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� � <br /> ' , 1 <br /> a, ` � - � ol- - - - � , <br /> �_������; ����������� �� _� � ��� �._ ;��� � � � � � <br />. _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ <br /> ��_____ ___�__ _ _ _____ - - <br /> --- � � ��-3�$�tate Journal ComPan};��I31iinT[�3ook liakars, Starioners anQ Pi3nt6r3, Li�iCOln, NeD. �, � "� ""�" �"- � �'�'-����"-` <br /> �tJIT CLAI,•d DEED.�° Know all �ien by These Presents: That ruy Biy, eingZef..anc�..P�rry <br /> �i.Bly ancl 7� �.Bly� husG�anct and �vife of the County of Hall and State of RTebraska, for the <br /> considexation of Une & TJo�100 Dollars, hereby �uit Claim and convsy unto Charles E.Bly, of the <br />' County of Hall �ncl �tate of �3ebraska, alI of our right, title, and interest of wh�tsoever <br />� <br /> nature� in and to tha follo�ring deseribed rea.l eatate, situated in tne Coun�ty of Hall ancl State <br /> of ldet�raska, to-.;�it : All t��:�* �art of the id�rth half of the South �est au�ter (i�.�-S.�f.µ) <br /> of Section Fifteen ��.'5) in Townshi� Ten (10) �Torth of Ran�e Eieven (11) �Pest of the 6th P.t�. <br /> lying n�rth of the right of Nay of the T3nion Pacific Railroad Cor�pany. : <br /> It is agreer2 betv,rean tlle parties hareta th�t the said grant�rs will nay the rnort�ages <br /> nnw ag�inst sai�. land. <br /> In iYitnass �tnereof a�e have hexeun�o set our hanas this I" day of Fe'►�ruary� 1912. <br /> NITNESS: �'uy Bly <br /> �'�.A.Pr ince . Perry �1.83y . . <br /> �dinnie K.F31y ' <br /> State af PTebras�a ( <br /> ::�s , <br /> Ha].1 County ( On +his I" aay of February A.D.1912 before me, the undersigned, a . <br /> ���tary Public �dith�n ancl for �aid Cvu�ty, nersonally car,�e, �uy Bly, single, and Perry M.BIy and <br /> 2�innie K.Bly� husband anc� d-rife, to me persanally l�nown to be the identical Persons ti�hose nau�es <br /> are affixed to the above instrumsnt as gran�ors ar.c� �;hey saverally ac�n��wled�ed the same to be <br /> their volun��y act and deed for ths �urnose therein expressed. <br /> In �iit�^ess �haxs��, I have iiereunto a�zpscri�ed my naMe and a�ffixed my official seal at <br /> �nod Rivar on thQ clata l�at abov� �vri;ten. <br /> I�E�L) 19 .A.Prince <br /> f+fy commission exnires June 3, 1J14 Notary Public <br /> Filed fc�r recorci Fe,�ruary 5 I912, at 8 .30 0' clack A.M. � <br /> Pgister o Deecls <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-a-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-�-o-<�-o_o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-a_o_o-o-o-o-o _c�-o-�-o_o- ' <br /> UIT CLAIM DEEn:��. <br /> This Indenture, T�4ade �his l�� day oi' Feb, in the y�ar One Thous�,nd Nine Hu�dred anci tw�;lve BETV��EI�.Pt <br /> Charles F.B3y anc� Anna 33 ]31y his ��rife parties of t3�ie first part, a..nd Guy �31y and Perry R� Bly <br /> I� � . <br />� par`ies o�' �he seconci pwrt, <br />� <br /> �tIT23'�SSFTH, trat tYie said parties of th� firbt part, in consideration oP trie sum of One DOLLARS <br /> to tY�em duly p�,ici, the rec�i��t �Jher�oi' is her�by a,ckno�vl�d�_-ed, h�.ve r�rni�ed, relea��d and quit- / <br />, cla,imed �,nc� by thes� presents do for themselv�� their h�irs, c;xecutors and administr�,tors, remiae, <br /> release and forever quit-cl�im ana corzv�y unto the said par�fes of the second pa�rt and to their <br />�i heirs �,nc� a�si�;ns forever, all thcir ri�ht , title, in�ere�t, estate, claim �.nd demand both at 1aw <br />� and in ec�uity, oP, in ana to all that part of tYie North ha,lf (N�) of The South West Qu��rter (5�1�-) <br /> of Section �'if��en ( 15 } in Tovrnship Ten ( 10 ) North of Range Eleven (11 ) West of the 6u P.r�. lying <br /> south of thc� ri�;ht of way of trle Union Pacific Rai�lro�.d Company. <br /> It i� further a,grEecl that �;rantors h�rein vrill pay all taxes dn yaicl premiaes now due or delinquen�. <br /> To�ether w�th all anci sin�ular th� hereditaments thc;reunto belon�;ing. <br /> TO f�A�'F AND TO I�OLV th� above described premi�es unto the said Gu.Sr Bly �,nd Perry 231y their heirs <br /> and asai�ns : uo tYia� neither they the ;�aid gr��ntors or any per;on in their name �,nd beh�,lf, shall <br /> or tvill her�;aft�r or demand any ri�;ht or title to ti�� ,aid pr�;mises or, any p�rt thereoP but <br /> they and ev�ry ane of t'riem shall by these presents be excluded �.nci forever barred. <br /> IP� 4VITI�SS ���FiERFOF, Th� s�.ic� g�r#;ies oi �rie f irst part h�,ve hereunto �et their hand� and s�al the <br /> d�.,y anci ,ye��r l�.st above Lvritten. <br /> Ch•a,rles E.�31Y <br /> 5i�;ned, Sea.led and Deliverec� in presence of <br /> Anna B.]31y <br /> �l.�.Prince as to � <br /> Charles T+,.Ply <br /> �I.S.Eaton as to Anna B.T�ly <br />. , _ _ ii <br />