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�14 � <br /> � � - ,�—���� � � �J�� � ° J� ���,� ��`o <br /> ���� ��__����.,��� � � J� _, ,__�,� � <br /> - ---- _���-- - - __ _- --- ---_ _ . - - �._ - �__ —.�_ _� _ <br /> _ _ � <br />—y ����" �" � �� � b4`a$B—State Jourusl Compan} Blank Boo6 3fakers, Stationeis and Print�rS 7aincoln NOb�� � ... . <br /> _ . .. _:..�. �,---- —....— --- .._... . .,._._ . ._. .._._--._�.._. _..� ._..__ .__.__ . _,._.... ____ ,.__.-, ._..._�- —�---- --- ° <br />—----_ . .. . <br /> AAF��A?v'�Y DEED. ° Know a11 P�en '�y ThQae Pre�ents, That Henrp J .Hillebrandt, Fayette E.Smith <br /> and �illiam Drennori, Trustees of tne Berwick Cerae;ary Aesoc3ation of Ha11 County, and State of <br /> I1e��raska, in consi�:�eration of tne sun of Five and no/100 Dollars, in hand paid, by J.C.Bishop <br /> of Hall County, and �tate of Nsbraska, do h�reby sell and convey unto the said J.C.Bishop the <br /> f�llow3n� ciescri�ed prer�ises, situated in the Gounty of : and State of Nebraska, to-c�it:- <br /> Lot 23 in Block 1 in the Bar�v��k Cemet°ry in Hall County Net�. <br /> To�e+her �tith all the ten�ments, herectitaments and appurtenances to the sarr�e belon�ing� and <br /> all the Estate, Ri;ht, Title, Ir.texest, Claim or De�end ;�hatsoever of the said Ber�vick Cer�et�ry . <br /> Asaaciation of in or to the sarae or any �ar� thareof. <br /> , > > <br /> To Havo and to Ho1d tiie above c�eecri'c�ed �resises, with ths a�purtenances unto the said <br /> J.C.Bisho� and to his heirs and assigns forever . And we hereby covenant �ith the said J.C.Bisha� <br /> that :�e hold said �nremises by good ancl perfect title; that. we have good right and lawful authori�� <br /> to sall and convey the same; that they are fres and clear of all liens and incumbrancss �►hatso- <br /> evex,. And �ve cov�nan� to warran� and defend the said prenises a�;ainst the Ia��ful claim� of a3.2�ti <br /> �ersons �rhomsoevar. , <br /> Sign�d t11is 23rd da�T of Fdarch A.D.1886. <br /> ) Trustees of � Henry �7.Hillabrandt , <br /> In gresence of } <br /> ) tlie Bar�vick � Fayette E.Smith. <br /> Jar_:es C.��Jest ) Ce:_.e�ery <br /> ) Associati�n (� �Pilliam Drennon <br /> The State of ,1e�;raska ( <br /> :�e <br /> t-�a11 Coun�y ( On this T�t�nty-+hird day �f Rta:�ch A.D.I.886 k�efore me Chr Schlatfeldt�j <br />� <br /> a Tvotary Public, arithin ar�ci fox saicl County, �ersonally eame Hersy J.Hillebrandt, Fayette E.qmitY� <br /> ancl �Ti11i� Drenr.on, Trustees of the Fer�vicK Cer:ieter,r A�sociatian to me personally �nown to be t�;e <br /> �T <br /> iclentical �ersons �.��hose names are affixec� t�� the above instrument as rantors and sever�l�. <br /> _ � , v <br /> aeknowledged tlie vxecutir�n of tY�e s3rie t� be tiieir volizntary act ar.d cleed for the pur�?oses therei�n <br /> ex�ressed. <br /> In �litr.ess �Vhere�f, I have hereun�o subscrihed r�y name, and affixed my off icial seal <br /> Nt rrand Islanci, 1!�e�, on the day last above written. ' <br /> (SEAL) Chr Schlo+feldt <br />�, <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Fileci for recorc� �?ar_u:ry 29, 1912 Ut 8 .45 o'elock A.3�. <br /> ��� � <br /> _� � <br /> Re is er <br /> � <br /> t of D ds <br /> -o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-a--o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-Q-o o-c_�_o_Q.�<;_ <br /> �ARRANTY DEED.,� � Know all :den by Thes� Presents. Tha� Carl B,rrieve and F3essie �d.Grieve <br /> husbanci and �ife, of the Cour�ty of �errick and State o� Nebraska, for anci in consideration of <br /> the suni of Four Hundr�d and no/lOQ Dollars and other exchange pro?�erty in hand paid, do hereby <br /> �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey anc� cor�firm unto Gust F.Johnson of the County of Hamilton and State <br /> of Nebraska, the followin�, descr ibed real estate situat�d in �rand Island, in Hall County, and <br /> State of 23ebrask� to-�it:- Lot N��mber Seven (7) in Block Number Seventeer� (17) of Fairview <br /> Park Addition to the City of rrand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Subject to a mort�a�e in favor of the Er�uitable Building and I,oan Association of rrand <br /> Island, �hich mortga$e is a ;�art of the nurchase price, and is assumed by the �rantee herein. : <br /> To Have and To Hold the premises above describeci, together arith alI the teneaen,ts, heredit- <br /> a:��ents and appurtsnances thareto belangin�, unta the said Gu�t F.Johnson anc� to his heirs and � <br /> assi�ns forever. And v�e do hereby covenan� e�ith the said Gust F.Johnson and writh his heirs <br /> � and assi�ns that we are lawfully seizea vf said premiaes; tha+ they are free from encur,brance <br /> e$cexat as above stated, tha� �ve have good ri�ht and lawful au�hority. to se11 the same; and �e <br /> do r.ereby covanant to warrant and defend the title to said premises again�t the lav�ful claims <br /> of all �ersons ��rhomsoever. And the saia Bessie Ni.Grieve hsreby relinquishes all her xight, <br /> , <br /> title and interest in ar�d �o the a�;ovQ c�e�cribeci prer�ises . <br />--- ,. i . <br />