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) �.� <br /> �''�`. <br /> J IJ ��j Llf�� ull.�L�JJ V � ��N�� � � � � \ry� <br /> , � -� _�_' J���._���.�J� J ��� J�CJ <br /> ---�.---- !i WarrantY Deed:- ,�, �__.—`_.�--_---- ------ --------- - <br /> ;� - <br /> Knov�r all men by these p�esents that we James S.Thomas and A�y S.Thomas, his wife, late ot <br /> ''! Reedsbur� in the 5tate of Wiscon�in but now of Siam, Asia in considerat�.on of the sum oP One <br /> <'�Thousand and oo�loo Dollars ��1,000.00 ) to us in �hand paid by Annie �.Whalen of Wood River, <br /> iiNeb.raska, the receipt whereof �►s hereby acknowledged and conPessed have and do hereby give, grant, <br /> 'bargain, sell and convey and conf irm unto the said Annie r�d.Whalen her heirs and assigns a,ll the <br /> followir� described real estate situate in the Vil.lage of Wood River, County oP Hall and State of <br /> 'Nebraska,, to t��it: Lot number nine (9) in block nurri.ber sixteen (16) in the original town now villag <br /> ' of V7ood River as the same is designa.ted �n the recorded plat thereoP; together with all and <br /> �'sin�ula,r the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any <br /> �!wise a.ppertaining and all the estate, right , title, dower or demand of said James S.Thomas and <br /> ;I <br /> i;Amy S.Thoma�, husband and wife therein� To have a.nd to hold trie above described premises unto the <br /> �; said Annie 2��.VVhalen and to her heirs and assigns forever. I the said James S.Thomas for rqysell' <br /> ''and �y heirs, executors, adm�nistrators and assigns do hereby cov�nant with the said Annie �. <br /> � i�il�'halen, her heirs and assi�ns, that I a.m l�,w�'ully seized of said premises and that I have good <br /> 'right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same and that the are Preeaand clear of all <br /> �, incumbrances a.nd that I will warrant and dePenB the same a.gainst the l�wful claims of all persons <br /> � <br /> ;whomsoever anci I the said James S.Thomas further covenat a.nd agree to and with the said Annie �. <br /> u <br /> ''yVh�,len her heirs and assions that r �diil upon demand and the tender of the lawPul Pees and expense <br /> 1th�reof make execute, acknowled�e and d�liv�r unto the s�,id Annie �,Whalen her heirs or assigns <br /> �; all and all such other, further and different deeds, coveyancea anci acquitances as she the said <br /> ��Annie �.Whalen or her heirs or assi�ns may deem requisite or necessa,ry to convey to and vest in <br /> , . <br /> ''her or them an absolute title to said premises in fee simple. <br /> i� In testimor�y wher�oP we riave caused theae presents to be signed, acknowledged and delivered this <br /> i' 21st day of October A.D. 1903 by T�rs. E.A.Murphy, widow, late of Wood River, Nebraska but now <br /> iiaojourning at Eaton Rapids, �ichigan our attorney in fact thereunto duly authorized by our letter <br /> i <br /> ' of Attorney dat�d June 24th 1901 and duly recorded in Book ��K" o� � Btiscallaneous Records in the <br /> ,�, office of County Clerlt of Ha11 County, Nebrask�, at page 420. - <br /> ,� . <br /> Witness: H H H�.milton J,a� S.Triomas <br /> E.S.Ha,rris Am.v S.Thomas <br /> , <br /> , by �Irs. E.A.Mur�h,y <br /> ! State of Michig��.n ) The�.r attorney in fact <br /> )ss. <br /> i' C�unty of Eaton ) Be it remembered that on this 21 day of October A.D. 1903 before me E.S. <br /> � Harris a notary Public within a.nd for said County and stat� personally app�ared �rs.E.A.Mtarphy <br /> ; to me person��.11y known to be the id�:ntica,l person named in and who e�ecuted the above and Pore- <br /> �oing instrument as Attorney in Fact Por �ames S.Triomas and Amy S.Thomas and she then and there <br /> ; acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of the said <br /> '� James S.Thomas and Amy S.Thomas Grantors. In testimony vlhereof I have hereunto set rqy hand and <br /> i <br /> '; affixed ir�y Notaril seal the date last above written. <br /> i <br /> : E.S.Harris <br /> Notary Public <br /> - i �y Commission expires Mar 26'� 1907 <br /> State of Nebra.aka, ) <br /> H�.11 County. )SS. Be it remembered that on this 26th day of January, A.D.1912, before <br /> me, D.�D.O 'Kane, a Notary Public within and for saici County, and State, personally appe�,red �s E.A. <br /> �zr�hy �o me persona.11y known to b� the identical person n�.med in a,nci wrio executed the abov�: and <br /> foregoing instrument a,s Attorney in fact �'or James S.Thom�,s and A�y S.Triomas an� she then and <br /> ' there acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed oP tri <br /> ' said Jam�s S.Thomas and Amy S.Thom�,s, Gra.n.tors, <br /> In testimor�y whereof S have hereunto set �y hand and aPfixeQ my Notarial Se�,l the d�,te last above <br />' , ' written. D.D.OKane <br /> (SFyAL( Notary Public <br /> �! 1� commission �xpires Jan. l9,1913. � <br /> ���,led f'or'=�x�ecord on the 27tn day of January 1912 �,t 10 0 ' �lock A.M. <br /> .�`.� <br /> , <br />� , <br /> , <br />, �, <br />