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)l /^) <br /> w''� <br /> � ��'�J'�' ����'r���5��� �`.,��� �.�'�� <br /> '; Lots three (3 ) and four ( �+) in block elev�n ( 11 ) in Bo��:;s & Hill 's addit.ion to Grand Island was <br /> on thA lOth day of Januar,y A.D. , 1�10 duly sold by me in the r�a,nner provided by law, at Priva�e <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> Sale at the Cc�urit,y Tr�asurer�s ofPice in Grand Island, Net�raska, such Real �state having been <br /> ;i prsviou�ly of�erad at public sale but not sold for �vaa�t of bidders, for the delinquent tax�s the <br /> '', y�ars, 1901 to 190� inclusive u�on the above described property a.mountin� to Four and 53�100 <br /> ' D�llars, incluciin� inter��� and penalty thereon, and the costs a11.rnr1ed by la�v to F.O. Peterson <br /> ! for the :�um of Nine and 1O/100 Dollars, he b�ing the hi�hest and "aest bidder for the same. And <br /> ' I fu�•t7ier certify, th�,t unless redemption is made of said Rea1 Estata in the manner pravided b� <br /> � law, tYle s�3id F.O. Petzrson riis heirs or assi�ns v�ill be entitled to a deed therePor on and . <br /> '� at'ter the ll�ri daY oP Jarivary, A.D. , 1912 on surrender of this certificata, provided trie law as <br /> , <br /> ' made in such cases nas oeen complied witri. <br /> In �litzleas tVYLeraof, I Yiave hereunto set my hand this lOth da,y of January A.D. , 1910. <br /> Theo. P. �oehm. <br /> ' Treasurer +of Ha11 County,State of Nebra� a. <br /> �9.lo � ��.L By. <br /> li R.L. Ha.rrison. <br /> , Deputy. <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> Grand Island, Nebr; <br /> oct 9�� 1911. <br /> '�; I hereby �vaive notice of trie time for redemption from this tax. sale certificate and atate <br /> � <br /> 'i that I am in ross�s:�ion of tne premises describ�d in the tivi�:,hin tax sale certificate. <br /> ,, <br /> Wm. Reynolds. <br /> TRF.,ASURER t S TAX DEFD. AFFIDAVI`r OF PUBLICATION. <br /> i� <br /> � The Sta�e of �Tabraska, ) - <br /> :SS. <br /> Ha11 C ount,y. ) <br /> '; <br /> E.tixd. Au�;u�tina being first duly sworn, d�pos�;s and says that he is the <br /> ; Busines.� T�a.nager oP the Frez Pre�s, a l.egal weekly newspaper, published at Grand Island, said <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ' C�tu�ty aild State, and that trie prin�ad notice riereto attached and made a part hereof, was pub- <br /> lish2d in the regular editions oY saic� netivspaper For thr�e consecutive weeks, ths first publica- <br /> ' tior� b�ii� on the �th day of September, 1911. <br /> E.W. Au�;ustine. <br /> Subscriped in my �?resance and sworn to before me this 22i1d day of September,l911, �at Grand <br /> Tsland, Nebraska. � • <br /> , ._C,H_._ Goe"dal t_ � ��L ) �y Comrnis.�ion e�ires July 7, 1917. <br /> F'ees �2.00 NOTARY PUBLIC. <br /> " NOTICE. " , <br /> To J.A. Beaver. <br /> . You are riereby notiPied triat k�.0. Petersori on trie lOtzi day of January, A.v. , 191 , <br /> !, purchased at private sale of the treasurer of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, the following deacribed lot <br /> '" situate in Kall ,County, Nebraska,to-��vit: Lot No. five ( 5 ), in block No. eleven ( 11 ), in Bo�gs and <br /> ! Hi.11�s addition to Grand Island, Nebra�ka, Said Lot was assessed and taxed in the name o1' J.A. <br /> Bea,ver for the vears 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, lgo5, 1906, 1907 and 1905 and was sold for taxes for <br /> trie said ye�,rs. You are further notified unless redemption is made within thre� month� from date <br /> � i oF servica of tnis notice, that I shall apply for a, tax deed to the said premises. The time of <br /> '; redernption will expire on the lOth da,y of January, 1912. , <br /> Dated. this 7th day af SepteM�er A.D. , 1911. . <br /> �'.0. Petarson. <br /> Certificate No, 7391. . , 16-3 <br /> ; •- - - - - <br /> .- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . <br /> COUTZ�X' ��3 F SURBB'S CERTIFIGATF OF �r1X SALE. <br /> The State of Nebraska, ) No. 73�1. <br /> h <br /> •�� <br /> Hall County. ) I, Theo,P, Boehm , Treasurer of tYie Couri;y of Hall, in the State of <br /> �1ebx°asKa, do he.reby certiPy tha� the followin� descriaed Real Estate in said County and State, <br /> , ' to-wit: Lot five ( 5 ) in block ele�ren ( 11 ) in Boggs & Hill 's addition to Grand Island was on the <br /> �_ <br /> i� _ <br />