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_ _ __ <br /> `,��'�� <br /> �)�. <br /> •t� , <br /> : <br /> � <br /> .�I�IL�JJ���i�l ,���, � 5 �� �51 V �j �`�p� <br /> � � ���.J J �� _� ,� <br /> _ _ ___ -_ -_ <br /> ___ <br /> __ _ __ _ <br /> _ _ .__ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _________.___ ,_____._ <br /> _ ___ . _ __ �___ __ _ <br /> y ` Railroad Comrany & East of �heeler Avenue� containing �50.54) Fifty � Fifty four one hunc�redth� <br /> � <br /> acres, it ie the intention of the narties hereto tnat +his deed shall ar.d does by its terms <br /> eover and geil and convey one half (�) qf the ai�ove Fifty � Fifty four one hundrec2ths acres <br /> (:�0.�4} Together �vith all trie tenQments, hereciitaments ancl anputtenances thereto belonging <br /> And I hereby covenant with the sai� iiattis M.I�torris that I hold said �remises by �ood and <br /> ��erfect title ; that I have good ri�ht ancl lawful authority to sell and convey the sar�e; th�t <br /> triey �re fxee ancl cla�r of all lien� and in�;wnbrances �rhatsoever . � <br /> ,. <br /> Ane� I cc�ver.ant to warrant and defend the saic� p.rerni�es a�ainst the lawful claims of all �+ersons <br /> �.rhomsoever. <br /> In 7Pitness u�hereof I have hereunto subscxibed my name this 23��day of Feb 1912 <br /> i Sign�� sealed and delivered in the rre�ence of Lott C .Morris <br /> J.�.Kimberling <br /> R.E.Thompson � <br /> The State of �debraska ( <br /> ; ss <br /> Custer County ( On this 23" day of Feb A.D. 1912 before me J.�d.Kimberling a <br /> rlotary Public, in and for �aid County, personally came Lott C.Jdorrie, a single man, who ia <br /> � ��ersonall known to me to be the icientical erson whose name ie affiged to the above instrument <br /> _ Y P <br /> . as grantor, and ackriowleclged the instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> In �Pi�nasa �Ihereof I h�ve hereunto subscribed my name anci affixed my Notarial. Seal at <br /> Aroken Bow Zdebrask� in said County, on the day and date in this certificate above written. <br /> (SEAL) J.Dd.Kimberling �' <br /> Corimission ex�,ires Feb 4-191'7 Notary Public i <br /> !� Filed for record Pdarch 2, 1912 at 8.3U o�clock A.M. �j " � <br /> _�_G._ <br /> • Register o eeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-c-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-��-o-o-o-o-o-a-o--o-o-o-o-o-a-o- o-o-o-o-o- <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED..�. KNCiA ALL �REN RY THESE PRESEIdTS: That Bt .Paul State &ank, of the <br /> � �.. <br /> . County of Howard arid State of �lebraska, for the consideration of Thirty five hundr�d and no/100 <br /> ; �ollar�� hereby Quit-clair� arAd Convey to Daniel L.�Tohngor� of the County of Dou�las and State '' <br /> '� <br /> ;, <br /> . <br /> of Piebr�.ska, the followin� described Real Estate, situate in the County of Hall and State of <br /> . 23ebr�ska, tc�-wit :- All of Section nine (9) in T�wnsY�ip Twelve (12} North of Rar.�e T�velve I <br /> , (12} �Vest of the oth Princira� �heridian, egcept the ri�ht of way of tY�e Chicago Burlington & <br /> ;` Quincy Railroad Comr.any� <br /> '' In �Iitness 7Phereof, the narty of the f iret �a���et its hand ancl seal this eighteanth day of <br /> :� TJovenib�r lEll. <br /> St Paul St at e Bank <br /> In presence of corp , <br /> T.T .Bell. seal by N.J.Paul� President I <br /> �he State of �3ebraska ( <br /> ,; : s s <br /> Howarci County ( I�e it Rememr�ered, That on the ei�hteenth day of November 1911. befor <br /> � the undersignect T,T.Bell a Notary Public in and for said County, nersonally came N.J.Paul, Pres- II'I <br /> icient. of the above St Paul State �anx to me known to be the ident ical person ciescribed in and I� <br /> - .�rno exectited the foregoing Deed as grantor and acknowledged said ins�rur_1er.t to be his voluntary �� <br /> ��� <br /> . act and cieea anct' t:�e voluntary act and deed of saicl St Paul State Rank. <br /> �litnass rny Yiand and �totarial Seal�e .day anci year iast above ��vritten. , <br /> �SEAL) T.T.FAell <br /> �1y cominission ex�iras 1-2-1912 Notary Public . <br /> . Filed for rec��rd 3viarch 2, 1912 at 10 .30 0 ' clock A.1�1. ' <br /> Registar o D ecls I� <br /> -O-�-O-O-fl-O-O-O-(�-O-U-O-U-O-O-O-O-O-U-O-O-O-U-fl-O-O-0-O-0-Q-O-O-O-O-U-O-4-0-0-0-0-0-0 -O-O- <br /> . <br /> . <br /> j <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> � _. :. . <br />