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��. ")( �°� <br /> ������ �; � ° ;������//, � �° � � o �1 � o <br /> , . _'�-_� .�_�_.. J�.i _�C� �._,�J� _1 ��l+.J ��� <br /> !�i C4UNTY TREASURER�S CERTIFICATE OF TAX -SALE. No.73�7. <br /> '! The State oP Nebraska, ) <br /> : SS. <br /> Hall County. ) I, Theo. P. Eoehm Treasurer of tne County of Ha.11, in the State o1' <br /> Nebr�.ska, do hereby certify that the following described Real Estate in said County and State, <br /> �! to wit: Zot three ( 3 ) in block ten ( 10 ) in Boggs & Hill �s addition to Grand IslanQ. was on the <br /> � l�th day of January A.D. , 1910 duly sold by me in the manrler provided by law, at Private Sale at <br /> ,; <br /> i, the Couiity Treasurer �s office in Grand �Ssland, Nebraska, such real estate having been previously <br /> ;i <br /> ii offered at public sale but not sold for want of bid�.ers, Por the delinn?�Pnt taxes the: years 1901, <br /> '' to 1Q0� inclusive upon the above described property amounting to Two and �3�100 Dall,ars, includin <br /> interest and penalty thereon, and the costs allowed by law to F.O. PPterson Por the sum of Four <br /> '; ar.d t•��100 D�ollars, he being the highest and best bidder for the same. And I Purtrier certify, <br /> ! that unless redemptlon .is made of sa3.d Real Estate in ,..he mariner provided by l�,�r�, the said F.O. <br /> '; Peterson his heirs or assi�;ns will be entitled to a deed therefor on and after the llth day of <br /> ; � . , <br /> !' January, A.D. , 1912 on su:crendzr of triis certificat�, orovidecl the 1�,�r as ma,de i�z such cases has <br /> i' <br /> , be�r� compl�ed with. <br /> '' In t�itness Wlla.reo�, I have hereurito set Ir�y hand this lOth day of January A ,D, 1910. <br /> Trieo.P. BOehm. <br /> �_�� Treasurer o� Hall County, State of Neb <br /> raska. <br /> � �+.7� �A- �y R.T. Harr i s on. <br /> Deputy. <br /> ' I hereby waive notice of t'rie tirne of redemption from t�ie within tas sale ce.rtificate �.nd <br /> state t��.at I am iz� the nossession o#' tha prernises descr�bed in tha wtithin �ax sale certiPicate <br /> j� tlzis 9„ �:l�.y of' October, lgll. <br /> Wm. Reynolds. <br /> : :- -: - - <br /> :-. . - .-- . -. - . . . . . . . . . . <br /> i' TRF�ASURER �S iAX DEED. AFFt?.aAVIT OF PUBLICATION. <br /> ;� <br /> The State of Nebraska, ) <br /> � <br /> :SJ. <br /> Ha11 County. ) <br /> E.VJ. Au�ustine being ftrsy� duly sworn, deposas and says that he is� the <br /> Business T��,nager of the Free Press, �, legal weeki.y .riews��aper, pu'�lished at Grand Islanr�, sa,�.�. <br /> County and State, and that the printecl notice hereto attached and made a part hereoP, was publis ed ' <br /> in the re��;ular ec�itions oP said n�wsroaper for three consecutive weeks, the. first publication bei <br /> , on the 22nd day of Septembex, 1911. <br /> , E.W. Au�;ustine. . <br /> Stzbscriaed in my Pre�ance an.d sworn to bePore me tYii� 6tY1 day of October, 1911. <br /> -�-�✓�-�--c ����-u.t.,�2 <br /> Fees �2.00 �r Commission e�ires July 7, lgl7. � ��Z ) C.H. Go�]lert. <br /> NOTARY PUBLTC. <br /> To R.F. Rissman. <br /> You arP hereby notified that on the lOth flay of Janu�,ry, 1910, I �urchased <br /> � of the CoLirity, Treasuxer of Hall County, Neqraska, lots 21os . 1 and 2 in block No, 11� in Boggs and <br /> ' Hillf:� addition to Grand Island, Hall rounty, i�e�aras:�a, for the unpaid ta,xes for the years 1901, <br /> i to 190� inclusive, during all of which years saici lots were taxed a,nd a�ssessed in the name oP <br /> � R.F. Ri�srnan. The time f��r reciemption wi11. expire on the llth day of January, 1912 and unless <br /> " redernption is made from �a,id sale W1t21111 three montris from the date of service�hiSnotiee, I srial <br /> apply for a tax deed tojsaid 1ots, . - <br /> F.�. Peterson. <br /> Ce�tificate 73�1. sept. 20, 1911 . 1�-3t <br /> � COtTi1TY TREA SURER'S CERT IF I CATE OF TAX SALE. <br /> ' The St<-;te of Nevrasxa, ) No. 73�9 <br /> :SS. <br /> Hall. County. ) I, Theo, P. Boehm Treasurer oP tne County of Hall, in the State of <br /> ' Nebraska, c�o her.�by certify that .the gollowing described Real Estate in said County and State, <br /> � to vrit: Lots one 1 and tv�ro 2 in block eleven ( 11 ) in Bogga & Hill �s addition to Grand Isla.nd, � <br /> � ) t ) . <br /> i! . <br /> �i <br />