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� )�� �*Y, I <br /> I <br /> �.J�ji�1,J� , � �J'�U% � �CyC91� � V�����s� �,' ,�:/)0� <br /> �-�--�- -�-- � �..� _� J _.- - � , <br /> _.. .. _. _ _ __ _ - ---- -- - - _ <br /> --- __�_ _�..---____.. _ __..- -------- - <br />� ..__ _ _ .. . _..._ _�_. _v�� _...__.. - <br /> "� � �-- 54�-98—Stafe Soucnal Company, Blauk Boofi bTakers,�Stationers aud Printers, I.incoIn, Neb.� _.._.__...._._ _...___.--_._.�_._ ._ ___�..__ ,_�.__�_�.�-- <br /> - �i <br /> and that the Corporate Sea.l of the said Geer-Harr�son Co was thereto affixefl b�j its authority. i <br /> ��itnes� ��zl ii�,nd and IJotari�.l S�al at Grand Island, in said County trie day and year last abav� <br /> written. S.C. Huston. <br /> ( SEAI, ) Notary Publ�.c. <br /> My Commission expires the 25 day of July, 1g12. <br /> F11ec� for record January 2�-th,�T912, at 3 o�clock P.M. ' <br /> � Re�;i�ter of D ds. <br /> .-.- .-. . -. .-. .-.-. .-.-.-.-. . .-.-. .-:-:-:-.-.-.-;-. .-:-.-. <br /> �,;JARRAi tTY DE.r!,D- CORP01:�1 TION.�'`~:.. � <br /> This Indenture, Made t7zis 2�th day of January in the yea,r of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hun- ' <br /> dred �,Tld Twelve, between Gee.r-Haxri�on Ca a corporation or�anized ancl existing u.nder and by virtu� <br />� of trie 1�.vTS of the State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Joel. D. Harrison of the County ; <br /> of Hal1, and State of a:Tebrasica, party of tlze second part. <br /> WI'i'T�SSETH, That the said parties of the first par� , for and in consideration of the .sum of <br /> Thre� Tl�ausand and Five Hundred and no�100 Doll�.rs in hand �aaid, rece�ipt whereoP is hereby ackn- � <br /> ot;�led�,ed, has sold and by these pr�sents does �;rant, convey and conf��m unto the said party of th� <br /> sscond part , tkie PolLo�rrin�; described prerr�ises, situat�:d in Hall County, and Stata of Nebraska, to-�it: <br /> All of Lots Number Thr�e (3 ) arld Four ( �+) ixi B1ock Number Nine ( 9 ) in Voitles Additian to <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, �s Surv�yed, Platted and Recorded. <br /> Taxes for the year 1911 to be �aid by the reer-Harrison Co. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the gremises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, Heredita-- ' <br /> ments ard Appurtenances thereto belonp�in� 1zrito the said Joel D. Harrison. <br /> Anc� th� said Ge�r-Har.rison Co for itself or its successors, do hereby eonvenant and a�;ree to <br /> an�l z�rith tria said party of the second tiart and his heirs and assi�ns, that �at tXle time oP the <br /> exec�.ztion �,nd delivery of tllese preserlts it was lawfull.y seized of said premises; tnat it has goo�. <br /> ri�ht �,nd lawful autriori�y to convey the; triat the�r ar� frea Prom enclunbrance and the saic3 <br /> Ge�r-Harrison Co does hareby convenan�t to �rarxant anci defend the the said premises fagainst the <br /> lawful claims of all persons whon.soever . ��� <br /> �SEAL ) <br />` zrr titlzT��s ���HEOF t�he �aid Geer-HarrisoYi Co, has riereunto caused its corporate seal to be <br /> at'fixed �,nd tnses presents to be si�ned by its President, the day and year first aaove written. . <br /> Si�led, s�aled and delivered in pre�ence of � , <br /> Geer-Harrison Co. <br /> Attestec� b� <br /> Russell L. Geer. �3y Lewi� T. Geer, Pres. <br /> Secretary. <br /> s.c. xuston. <br /> Witness. ' <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> : �S On this 24th da,,y of January, 1912, before me trie undergi�ned, a <br /> Hall County, ) . ;i <br /> Notary Public in and for said County, �ersonally came Zewis T. Geer, Preside�t <br /> of the C�eer-Harrison Co to me�kn�o be tn� �resident and the identical person whose name is � <br /> � <br /> affixecl to the above conveyance, and acknowledg�d the eYecutior� thereof to be his voluntary act <br /> , �,nci deed as such afficer and the voluntary act and deed of tne said Geer-Harrison Co. and that tri� <br /> Corporate S�al of the s�,id Ge�;:r-Harrison Co �va,s thereto afFixed "by ita authori.t�. . <br /> �Vitnass my h�,nd and Notar�,al Seal a,t Gra,�.d Island, in said County the day and year last. ' <br /> above v�ritten. <br /> ( SEAI, ) Njy Commission expires the 25day of July, 1912. S.C. Huston., <br /> Notary Public. <br /> File�. for recard January 24th, 1912, at 3 o�clock P.��. ��i�a�� _ _.__. <br /> �e�;ister of D�; s. <br /> � <br />'�. . _ i; " <br />