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�j �_ � <br /> ,{ <br /> � , � <br /> D��;�,�; � � �'_ ��''��.�':� 1'' :��Q �� 3 or�� .� - � <br /> --_– ---- - -- --- _-- -_– �. _ --_ __ —_ �-- � _-- <br /> __ _ <br /> "�-� 3 — tate Jonrnnl G`oinPanp, E1ank BooL��3lakeis Station815 And Frinters, LincoIn, 'NBb� . � -�� � - <br />=-�--� —�____.__.__..u��.— -- .._ . _.._.., ._ ...-..�,_`,__. _. .. ... __ ..._ �.,._._.. _.____.—.�,—�._...r_._. __ �_ . <br />__.....---- ...... _ ..._ ...._._. .. . <br /> �tIIT CLAIAd DEfin.,�' Knnw all ��en by These Present�: That I, Rvy Zd.Shedaker: , husband of <br /> �innie Shedaker ( vrho inherited frorn her late Father� Theodore Scherzberg, a one seventh interest ' <br /> in and to the �ro�erty hereinafter deseri�ed ) of the County� and State of California <br /> for trie consiczeration of Gna Dollar { and othex consiaeratinn�) hereby Quit Claim and convey unta <br /> �illiam KeTly and Edwin J.Lang of the Caunty af Ha11 and State of Nsbraska, all of my right, tit];ie <br /> and interest of whatsoever nature , in and to the follov�ing described Real Estate, situated in the� <br />, County of Fia11 and State of ?TeLraska, to-r�3t:- ' - I <br />! Tne ldesterly Forty-nine (49) feet by One hundred and triirty-two (13�) feet of Lot three (3} <br /> in •Block Sevanty Ei�;ht (78) of the original totivn, now city, of �rard Island, Nebraska, being a <br /> rectangular Piece of ground having a frontage of 49 fe�t on Secand Street and a denth of 132 feet� <br /> off �f the Westerly side of s�id Lot 3, �s surveyed, �latted ar.d racordec�. <br /> IN �ITNESS NHERFCIF, I havQ hereun�o set my ha.nd this 9th day of February 1912. <br /> I�oy N.Shedaker. � <br /> State af Califc�rnia ( � <br /> :�s <br /> County of Kern ( On �hie 9th day of Fe�ruaxy in the year one thousand nine hundred <br /> and twelve before me, A.J.Aoody, a No*ary Public in and for saic� Coun�y and State, resid�ng there�in <br /> �-...� <br /> auly commissioned anci sworn, �ersanally an�e�red Roy �d.Shedaker, a resident �f Rern County, Ca1i- �� � <br /> fornia, known to ne to 'r�e the nerson descri'�ed in ar.d whose name ia subscri�aed to and drho execute�id <br /> the within ins�rument �nd acknowledged that he executacl the same. <br /> Ii�t 7PITPIESS �lrii�.hEGF� I have hereunto set my hanct and affixed my Officia2 Seal at my office <br /> in said County of hern, the clay an d year in this Certificate first above avritten. <br />' (SEAL) A.J.�Vood�r <br />� Notary Public in and �or tha County o err� Sta�e of California <br /> I - _ - - - <br />` Filecl for recorc� February 14, 1912 at 4,20 o�clock P.M. <br /> r . <br />� <br /> � Register o Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-c-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-cz-c�_��-o-o-Q-��-a_o_o_o_o_o_o_ c�_a_o_a_Q_o.�_ <br /> QUIT CLAII� DE�'D. ,;��� Thi� Indenture, �iade tiiis 12th day of February in the year one thousand nine <br /> nundred twelve �ET;�EET�, FrQUerick �.Stager and Lela A.Sta�er, Husband anc� '�ife , rarties of the f!irst - <br /> �, <br /> rart, ar.d Ada F.Stager, �arty of the �econd nar+, �tIT1dESSETH� that the said p�rtios of the firs�t <br />� <br /> �art, in consideration of the sum of Forty (�40 .00) Dollars, to them duly paid, the recei�t ��vher€�- <br />� ' <br />�� � of is hereby acknowleclged have remised, released and c�uit-claimed ancl by these �resents do sell . <br /> � . <br /> � fc�r them selues, their heir�, sxecutors and zdministrators, rem3se, release and foxever quit-cla�;m <br /> � <br />� anct convey unto the saicl narty of the secand ?�art and to her heirs, and a�signs forever, a11 thei�r <br /> ri�ht, title, interest, estate, claim and ciemand Yaoth �t la�r and in e�uity, of, in, and to all <br /> the follo�Yin� described real estate:- The T�iorth Nes� Quarter of the Iv'orth �eet Quarter, or Lot . <br /> of <br /> Gne (1), of Section i'hixty. Six (36) of To�vnshin Ten (10) 1V'orth� Range Ten (103 '�est of the 6th <br /> �� P.�1. in Hall Cc�unty, Tdebrask�, containing Twenty Seven & 95I100 acre�, � <br /> � <br /> TogetYier with �11 and singul�r tize hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO iiAVF Ai3D TO HGLD the above described premisea unto the said Ada A.Stager, heirs and assi�ns; <br /> � so that neither they the saici Freclerick �.Stager or Lela A.S�tager or any �erson in thsir name andl � <br /> behalft shall or v�311 hereafter claim or d�;mand any ra.ght ox titls to the said premises or any <br />� part thereof but they and every one of them shall b�t these presents be exc7.uded and forever barreld. <br /> In �itness �hereof, The said parties of the first �art have hereunto set their hands and <br /> seal the ciay and year above tivritten. <br />�; Signed, Sealed and Delivared Frederick �I.Stager <br /> in presencs of I,ela A.Sta�er ' <br /> State af �,'e'►�r ( <br /> :ss ' <br /> Caunty of Hall ( On thia 12 riay of Feb A.D.1912 before me a Notary Public, duly <br /> commissioned and rualified for and residing in said County, nersonally came Frederick �t .Stager ' <br /> and Lela A.Stager, husband and arife, to me known to be the identical �erson described in and wh�i <br /> executeci the foregoin� conveyance as grantor and acknowled�ed said instrument to be their voI- <br /> untary act anci r�eed. <br /> �f itness my hand and seal the ciay and year last above �rrittem. - <br /> (SEAI►) _ H,E.Funk Notary Public - <br /> �iy comraission expires A�r 17, 1913 <br /> r 4 � <br /> Filed for recordFebruary 15, 197.2 at �.30 0' clock A.2�6. . /� � <br /> « °.�. <br /> R gister o� Dee � "��; <br />� � :_ <br />,_.__ _ , <br /> ._ . . ,:� <br /> _ �� <br />