and assi��s • <br /> tiiat �ve are la�rfully saized of saic� j�remises +hat they are iree from �ncum'orance, that �r�re have <br /> ;; <br /> good ri�ht �nct la�viul authority to sell the sarne ancl that Ne vrill and olzr heirs executors, and � <br /> aumini�trator� snall �rarrant �nd c�.efend the same unto the said Jac,��b Brandt and his heirs, and , <br /> I <br /> assign� forever, a�ain�t tne la�vful claims of all persons :,vhc�tnsoev�r. <br /> In �Jit�ess ;"dhereof� v✓e h�zve he�eunto set Qur h�nds +iiis 14±n aay af Novarnb�r A.D.1911, i' <br /> ' In rresonca of D�nie1 L.Johnson ' <br /> E11e�:y H.�lesterfisld <br /> C�roline C.Joh �n <br /> State of 2�el�raska } <br /> :ss � <br /> Co?�nty.of Douglas ) Cn �his 15th aay of Nover:lber A..�. I91I, b�fore me, a Tdotary Public in anci �:�r � <br /> said County, ?�arsonally came tne ai:��ve r.�raed P..anisl L.J�hnsan anc� Caro�ine C..Tohnsoi� hlzsband anc�' <br /> , � <br /> ;vife �vho are p�rsonally kno��n to me to be the identical nersons ��rhose names are aff ixed '�o the <br /> ai�ov� ins-�-rur�ent as �r�ntor� and they seveially acknc��rlea�ed s�ici instrur�ent to be their voll�n ,ar;y <br /> ��ct and c:�eecl. <br /> i7itz:esa my hand anu ilotarial Seal t'r�° date last �fore��.id. <br /> � {�EAL) Ellery 'ri.iY�sterfield� rlotary Publie . <br />� i�dy corL�mi�sion ox�ires on the 25�h clay of Au�ust A.D.1917 <br />� <br /> ' Filea for recc�rd 1��arch �� 191?, at 1�.3Q o � clock A.��. . � ' <br /> _ � <br /> Re��.ster of n d��---- <br /> —O—O—Q—O—O—J—O�—C)—rJ—�J—U—O—C?—�_O_p_U--n...O—O—J—O—O—Q—O—C)—(7—O—O—Q—!)—!)—�.—(J—O—O--�—n—r�._(?_c�_t�_ _p_r�_p_p_r�-+ <br />� SPECIAL �VAT�RANTY D�i�D`: KN��I AL7� ',�.�EN RY THr;SE PrE;FA1Tfi . That Ellen 1�1.S�ielman� wida�r� of <br /> tii� State of Penn�ylvania �rantor in con:�ideration of tY�� �la.m �f T:�elve Thous�na nollar� � <br /> ; <br /> , � <br /> ' ���lu, 000 .00} to r�?e in han� raid by Cscar Reimers of rrand Island, Ne��raska, �rantes� does hereby '; <br /> ;r�nt, bargain� sell, convQy and canfirrn unto said Cscar �eimers, ura::tee, all the follo�ring ' <br /> ; uescri'�od real es+ata situa�ed in t1�.e County of Hall anc� State of `de�rask�� to-ti�it:- � <br /> Tne I1ort11 h�lf ?nd the South e��st c�uarter ancl the North half of tne South ��rest �uarter {N.` '� <br /> ' and �.E.;� ancl T3.�- of �.iJ .�) �f Section seven {7) To-Finship T:�velvs � 1?) Atorth of Range �l�ven �11} , <br /> �vest ar�d cantainin� aecoxuirl� to iJnited States survoy Five hunclred sixty (5n0) acres� �. little <br /> more or less . <br /> Together witn all anci �zn�ul�r the hereclit�menta �nd �.pnurtenances thereunto <br /> belon�in�;. TG ��A�T� A�3n iC HGLD the sarqe unto the �aid Oscar Reirners his heirs a r.a ascigns ; <br /> fc�rev�r. Ana Z do hereUy cov�n�.nt th�t I hazTs ��od ri�ht and iatNful authority to �ell anc� <br /> � � <br /> � c�nvey the same ar�d that the same are free �nd cl�ar c�f all liens and inc��mbrances made, c�one or ' <br /> ; sufiered by rne s�vs 'caxes �ncl ttiat I dc� here'r�y c�>v°nant to warrant �ncl defend th� s�me ��ainst ; <br /> `he lawful c�.�ir�s of all ��rsons claiming 'uy� throu�h or under me and nnr.a others . ' <br /> � �itness my hand this 29th day af Fei�ruary A.D.1912 . ; . . <br />; i In Presonce of <br /> c:.A.Aboott Ellen :�.S�aie�.man <br /> ���-.��.�....�.� � � �".�!p'i^. <br /> State of i�ebraska ( <br /> � :ss <br /> � �iall Co�_zn�;� � � Be it Rer��eri�G>orecl, t':�at on this N9th day of February� A.�. 1912� b�fore <br /> ; <br /> I , � ;� � . - , <br /> ; . <br />' � - � � �, � � <br />