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C <br /> p.0\.�� � � ' .. . I <br /> _ ' � <br /> ,......::. , <br /> _ ������-' �����;���� �'����'�; _ ',��a, <br /> . -- _ <br /> __ _ __ _ _ _ __ -- - — _ _ _ ___ _ <br /> _------ --_- _ __ __ � _ _ - _. _ ___ __ _ <br /> _ _ _ <br />___. 54288-State Journal Compauy, B1tiuL Book biakers, Stahoneis au$ Prin,ters, Lincoln, Neb. .__ ____�_._.,_.,_.�._._ _ . -�__._,_. _ __��..___ �__�_ <br /> .._ �._.,��._ ._.�_ _�_. .._ .. ___._.� ___. .. — ��-- — --._. . _.---.______..--- -°---�_�_---'--- <br />----,.— ,.... .. . . . ._ . . .. . . _ --.,_.. ..._ — . -- <br /> Ii <br /> tva� on t�lu lOth clay of Jarluar�r 1"{ .T ., 1�10 duly sold by m�e in the maniler provided by law, at Pri�*at!�� <br /> Sa,le at the County Treaaurer�s of�ice in Cx.�'c7.,T1C� Is1�.nd, Ne'�r�.s?�a, such rea.l estate having been ;� <br /> previously affered at lu�alic sa�e but not, s��ld f. or �+rant ,of ,bidders, for the deliriquent taxEN �r.� ' <br /> �r� 1�}Ol to 1�08 inclusiTre, upon the above described property amountir.� t� �'our and �3�100 <br /> J �� <br /> Pcll�r�, i^cl�a�.ing ii�tar�st and penalty thereon, and ttle costs a,llowed by law to F.O. Peterson for! <br /> the sum of Nine ��.nd 10�10o vollars, he bei�� th�: h.�.ghest and b�st bidd�r for the same. And i furtx�jer <br /> J <br /> certify tYiat uriles::� redemption is rnade of said Real Estate in the man��.�r provideci by law, the 5�,id'; <br /> F.O. Pet�rson his lleirs or a.s��i�ns wi11 be entitled to a daed thtirei'or ori and aft�r the day " <br /> af Jarnzary A.D, , 19i2on surreizder of this certi�'ic�,te, provide�i the law as made in such cases ha.s '', <br /> beerl c�m�lfi�ed v�ritri. <br /> In tiVitness Wher�o�', I have hereunto set zr�y h�,nd this lOth day oP Janu�.ry, A.D. , 1910. <br /> Theo. P. Boehm. �; <br /> � ° � Treasurer oP Hal1 County, Nebraska. ; <br /> � 9.10 �dr-�� <br /> �3,y R.I,. Ha,rrison. ' <br /> ?�eputy. !I <br /> ;; , <br /> Grand Island, Nebr; <br /> oct g�� 191i. <br /> I he.r��,y �taive notice of t71� time far redemption from �rie witilin tax sale c�rti�'icate and st�te ;' <br /> tnat I a.m in the actual posses.:�i.on of the pre�ises descriUed in the vrithin �ax sal� certificate. <br /> tVm. Re,ynolds. <br /> TRJASURER�S 'TAX DEED. A�'�'IllAVIT OF PUBZICA'T ION. <br /> The Sta�e of N�"braska, ) � <br /> :SS . <br /> Hall Count,y, ) � <br /> E.�Y. Aur;ustine baing first dul.y swo:rn, d�:.�poses and sa,ys that ha is th� ` <br /> �3usiness Iv�ana�er of t71e Fre� Pr�ss , a le�al �teekl,y �iewspap�r, publisried at Grand IslandT said <br /> County aaZd State , and that t71e printed notice hereto at�ached and �nade a part hereof, was publisha�. <br /> in tr�e r��;ular editions o� said ri:�ws�aper for four consecutive weeKs, the f�.xst publicati�n being '! <br /> on tY�e lst day of S�?�temu��r, lglz. <br /> E.t�d. Au�;ustine. <br /> Subscribecl in my przse��ce and S4YOrr1 to before me this 15th day of Septeni,�er, 1911, at Grand <br /> I sl�ri�., Nybr�,ska. <br /> C,H._ _Ge�1.�rt,,__ ( SEAL ) T�r Com7��ission expires J�ly 7, 1917. <br /> m <br /> I Fees �2,00 �10TARY PUBLIC. <br /> . <br /> �i u <br /> IJOTICE. , <br /> To �� �ZI,IE W. k�YAN. ;' <br /> You ara hereby notified triat F.O. Peterson did purchase on the 10tri d�,y of !; <br /> January A.D. , 1910, at private �ale oP the Treasurer of Hall Cour�ty, N'eb:raska, the followin� des- ' <br /> cribed lots situate in %Iall County, Ne�ra,skaF, to-wit: Lots No. triree (3 } and four ( �) in Block No.':! <br /> e�.�v�n ��'1 ) in Bog�;s � �ill �s addition to Grand Tsla�-�d, ile�ara,ska, and trie said lots were taxed fari! <br /> the years 1901, 1g02. 1903. 1�0�+, 1905, 1906. 1g�7 a�zd 1g0� in the izame of Nellie W. Ryan and werej" <br /> sold �'or taxes af trie said years. You are �urt�ler not�fied triat unles�� redemptiori is made �within ��! <br /> � <br /> thrae months from tne tirne of tne service of this izotice, triat I sriall apply �'or a tax deed to <br /> ; <br /> said �?rernises . TYie time for x•edemption from said tax will e?cpire on trie lOth day of January A.D, , 'i <br /> 1912. <br /> A�t.e�. tnis 2gth day of Au�;ust A.b. , 191T. ' <br /> Ce�tificate No. 7390, F.O, Pzterson. 15-3 '� <br /> : -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .-. . . . <br /> COI7��TY TI�ASURER'S CER7.'IrICATE 0�' 'rl�X SALE, <br /> � �� ��• 7�90 �� � <br /> rrne Stata of N��braska,, ) � <br /> : ss. '� <br /> Hall Count,y. ) , ' <br /> I, `1'r�eo P. Boehm tr�asurer of the Courity of Ha,ll, in the State oZ Nebr- '� <br /> asKa, da hzreby certify that the followin� d��cribed Re��.l Estate in said County and State, to-wit:�i e <br /> ;i <br /> ;; <br /> �, <br />-_ . �� <br />