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c)���P }G,� <br /> �;w, _ � y <br /> ,Q � � �LJJi�j��� �-� �-_J'���JZ51�� L�I,V���� ��10� <br /> --� J - - - � <br /> _____...__---_..___.__�- -- �_�_�-_�� <br /> -------------- --.__.. • _. ,�-- -- _- - ------- .- �: _ ___ _� _._.._._..�__w.�. <br /> �� _ ._6429$_.-State Journal ComBan9 Biunk Book �1Sakere Stntioneis and Printere, Linco Neb �� _ __ - - - - - - - - <br /> ~ <br /> _.__._ _,._. .. . . ..__, ._ _ __. _ _ . .. ���_ <br />_._ �__.; -._. -.-" -- _— ._ ___._ _.------_—.�� � <br />--- __.�_,_-,- .: .__ <br /> - _ _ .. -- <br /> WARRI�2�TY DEED:-, � ;i � <br /> � � <br /> KbTOW AT.L �.'CEN BY 'THE5E P�.ESENTS : <br /> That we, Sarnuel �1.Peter�on a,nd 5arah �2.Feterson, husba.nd and �ri�'e, <br /> , � <br /> of the County of Rensselaer, and State of New '�'ork, for �.nd in consider�tion of the sum of <br /> One Hundred �.nd No�100 Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, CONVEY AND COZ�FIR��I <br /> unto Christian Re�se of the County of Hall and State of Nebrdska the follo�vin� dese�ibed Real <br /> Estate, situ�,ted in ��est View in Hall County, and St�.te of Nebraska, to-�vit; I,ot No. Ten (10 ) ' <br /> in �31ock P�o. T�rao (2 ) in �;�est Vietiqr, sa,me being a sub-divi�ion of the 5ou�h quarter(S��) of <br /> the north�rtreut quarter (nvJ� ) of sec�ion seventeen (17) ir, tot�vnship eleven (11 ) north of rar�e nine <br /> . <br /> (9 ) ��est of the �ixth P.�. In H��11 County NebrasKa subj�ct ho�ever to all the taxes `a�sessed <br /> tilereon subsequent ta �he y���.r 1�3� and �ve do hereby coven�.nt v�itri the s�.id Christian Reese and <br /> Iiis heirs and assi�;ns, that we ar� l�,tivfully s�ized oP said premise3 ; tha,t they a,re free from <br /> incumbr��,nce, that we have �;ood ri�;ht a.nd l�,wful authority �o sell the s•; a.nd we do hereby , <br /> covenant to warrant �,rld c3.ePend tYLe title to s�.id premises �.�ainst tYie lawful cl�,ims of all person;s ` <br /> tlhomsoever, except the �.bove m.ention�;d t��s. � � <br /> , " exeb rel n uishes �,11 her ri ht o d v��e , <br /> And tYie s�id SA�AH 1��.PFTI+,I�uON h y i q �; f o r in and to the abov� <br />' described premises. � <br /> SIGNFD this 20 d�y of Feb A.D. s�go. <br /> Samuel A.Pe�erson by hi� at�orneys i� f'�,ct. <br /> IN PRrSFNCE OF <br /> �f Fd���.rc� VJ.Justice Walter N.Peterson ;'. <br /> E.P.�3re�vs�.�r <br /> � � Sa,rah �_Peterson by her attorneys in�, fact. <br /> Ecii°yard W.Justice Walter N.Peterson <br /> The State of Nebraska,, ) <br /> )SS <br /> xa11' County. ) <br /> � On this 20" day of �'ebruary A.D. , 13g0, before me E.P.nretivster a <br /> ' Not�,ry Public duly Cor�rnissioned and qualified for �,ncl residing in s�,id County ,persona,lly came the <br /> ' �=�itYiin named Ecl��Tard W.Justice and 4Valter N.PEterson, to me known to be the identic�,l persons who <br /> ex�cuted the v�ithi.n conveyar_ce a,s attorneys in fact for SA���UEL A.FETk,RSON and SARAH M.PETERSON, t�e � <br /> ; �� � , <br />� ° ��ritxiin named �;x��.ntors, and tney each acknovrlec��;ec� the instrument to be tn�ir volunt�.ry act , <br /> a,nd deed, and the volunt�,ry act �,nd deefl of the said SA�.2UEL A.PFTERSON anc� SARAH 2,2.PETERSON, . <br /> and the voluntary act of each of them. ' ; <br /> .� <br /> ` �11_tness rc�y hand a.nd Notarial Seal the day a,nd year �.ast above vrritten. <br /> SF.�L F.P.Bre�vster : � <br /> � ) <br /> , Notary Public <br /> Commission expires Oct.20,1�93• � <br /> ; Filed for record orl the lyth d�y of Februaxy 1g12 at 3 o 'clock P.Il2. <br /> ' � � <br /> Regi��er o�' D� s <br /> ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���x��������� ,: . <br /> �Ai�Rt1NTY DEED.. :=:NGN ,ALL I�iEi� FiY THES� •rRESETITS. <br /> . , <br /> That I, �,ott C.biorris a sin�le man c�f Custer County, and State of Ne'�raska, in considera$ian <br /> ; of the sum of 4ne Doll�r (�1.00) and other good and �aluable consideration►. the receint whereof ' <br /> jis hereby acknovrlecl�ed in hand naici by the �aid H�ttie I�.PAorris of Custer Coun�y, and State of I <br /> _ <br /> �debraska, cio nereby sell and convop unto the said Hattie �.2�iorri$ ar.d to her heir�, executors, <br /> � , <br /> ' aumir.istrators and assi�ns tha fallowin� descrik�ed �?remises , situated ir the County of Hall and <br /> State of :- The South�one h�lf (SL) c�f the E�st one half (E�) and the �lorth ; . <br /> i <br /> one half (N��) of +he �est one half )�`} of tne follov�ring desczibed tract of land, viz;- <br /> ; _ <br /> ' All that �art of the North half �2�;�} of Section Nine t9) in Tc�wnsriip Eleven (11} i3orth of Ran�;e � <br /> ; , . <br /> j Nine �9) �est �f tre Sixth P.�Q. �vhich liea+i�torth of Sev�nteenth Street in �theeler R� Rennett' � ' <br /> � , <br /> � fourth Adc�ition to �r�n�x Islanri, 'Jebr�ska, & South of the tract conveyed to John Knickrehm �?y a <br /> ; deeci ci�te Anril 19, 190o t� recc�rded in Baok 34 ( �f deeds} a+ pa�e 558 in the office of the Count� <br /> . � <br /> Clerk of Hall County, 2.ei;raska, & Nest of the ri�ht of way ,of the Arand Isl�nd & �Pyomin� Cer.tral <br /> � i <br /> � i� � � <br /> ; , <br /> r ; <br />---i-- -- _ _ __. , � �� <br />