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�)t�;'1 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> - � , � 7 <br /> ' � ���. -��;- ������������_o�� �������, �C���o� <br /> __� _C�3 � <br /> _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _____ _ <br /> _-�___ _____ _ _ __ _ ___ _-_ ._ _ <br /> ' �"""��' � � ��—State �ournal Companp, Bleiuk IIooi. 3Takeis Stationeis and Printera, Lincoin Neb �� �� �� __ __ ___—_ _ — — <br /> State of �jebraska, ) <br /> SS. <br /> : Hal l C ou n ty. )� <br /> On this 1�th day of J�:uary .^..�. 1�22, �efor� ;�� Ceunty Clerk :In and for <br /> said Couiity, personally appeared th:: a�ove n�.med R.L. Harrison, Treasu'rer of said Cou.nty, person� <br /> a.11y known to r�e to be the Treasurer of s�id Caunty, at tYie date of the execution of the fore- <br /> �;oi.r��; conveyanee, anci to be the identical person whose name is affixed to, and who executed <br /> . , <br /> conveyar�ce as Trsasur•er of said County, and ackr�o�vledged the ex�cutian of the same to "�e his vol-� <br /> ur�tary act and d��d �,s treasu.rer of said County, for trie purposes therein zx�?re��ed. Witness my ; <br /> hand and of _`icial s�al the day and ,year last above written. ' <br /> Gus E, Neumann. <br /> � S�T � COUN'1'Y CLERK. T�.! <br /> Fia11 Courity, Nebraska. <br /> Filed for record January l�th, 1912, at 11 0�clock A.I�. , ���� __w <br /> �-� <br /> � Re�ister of Dee s. <br /> C�?�.`���_'�LX'����("�a�.C�sl'�.�'�?����?�'���'��4������ � r�C�CuX�u C.�!(�C a a���C�IC��.��z o�u a a'�CaX � �C����C..` ' '�C�C�C�� <br /> �s � `�� <br /> HI�TOW AI�L 1�tFN BY THESE PT3ESENTS, Tria�, � '� I <br /> Whereas, in an action of partition }aendin� iri the Distrlct Court of Hall County, Nebraska� <br /> wherein Zudolph Mahn, and wife, Dorette Mahn, Au�;ust Mahn, and wife, .Anna Mahri, Theodore �dahn, , ; <br /> and wife, Ada B. Mahn, Otto Joh�.nn Fr�drich Muller, and wife, Wilhelmina Muller, Charles A. Boehl� , <br /> and wife, Carrie Boehl, Louisa M. St. Clair, anc� riusband, �ilton �d. St. Clair, Ferciinand J. Boerily <br /> anr� wife, �tary Boeril,Emma L. Hunt, and husband, Gilbert E. Hunt, Otto J. �oehl, and wife Lena <br /> , <br /> Boehl, Louis C. Boehl, sin�le, Pauline J. Blakeslee, anci husband, Elmer C . Blakeslee, TTi6arie A. <br /> Jorinson, and husband, Abram A, Johnson, Paul �ahn, and wife , Lizzie S. Iutarin,�teta We�ner, ancl <br /> nusba,nd, Herman T. We�;ner, were plairitiffs and Zudwi� T�ahn, axlci wife, Christina Mahn, Dora �Qoll, �', <br /> T�ar,y Tlloll, Ha.rznes T�Ioll and August Iuio1:1 were defendanta, f'or the partition of the premises herein- <br /> after di;seribed, thc� ur�dersi�ned, referees, appoir�ted by said Caurt to make partition of said <br /> real estate, made report in writin�, duly si�ned settin� fortri that partition of said lands could <br /> not be witriout ��reat loss and damage to the owners thereof, which report was duly 8��ined by <br /> the Court, an�. said Court bein� satisfied tnere�itn confirmed the same, and thereupon made an ord�r <br /> and caused the same to be entered, directirig us as referees to �eil said premises on the followin� <br /> terms, to-wit:- for cash. <br /> . And in pursurance of said order, we caused a notice to be published in the Grand Islar�d � <br /> In.d.e?�er-�dent, a nPws��a�?er prir_ted anci gublished and in general circulation in Hall County, that we'', <br /> would offer said lands for sale at trie f'rant door af the Court House in said County, on the �+th <br />��I <br />; day of �Tovember , 191a., at 2 o�clock P.M. of said day, and at the time and place stated in said <br />� <br /> notice,� after said notice riad been published for more than thirty days, we offered said lar�ds� <br />,, <br /> to-wit:- The South one-hal�' ( S� ) of the Southwest Q,uarter (;:i+� ) of Section Two ( 2 ), in Township Te� <br /> ( 10 ), North, Hang� Ten ( 10 ), West of the 6tri Princigal r�eridian in said Ha.11 County, NebrasKa, fo7C <br /> � <br />� sale a.t ublic auction and sold the same to Ludwi Ma,hn for trie sum of Forth-Ei ht Hundred <br />� <br /> F � � � <br /> ( ��+�00.00 ) Dollars, he beiri�; the nis,gheat and best bidder trierefor. And aft�rward� on the 5th day <br /> , <br /> oP J�.nuar,y, 1912, said Court ap�roved anci confirmed said sale, anci by an order, directed a deed <br /> eor.veyin�; said lands to nim in fee simple. <br /> No�r therefore we, Fred C. I.angman and John R. Thompson, Referees, in consideration of the <br /> x�remises and of trie sum oP Forty-Ei�ht hundred ( ��00.00 ) Dollara so bid and paid by said Ludwi� ', <br /> �Zahri, a.i�d by virtue of the gowers vested in us b,y law, do by triese preser;ts �;rar�t, sell, and con-'' <br /> ' vey urlto trie said Zudwig 1�2arin an� to his rieirs and as:�igns, the real estate described as follows:� <br /> The South one-rial#' ( SZ ) of the Southwest Quarter (;.W � ) of Section Two ( 2 ), in Township Ten (10), <br /> North, of Range Ten ( 10 ) aVest of the Sixth P.M, in Hall County, Ner�r�zska, with all the appurtenan�- ' <br /> �thereunto �elon�irl�, to have ancl to hold the same to him, tlle said I,udtivi� Tdahn, and his and <br /> � <br />_ , . ;, <br />