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;1n i <br /> , <br /> ����J��� ���������� �J ���J �Q�o� , <br /> __ —__---------_ . _ _ —_ _ _ — ---- _ ---. _ _— � <br /> ----- ---- _ _____ _ ____. __ __ <br />_.._. _ --_ __ _ _. _ <br />� � � �—Stafe Journal�Compavy, Blriuk Buok �ZaLeis, Stationeis and PrinEeie, LIncoIn, fteb. . . . . .. „_.,,.__,_ . � <br /> - ,---_— '--'•.— --,-.. . __. _ ... . _...___�,._--_____ __. . <br /> _ .. .... ..___-- . .. . . . .. . _. . ._._ <br /> i <br /> �urger �s Addition to th� Village of Doniprian, T3ebraska, Tog�ther witri all and sin�ular the here- ' <br /> ditaments and ap�?urtenances tti�reunto belon�in� or in anywise a.ppertainin�; and also all the est�.t�, - <br /> ri�ht, title, and interest and claim �vhataoever, as well in law as in equity, of tYie second part�;e� <br /> of the first part, of, in and to the same, with the appurter�ar�ces: <br /> And trie said parties of tr�e fiz•st part for th�ir heirs, executors , and administrators, d� <br /> hereby convena.nt and a�ree to and witri the said part of the secor�d part her heirs and assigns, <br /> tYiat �Y�e said Phineas L. Wo1P and Esther C. Wolf at the time of the ensealing and d�liv�ry oP <br /> these presents are la.wfull,y seized in possession of a �ood, absolute, ar�d indefeasible estate of <br /> inheri.tance, in fee-simple, of and in all and sin�;ular the above granted premises, with the app- <br /> urt�r�ar�ces, and have �;ood right, fu2�. power, and lawful authority to grant and convey the same <br /> in the manner aforesaid; and th��.t the same are now free and clea.r of and from all former and <br /> . <br /> other �;rants, charges, assessments, taxes, and incumbrances of whatsoever nature, �xeept a mrart- ; <br /> �age of ��300.00 which the �arty of th� seconri part hereby assumes and agrees to �aay. <br /> And the sa,id Phirieas Z. ��Volf and Esther C: Wolf and their heirs, the a.bove grant�d premises� <br /> witri the appurt�naalces, a�ainst aIl p�rsons whomsoever, lawfully claimin�; or to claim the same, , , <br /> sriall and will WARRA�TT and by these presents Porever DFF'END. <br /> In �litness tiVrier�of, the said partiea oF the fir3t part have hereunto set trieir hands and <br /> s�al the day and year fir�t above written. �a _, <br /> Phineas L. Wolf. ,o.-�- <br /> 3 � � ivered i Px•�sence of <br /> Si c,d Sealc,d and D.,1 n <br /> � � • <br /> Esther C. VJ�lf� ��,C� <br /> H. E. , Fvnk. � <br /> The State oP N�braska, ) <br /> : SS <br /> Ha11 County. ) . <br /> On this 5th day of Octob�r A.D. , 1911, before me the subscriber, a Notary Public, du7,y< <br /> ap�oint�d, cor.Lnissi�n�d, and qualified for and residing in said County, personally appeared <br /> I Phin�a,s I,. Wolf and E�th�r C. Wolf, F�uaband and Wife to m� knov�n to be the ic�eritical persons des-� <br /> cribed in, and who executed tne fore�;oing conv�yanc� as �;rantors and they ac]�nowledgedthe same tc� <br /> their voluritary act and deed. . <br /> ( SEAI, ) In Testi�,mon,y ��triereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial `Seal at Doniphan, Nebrask�a, <br /> in said County, the da,y and year last a.bove writ�En. <br /> H.E. �'unk, <br /> Comrrzission �xpires Apr. 17, 1�)13. Notary Public. , <br /> �0 � Filer� for record Januar,y 20th 1912, at 11. �i-0 A.P�. - , ,, <br /> �JL� <br /> : ; . � , , ._'" RP�ister of eds. <br /> . . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .- .-:-. .-.-.-. . <br /> WARRANTY �7EED.� KN01►r ALZ MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> 2'hat T�ar.y A. Rice ( Single ) of Hall County and State of Nebraska in consideration of the sum of <br /> Two Hundred Fifty amd no�100 Dollars, in hancl paid by �iinnie Shavwan of Ha.l1 County, State of � . <br /> Nebr�ska, do hereby sell and convey unto the said ��inriie Shawvan the followin� described pr�mise�, <br />' situated in the Courity of Hall and State oP N�;�raska, to-yvit: Lot. ( 27 ) 2'wenty Sev�;n, Hawthorne <br /> Place, T,ocated on part of the North �test Q,uart�r ( xa�:� ) of Seetion 7'w�nty two ( 22 ) Townshig <br /> Eleven ( 11 ), rdorth, Ran�;e Nine ( 9 ), �;est of the 6th P.��. to�ether with all appurtenances there- <br /> urito '�elon�;in�, and iv�ary A. ��tice here"b,y conveMant the said prernises are �ree and clear from all ' <br /> li�ns and encumbra,ric�s and does corlv�r�ant to war�ra,ni: and defend the said premises against any ac�.s <br /> of said parties of tne first part. And the said �a,ry A. Rice hereby relinquishes all Dower or <br /> Homeste�.d rights i.n and to the above described premises. , <br /> Si�;n�d the Nin�e�nth da,y of Janurary, 1912. <br /> In Preseriee of ^ T�a.ry A. Rice. <br /> Ben,� . J. Cunnin�;ham. <br />� _.-- ,I <br />