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� )��7 <br /> � ��.: <br /> , ' '-'�1�J�J!D J�?JI��J/J��L�1�_.J� 31 V��� �r'��; <br /> of Jarnzary A.D. , 1910 duly sold by ma in the manrler provided by law, at Private Sale at the <br /> i County Treasurerts office in Grand Island, Nebraska, such real estate ha.ving been previously <br /> . '' offer�d at public sale but not sold for w�.nt of bidders, for the delinquent taxes the years 1905 <br /> '', to 190� inclusiva upon the above de�cribzd property axnounting to one and �F�100 Dollara, includin <br /> intere�� and penalty thereon, and trie costs allowed by law to F.O. Peterson for the sum o� two <br /> 'I and l�+/1.00 vollars, he beinp; tYie highest bidder for the same. And i further certify, that unles <br /> ; redemption is of said Real Estate in the manner providad by law, the said F.O. Peterson nis <br /> heirs or assigns will be entitled to a d�ed therefor on and after the llth day of Ja,nuary, A.v. , <br /> ! 1912, on surrenc�er of this certificate, provided the law as made in such cas�s has been complied <br /> �' wi�h. � <br /> In �Vitness W'�lereof I have h�reunto set m,y ha, this lOth day of Janu�.ry, A.I�. , 1910. <br /> Theo.P. Boehm. <br /> Trea.stzrer of Ha11 Courity, State of Vebraska. <br /> � 2,i 1!- ���� �Y <br /> R.L. Ha,rrison. <br /> Deputy. <br /> � oct. 9�� i91i. <br /> , I rieraby waive notice of reder�ptian from the tivithin tax sale certificate and state that I am , <br /> in the nossession of tne pre�nis�s described in tlle within tax sale certificate. <br /> ' Wm. Reynolds. <br /> ' TREASUFtER'S TAX DEED. ` <br /> ' KNOW ALL TJfE31 BY Ti-iESF PRESE��+TS: <br /> " That v�rhareas, at a Private Sale of Real Estate Por the non-payment of Taxes <br /> ,� made in the County of Hal1:, at the off'ice of the County Treasurer of said County , on the lOtri <br /> � <br /> ;', day of January A.D. 1g10, the followin� described Raal Estate situated in said County oP Ha.11 <br /> ,, and tYia State cf Nearaska, to-wit:- Zat three (3 ) in Block Ten ( 10 ), in Bog�g A Hills addition <br /> to Grand Isla,�ld, Nebraska, was sold to F.O. Peterson for trie Delinquent taxes of trie year� 1901 <br /> ! to 190� both inclusive; Zots one ( 1 ) and two ( 2 ) in Block Eleven ( 11 ) in Boggs & H111s addition <br /> ; to Gr�,nd Island, NebrasKa, was sold to F.O. Pete.rson for the Delinquent Taxes of the years 1901 <br /> to 190g both inclusive; Lots three (3 ) and four ( �F) in Block Eleven ( 11 ) in Boggs & Hills <br /> ' addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, wa.s sold to F.O. Peterson Por the Delinquent Taxes of the <br /> �rears 1901 to 1qOS botn inclusive; I,ot Five � 5 ) in Bl�ck Eleven ( 11 ) in' Bog�s & Hills addition <br /> , � to Gr�nd Island, Nebrasl:a, was solci to F.O. �eterson far trie Delinquent `l�axes of trie yeara 1901 <br /> to 190� both inclusive; and Zot Seven ( 7 ) in Block ��ifteen ( 15 ) in Bog�s & Hills addition to <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, was sold to F.O. Pet��son for thz Delinquent Tax�s oP the y�ars 1905 to <br /> ' 190� both inclusive; said property having be�;n �reviously offered for sale by trie Treasurer oP <br /> ' Said CQUnty at Public Sale, but not sold for want oP bidders, And tiVheraas, Lhe same not having <br /> � <br /> 'i <br /> . <br /> ' been redeemed from sueri sales herein described, And it appearin� tnat the riolder oP trie Certi- <br /> j ficate� of Purchase of said Real Estate has complied with the laws oP trie State of Vebraska, <br /> '! n?ces�ary to entitle riim to a deed of said Raal Estate , and triat the said F.O. Peterson rias paid <br /> ! all delinquent taxes due on said pro�erty described herein up to this date, N�W, TH�RE��ORE, I, <br /> ; <br /> ! Z. Harrison, County Treasurer oP said County of Hall, in consideration oP the premisea and the <br /> i <br /> ; sum of fifty cents, tne receipt whereof is hereby acknowl�dged and by virtue of the statntes of <br /> � - <br /> � the State of Nebraslca, in such cases made and provided, do hereby �;rant and convey unto F.O. <br /> ] <br /> , <br /> , <br /> � Pet�r�on, riis heirs and assigns forever, the said Real Estate Yiereinbefore describ�d, sur��ect, <br /> � howa�rer, to any Redemption provided by Z�.tiv. <br /> Given laiic�er my hanci anci of1'icial Seal this l�th, day of Jar�uary A.D. lgl2, <br /> '� Witness . ( SEAL ) R�L, Harrison. <br /> CO�.'ri�t3� Treasurer. <br /> � S.E. I,yle. <br /> � <br /> �� <br />