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)� � <br /> �� <br /> l � 1 ��� �,)C'�;' � �,� � 5 �� � �` 0 � a � <br /> , _���_ .������� ��� ��� <br /> i Howard County, Nebraska . � <br /> In pre$ence of Otto Tuenge <br /> T.T.Bell Adminiatrator of the eetate <br /> ' � of August Voigt, deceased. <br /> State of�Nebraeka � <br /> Howarci Gount y " se:- <br /> On this 30 day of January 1a12 bef ore me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Public, du�.y commissioned� . , qualified =and acting in and for aaid County, pereonally appear-- <br /> ed Otto Tuenge, �'r_e administrator of the eatate of August �`oigt, deceased, to me known to be <br /> the identical persoa who subacribed to the foregoing desd as grantor, and ackno�vledged the <br /> execution thereof to be his ��oluntarq act and deed for the purposea therein expressed. <br /> ���r. <br /> �ss my hand the day and year above :�ritten. , <br /> {Notarial) I <br /> (SEAI�) '�.T.Bell ! <br /> • _ ', _ _ _ �.�_ . Notary Public. <br /> Filed f or recard February 15,1912 at �.50 o'clock P.M. , � <br /> egie er of eds <br /> � <br /> -O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-J-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-C- <br /> ! �.. <br /> !! 11�ARRANTY DEED -CORPORATI ON.� <br /> , This Indenture, Ma,de this 3rd day of February in the year of our <br /> Lord, One Thousand i�ine Hundred and T�relve, between Realty Investment Co., a Qorporation organ- <br /> ;; ized and exist ing under a.nd by virtue of the la�r� of the State of Nebraeka, party of the f irst <br /> , <br /> ','! part, and The Seho41 District of the City of Grand Island� in the Countq of Hall in the State <br /> i� <br /> i of Nebraska, of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, party of the second part,�ITNESSETH, <br /> That the said paxty of the firet paxt for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred <br /> ',� ($�300.��) and no/100 Dollars in hand paid receipt �rhereof is hereby aeknowledged, haa so3d and <br /> � <br /> '� by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, the fol- <br /> lo�ving described premiaes, situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska,to-wit:- � <br /> � <br /> , A11 of Lota Ten (10) T�elve (12} and Fourteen (14) in Block Nine (a) Scar ff's Addition to <br /> �Vest Lawn in Grand Ieland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> �� To Have and To Hold the premisea above described, together with all -th�T�nements, Heredita- <br /> i, � <br /> �. <br /> �' �ents and Appurten�nees thereto belonging unto the said The School District of the City of Grand <br /> , <br /> !'. Island, in the Countq of Hall in the State of Nebraska. And the Realty Investment Co. , f or ite- <br /> ; <br /> • " elf or ita successor�., do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said �arty of the second <br /> '� part and its suc.c�seore and assigns, that at the time of tbe execution and delivery of these pre- <br /> , sents it is la�fully aeized o'� said premises that it has good right and la.wful authority to con- <br /> ', �,•ey the saxne; that they axe free from encumbrance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend <br /> ' the sa,id premises against the la�rful claims af alI persone �:rhomsoever. <br /> In �itnesa �iereof, the� said Realty Investment Co., hae hereunto caused its corporate seal <br /> ta be affixed and these presents ta be aigned by ite President the day and yearfirs�', above �rritte <br /> '' Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of Realty Investment Co. <br /> James E.Dill corp <br /> � By L.G.Gilbert President seal <br /> ;� E.L.Gilbert Sec'Y <br /> � <br /> Atteat <br /> State of Nebraska { <br /> Ze9 <br /> ' Hall County ( On this 3rd day of February 1912, before me the und�raigned, a Notary <br /> � Public in and f or eaid County pereonally came L.C.Gilber�t President of the Realty investment Co. <br /> i to me personally kno�m to be the �resident and the identical person �hose name ie affixed to the <br /> '', above conveyance, and acknov�ledged the execution thereof, to be his voluntary act and deed as suc <br /> ' officer and the voluntarp act and deed of the said Realty Invee�ment Co.and that the Corporate ' <br /> , Seal of the said Realtp Investment Co was thereto affixed by its authority. � <br /> ! �itness �!y hand and Notaxial Seal at Grand Ialand, in said County, the day and year last above <br /> '' �,ritten. <br /> (S�AL) J.�.Dill <br /> , I�y Gommiesion expixes the l6th day of July 1913 Notary Public <br /> i <br /> i Filed #'or record February 17,1�12 at 3.30 o'clock P.��. . � <br /> �; �tegiater of eds <br /> �. <br /> u , <br />