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;C��� . <br /> � - - - � - - - � <br /> k� � ,� � .� � � � � < <br /> � ���,���- �.,������- .����� _����� -� ,o J� _ � <br /> __ _ _ _ . -- -- <br /> ----- _- -- __ _ _ — _ ______ __ ___ __ .__ <br />_ - _ <br />_ . 54�9$—State Journal Com��ny Blituk Book liaLeis Skationeis and Print2t& '�iTlCOla '112b . _._. _ ....__.._._._ ..�. __...�._____ _._...___. . . �__.__.... ...__._,.__ _ <br /> lOth day of January A.�. , 1910 dul,y sold by me in the r,�xiner provided by law, at Pr3va.te SaZe at , <br /> the Count,y Tr�;asurer� s oPfice ir� Grarid Isla,nd, Nebraska, sucri real �sta�te having be�n previously <br /> at p��blic sa.2e but not sold for vrant of bidders, for the delinquent taxes the years 1901 ! <br /> to 190� inclusive u�on the above desi;ri�ed property amountin�; to two arid �+2�100 Dollars, includin� <br /> interest and penalty theraon, axid tn� costs allow�ed by l�w to �'.0. P�terson for trie sum oP Four <br /> � <br /> and 75�100 Dollars, he being the hi�hast and best bidder for the same . . And i further c�rtify, th�,t <br /> unless' redemption is made of s�,id T�e�,l Estate in the mar�ner provided by law, tne said ]�,.0. Petera�n <br /> his heirs or assi�ns wi11 be �ntitled to a d°ed tnerefor on and aft�r the llth ciay of January,A. <br /> D. , lgl2 on surrender of this certificate, provided the law as made in such case� has been com- <br /> plie�. with. <br /> In �Yitnes� WhereoY I nave hereunto set my ha,nd this. i0th da..y oP J�.nuary A.D. , 1910. <br /> Theo. P. �3oehm, <br /> ��. Treasurer oP Ha11 County:;�tate of�,. <br /> � 4. 7� . �y <br /> R.Z. Ha.rri�on. <br /> Deputy. <br /> : � <br /> I her�by waive notice of tric� time of redeznption from the within tax sa.le certificate and <br /> �tate �hat I a.m in the possessian of the premises d�seribed in the: witriin tax sale certiPicate <br /> this �" day of October, 1�11. : <br /> �Vm, Reyriolds. � <br /> .-.-. -.-.-.-.- .-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. .- -.-.-. <br /> TR�ASURER�S TAX DFED. A��l+'IDAVI'� OF PUBI,TCATION. � <br /> Trie State of Ne-,�r�,s�sa, ) <br /> SS. <br /> Hal1 County. )� <br /> E.W, Au�;ustine bein� fir �t duly sGVOrn, d�pos�s and sa,y's that he i.s the <br /> 33usiness Manag�r of tri� Free Press, a legal weekly netivspaper, published at Gra,nd Island, s�,id <br /> County and Stat�, ancl that the printed notice hereto attached ar�d made a part h�reof, was publi-- <br /> shecl in the regular editions oP said new�paper for three consecutive weeks, trie first publication' <br /> b�in� on the gth da,y of September, 1911. <br /> E.tW. Augustine. <br /> Subscribed in r�y presence and sr�rorn to befpre ma this da.y of lgl , a.t Grand Island, i <br /> Nebz��,ska. <br /> _C.H, Gaellert._ ( SPAI, ) My Commissiori expires July 7, 1917. <br /> Fees �2.00Notary Public. . <br /> . �t NOTICE. '� . - ` , <br /> a - <br /> � o heir <br /> e h n S.P M b ., aszd riis s. <br /> To Alonzo H a_t � d . 1 <br /> Y <br /> You are hereby notified triat F.O. Peterson on <br /> tYie lOtlz day of January, A.D. . 1g10, purchased from the trea,surer oP Ha,ll County, Nebraska, at <br /> private sale the Pollovri�i�; d�;scribed lot situate in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: I.ot seven ( 7), .� <br /> . <br />� • , , r �� � <br /> in block lso, flftetn ( 15 ) � in Bo��s and Hill s ad�.ition to Grand Island, Nebraska, �aid lot was <br /> as�e�5ed and taxed i.n the name of S.P. Tti�obley for the year 1g05 and in the �am� of Alonzo Health <br /> �'or t�ze ,years Zgo6, 1907 a:nd 1g0� aiZd sold for taxes �or th� said years. You �,re further notified�: � <br /> unless redemption is made within thz•ee mon�hs from date of service of this noticz -that I shall <br /> appl,y for a tax deed to said premises. Tne time for redemption will e�tpire on the 14tn day of . <br /> January, A.D. , 1912. <br /> ' Da'teci this 7th �.ay oP S�ptember A.D. , 1911. � , <br /> Certi:�icate No. 7393• F.o. Peterson. 16_3 <br /> ' COUNTY TREASURER�S CERTI7!'IGATE OF TAX SAI,E' <br /> 'rhe State of :Nebr�.ska, ) �O `� � ' <br /> SS. <br /> iIa11 County. �• z, Theo,P.:�oeYun T:reasurer of trie� Count.y of Ha,ll, in the Sta.te of NTebrask�., <br /> do here��y certif,y that tne followin�; describsd Real Estate in said County and State, to-wit: <br /> r t , , <br /> Lot �ev�n ( 7 ) in block Pifteen ( l� ) oP �3og�s & Hill s ad��.ition to Grand Island was on the l�th da� <br />_� 1---- i� <br />