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c,�� , <br /> � a�� . <br /> i D --�'�R'�'y',',�� i � ° L�;�,'� °�D� �\� ��ry� `��io� <br /> ��GJ� �f_�\i � �.J_� _I � �NJ _J \_, � <br /> ....... . . ._ ... . . .._ . .. _�. .. .._..__ .--"^_ - . _. . - ..- .._.___ _ �.� �.� <br /> - ..�.....__ "____"'>; _._�._ ._ __. .. ,. .__ .,_' _'- _ � _ � ... . ."" _.._. �._ _ ._. � <br /> .� � <br />_'_. <br />_ ______642$6=,state Journal OomDany, Bluuk Book Dlakers Stationors and Piintera, LSncoln� __ � �� -� �- - -�- - - - <br /> . __ . :.-�_-- -...___ �_---- . -...—_ _..^-- --- — . <br />_- ---_�__ .___.._.: ...-_. ._.... . .. .. � .... .. . .. .:.�. ._ .__- - -- --- v <br /> i <br /> and �o his heirs and assigns forever. And ��e hereby covenant with the said Grantee that z�e <br /> hold said premises by good and perfect title; that ��re have good right and la�vful authority <br /> i <br /> to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrancee v�hatso�ver ', <br /> And t�re covenant to warran� and defend the said premisea against the �.ativful claime of a12 , <br /> r�ersons whor�soever, Dated the Nin�h d�,y of February A.D.�.�?12 <br /> �ITNESS: Benjamin F.GreeAf3�ld <br /> B.J.Seger. <br /> Jamee E.Dill Li11y D.Greenfield ' <br /> Sta�e of IJebraska ( <br /> :sa <br /> Scotte Bluff Gounty( On this 13th day of Februaxy A.D.Z�12, before me the undereigned, <br /> a I�otary Public, ti��fithin and for eaid County personally came Li� D.Greenfield wife of Benjamin <br /> F.Greenfield to me �ersonally kno�►n to be the identical person �;-shose na,ms is affixed to the <br /> above instr�*�ment a� Grantox, and she acknoovledged the eamie to be her volun�ary act and deed <br /> for the purpoae therein expreesed, <br /> at <br /> ' In �titness �Phereof, I have hereu:�to sub� name and a�'f ixed my off ieial seal Scotte;. <br /> Bluffs Nebraska on tY�e date' last above v�ritten. , <br /> a a <br /> B.J.Seger Notary Publie (SEAL) <br /> ��y commission expires Mar 9- 1�12. <br /> State 4f Nebraaka ( <br /> i Nall County ( ( On this 15th day of February A.D.1�12 before me the undersigned a <br /> T�otary Public, duly commisaioned and qualified for and residing in said County, peraonally <br /> came Benjamin F.Greenfield, husband of Li� D.Greenfield, to me kno�n to be the identical <br /> pereon :r;hcse name ie affixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantor, and acknowledged said <br /> instrument to be his voluntary act and @eed for the purposes therein set forth. ' <br />, �itness my hand and Notarial Seal the date above :Faritten. <br /> (SEAL) J.E.Dill <br /> rdy commiasion expires July 16th,1�?13 Notary Public = <br />� Filed for record February 15,1g12 at 2 o'clock P.P�. • �' <br /> � <br /> Register of eds � - <br /> -o-^-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-a-a-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-�-o-c-o- -o-o-o-o-c- . <br /> ,,;�"~ ADMINISTRATORS' DEED. <br /> _ <br />� i KiNO�J ALL ���EN BY THESE PRESEI�TS, that in purauance of an order of the Hon. Jas. N.Paul, . <br /> . Judge of the District Court of Ha11 County, I��braska, made on the 22" day of April,1911, I was': <br /> licen�ed by aaid judge to sell at public auction in the manner provided by 1,aw the real estate <br /> hereinafter described; that thereupon Y gave notice of the time and place of aale as required <br /> by 1a�r, and at the time and place therein specified after said sale had been held open one h4ur : <br />� eold said real esta�e at public auction to �ary Voigt, �he being the highest bidder therefor; ; <br /> that said sale was thereupon reported to said judge of the district court and by him in a1I <br /> f things confirmed; and I was ordered to make a deed of conveyance for .said premises to �aid <br /> . <br />' purchaser. <br /> �oy�, therefore, I �tto Tuenge, administrator of the estate of Auguet Voigt, deceased <br /> in consideration af the premises and the eum of �150.00 $o bid and paid by the $aid Mary Voigty <br /> and by virtue af the pov�ere vested in me by said order and proceedinge do by theee presente, <br /> �rant, se11 and convey urto the said Mary Voigt and to her heir$ and as�igns the real eetate <br /> described as followa:- <br /> n Fractional 1ot t�►o (2) in block one hundred thirty t�ro (132� in U.�.R.R. � <br /> Co's Seeond Addition to the City of Grand Ialand, and fractional lota one and two (1 & 2) in <br /> ` block eight {�) of Ruseell Mheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, all in Ha�.l County , <br /> �1`e'�raska, " �rith all the aprurten�.nces thereto belanging ta have and to ho�d the same to her <br /> a <br /> the said �Jlary Voigt and her heirs and assigns f orever. <br /> : �: ' <br /> In �Pitnees �.ereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 30" day of Jany.1912 ,at St.Paul, in , , <br /> ; ; <br /> ; <br /> � -- ----_. _ _ � � <br />