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_ _ _ _ _ <br /> �� � <br /> �, <br /> 4°' <br /> ��i�J�1J'�_lli!,� ��LIJ'`J����N� I���� ��� <br /> , � <br /> '' Sta�e of Nebra�ka <br /> I�all County On thi� 2 day of�ebruary A.D. lg12 bef'ore me the undersir�,ned ��T.A.Prince <br /> a No�ary Public , fluly comr:li3sioned ar�c� qualifieci for ana resic�ing in said County, person�lly <br /> c�.me Ch�zrles E Bly husband ta me known to be tY�e identical person whose name is affixeci to tYie <br /> ''fore�;oing conveya,nce as �ra.ntor, and �.ckno�vled�;�d trie same to be his volunta,ry act and cieed for <br /> !! the purposes therein aet forth. <br /> ;, <br /> i. Witness my h�.nd and Notarial Seal tYie date above written, <br /> VJ.A.Prince, Notary Public <br /> � (SFaAL ) <br /> � �y commis�ion expires J�,ine 3" lgl�+ <br /> � <br /> ;; Sta,te of Nebra,ska } <br /> }�s. <br /> ''! H�.11 County ) On` this 3 day of February 1912, before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> '' Public in a,nd for said County, personally came Anna B.Bly j�rife o�' Ch�,rles E.I31y, to me personally <br /> iknoc�n to b� the id�ntica.l person whose n�ame is �:�f�'ixed to the above conve�tance, and �.cknowledge <br /> ithe execution th�reof to be her volun��.ry act �,nd deed. <br /> , ;,,� Witness my hand ana Notarial Sea,l a,t ZVood River Nebr in said coun�y the d�,y a,nd ye��.r last above <br /> ' Zvritten. tSF�AZ) <br /> H.n�_Trout, Not�ry Public <br /> !i �Ty Cornrnission ex�ires the 27 day of April 1915 <br /> 'i �iled for recorc� on the 3th day o�' �'e�ruary 1912 at 3:30 o 'clo4k A.S��. <br /> ,,; ��-� <br /> ;i Re�ister of Dee <br /> !''�����������������������������������������������������������������:����������������� �����x����������. <br /> I' QUIT CZAIAd DEED. ��`''�� Kno�v all men by These Presents. That Mary Jane �yers, widow of John <br /> Npers of Hall County, and State of Nebraska in confiideration of the su� of One Thousand � Dollars <br /> in hand �aid by 7Villiam 2�2ysrs, Zerelda Finae and R.O.�yers of Hall County, and State of Nebraska <br /> ;, do hersby Quit Claim and convey unto the said �Tilliam hiyers, Zerelda and B.O.Myers the <br /> ;; <br /> ;! following described pramises situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-v�it:- <br /> ;; � <br /> � All of the �e�at half of the South �est Quarter and the South East Quarter of the South �est <br /> �' <br /> ',!; Quarter of Section No Thirty {30) in Township 2do Ten (10) North, Range No Twelve (12) �est of <br /> i' the 6th P.�i. <br /> "''"' In �7itness Nhereof, I have set my hand this 2d daf of February 1912. <br /> In ;�resenee of <br /> H.J.Robbins �ary Jane Myers <br /> , The St a+e of Nebraska( <br /> :ee <br /> Buffalo County ( On this 2d day of February 1912, before me R.7�.1dcLead a Natary <br /> ' Public within ar_d for said County, Pexsonally Came i�dary Jane �tyers,v�iclow of the late John �9yers <br /> '' deceased� to me ?�ersonally known to be the iclentical ?�erson whose name iS affixed to the above <br /> ' instrurnent as grantor, and sevsrally acknowledged tne execution of the same +o be hex voluntary <br /> ! act and d�ed for the �,urpose therein ex�resaed. <br /> In �Pitness �I"rlereof, I have hereunto subscribed my nar�e ar:d affixed my official sQal at <br /> '� Shelton, Nebr on the date last above �rritten. <br /> ,'; (rE,AL) R.�G .PdCLeOd <br /> 'i; Co::�misei�meci ex.�ires Jan 24, 1913 otary u ic . <br /> r- <br /> I�� Fi1ec1 f :r record Fe'uruary 9.191? at 8 .30 o� el�ck A.Id. , <br /> I <br /> � ��� <br /> I � Register of D ds <br /> . - � - - - - - - -o-o_o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-� -o-o-o-�- <br /> - - - � _ _ _ _ _ -o-a-� o-o o-o <br /> -O 0 0 4-O-J-Q-O-O O-p-.�-O O O �J O J O n-4--O O 0 <br /> I <br /> I <br /> , , <br /> ,; <br /> I , <br /> „ <br />� I, <br /> �! <br />