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�l /:J <br /> , " ``�,. <br /> � ���'������ ����'c������ ���� ��� <br /> , — <br /> �, <br /> assi�,r�s forever. <br /> 'i <br /> In tivitness whereoP we have hereunto set our hands this 5tn day of Jaazuary,A.D. , <br /> j lgl2. Fred C. S.anKman. <br /> ii In �reseiice � � � <br /> i of John R, fihompson. <br /> ' Referees. <br /> ,�j O .A. <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> : SS. <br /> � Hall Co�nty. ) <br /> On tlzis 5th day of January, 1y12, be�'ore the undersi�ned, a no�ary public in <br /> and for saici County, personally appearPd Fred C. Zangman and John R. Thompson of Hal1 County, <br /> N�br�ska, Referees, to me personal�.y known to be the identical persons whose names are subscribe <br /> to the fox•e�;oing deed as �rantors and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary <br /> � � ���� ��� � � <br /> ac t and d e ed;c��o������������� ��y G���"� <br /> Witness my hand and sAa,l the day arid year last above written. <br /> � <br /> j�j ( SEAZ ) ' � O�.A. Abb, <br /> '�; My Commission e�,aires December lst �g15. NOTARY PU�3ZIC. <br /> , Filed for reaord January 22nd, 1912, at 4 o�clock P.M, <br /> --- <br /> � <br /> 'i Re�ister of D ds. <br /> . .-. .-. .-.-.-. . .-. . .-. .-.-.-. . . <br /> i; � .� �`,,,;, . <br /> QUI� CLAIDIi D��D. <br /> � KNOW ALL �IEN by THESE PRESENTS: <br /> ; That I,udwig l�azhr�, unmarr•�ed, of trie County oP Hall and State of Nebraska for the consideration <br /> � � <br /> of Forty Eight Hundred �°�° ISollars, hereby Quit Claim and convey unto John C. Lorenz�n and Louia <br /> . <br /> C. Zc�renzen of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, all of our right, �title and interest of <br /> v�ha,tsoever nature, in and to trie followirig described Real Estate, situated in the County oP Hall <br /> an�. State of Nebraska, to-wit: The South half,2f of South West quarter of section two ( 2 ) in <br /> � <br /> i Township Ten { 10 ), North o� Ran�e Ten ( 10 }, West of 6tih P.�d. <br /> i' <br /> i' I?T �VZTI�TTESS WHEREOF, I ha�re hereunto set my hand this 22nd day oP January, lgi2. <br /> �' Witness: Ludwig Mahn. <br /> ;�� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> Jor�x� R. Thompson. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ! State of Nebraska, ) <br /> " :ss. <br /> ;' Hall C aunt,y. } <br /> ,, <br /> On thig 22 da,y ., January A.D„ 1912 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and <br /> � for said County, personally came Lud.wig �iahn, unrnarried, wrio is personally known to me to be the <br /> ic�entical �erson whose name is affixed �to the abavz instrument as grantor and he severally ac- <br /> �i knowledg�d the said instrument to be his voluntary a,ct arid dead. <br /> 'i Witnes� m,y han� and Notarial seal, the date af oresaid. <br /> � M <br /> �; � S�� � John R. Thompson. <br /> '��� 1�y Commission expires Febry 25th, 1916. Notary Public. <br /> i �'iled f'ar record January 22nd, 1912 at �-.10 P.M. . /�r <br /> ����� � ' <br /> ��� <br /> Register oP De s. <br /> • <br /> � .-.-. .-. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. <br /> i <br /> Warr�,nty D:�ed. Full Convenant,v�`' <br /> �� This Inaenture, Made this 5th day oP October fn ,the year of cur Lord One Thou.sand Nine <br /> Hundred and Eleven, BETWEEN Phineas L. �Polf and Esther C. �ol�', Hus-aand and Wife, parties of the <br /> ifirst part, and Elizabeth Dempster, party of the second part, witnesseth: That the said parties <br /> of the first part, Por and in consideration of the sum of three Hundred ( �300.00 ) Dollars, to us <br /> '� duly paid, the receipt whereo� is hereby acknovTledged, have sc�;ld, and by these presents do Gg�� <br /> � <br /> • �, �ONVEY, AND COT�'TRM unto s�.id party of the second part , her heiTS:�and assigns, All our right, <br /> � <br /> title, and claim of every nature in the Pollowir�g described r�al �state situate in the village o <br /> �;i � � <br /> , '! Doniphan and County of Hall, and State of Nebraska:- Al� of -Lot Four ( 4) of Block One ( 1 ) of <br /> ,', , <br /> �I , <br /> �; <br />, r ___ <br />